Monday 30 March 2020

Airforce Aircraft Mechanic?

Fannie Collingwood: 1 Join the AF2 YES3 YES4 Call a recruiterVet-USAFYes YOU will have to go through Basic / Boot camp....Show more

Nikita Schroepfer: Basic Training as in physical training....

Elvin Mannheimer: If you are sure that you want to be an aircraft mechanic then yes you will have to go visit with an air force recruiter and do not let him put you in the "general area" that mean that they can stick you anywhere they need you. When you see the recruiter you tell him right off the bat that you want to be an aircraft mechanic and that you want papers signed that after you are done with basic that you will go to the tech school for aircraft mechanic and nothing else. It can be done because my friend's husband has done it. It may take you longer to go through basic but you won't be going through the crap my husbands going trough right now. His recruiter put him in the general area and he also went in to be an aircraft mechanic but was told before he left f! or basic that he couldn't be a mechanic because of his eyesight and so then right before he was to graduate basic he was to be a meteorologist but then he broke his foot and he didn't graduate in time. His school already started and now he has no choices left and is being forced into security forces if his foot heals in time. This is what can happen to you if you let them put you in the general area. Also don't believe everything the recruiter tells you. My husbands told him he was going in what they consider a waiver and that would disqualify him for certain jobs aircraft mechanic not being one of them but being in security forces was. That is what my husband will be in if his foot heals in time where he can finish the last week of basic out. Bottom line recruiters will say anything to get you in and get you in quick. Just make sure you have your papers signed that you will be in aircraft mechanic even if that means you have to wait a year to through basic and go to tech s! chooling you will be happier in the long run....Show more

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