Tuesday 25 February 2020

Is Art Nouveau considered fine art?is it popular today?

Connie Dickirson: The distinction between fine art and applied art was rejected by the Art Nouveau movement.

Indira Wassell: The Art Nouveau movement encompassed all styles, from architecture, to decorative arts, and fine arts... There was no distinction made between fine arts and applied arts. In many ways it was an attempt to elevate the decorative art forms to fine art. But generally, the movement was a reaction against 'academic' arts... Here is a list of some Art Nouveau artists: http://www.artcyclopedia.com/history/art-nouveau.h... ... I think it's pretty safe to consider them 'fine' artists. :)About it being popular today... Well, I don't think it would be unacceptable to incorporate an Art Nouveau style into your work at all. An artist is an individual, and I think it's up to the individual to decide who their influences are. If you're asking if many artists today have Art Nouveau influences, then I haven't seen too many myself... but it's good to be unique! ! Popular art today could be anything, really....Show more

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