Thursday 26 March 2020

Which political party’s policies best support small businesses?

Alma Twomey: aside from the objection to inheritance tax, you may line up fairly plenty as a theoretical 'British national Socialist.' you prefer a command financial device (nationalized agriculture, salary & fee controls), with tight administration over the citizenry (national identity, survielance cameras, closed borders), appreciate for specific traditions (marriage, faith), and marginalization of those you disaprove (human beings who smoke, the prosperous, non-Christians, homosexuals)....Show more

Freeman Rutkin: What is the need in society to label, be you and do what you think is right, as long as it is legal. Who cares if it falls under a certain label or if the cool kids do it, do what you think will make you happy. I take a different route and drink everday, that makes me happy =) hahahha

Cordia Fivecoat: Bwahahaha!!!;! It says in big letters immediately below Alex Sink, " Contribute today and help us DEFEAT Alex Sink and candidates like her". You peo! ple are brain dead that would get victimized by this. With your limited intelligence, your liable to get taken advantage of wherever you go. Is it any wonder nearly 70% of high school dropouts vote Democrat?...Show more

Ambrose Mumma: You are a dyed in the cloth Iwanteverythingmyownwayist.

Sunshine Holets: Libertarian, then GOP, then Democrat then Green party, in that order. None of them are perfect or purely flawed with respect to small business, but some are certainly worse than others.

Rayford Speziale: I would say Democrats. To republicans, hedge funds are small businesses.

Marhta Teahan: ?

Raye Tredennick: GOP.democrats want to change the definition of what a small business is to tax, and regulate them some more.

Elfreda Grossen: conservatives are for the government bailing out big business's or banks? maybe they didn't know this but we want the government to get completely out of the private sector. if a business makes bad investmen! ts and goes bankrupt, why do demoRATS think we want the gov. t! o bail the out? maybe they don't know this but it was there liberal presidents that bailed out the GM! now don't even get me started on why they went bankrupt (labor unions/regulations/taxes/obamacare)...Show more

Raymon Fiene: Why do "conservatives" think that?we can't tell they're lying their heads off?

Donte Liversedge: What you really need to " come under" is psychological evaluation, criminal investigation, scientific study, and custodial care.---However, a simple exorcism may suffice.

Flor Lizardi: Republicans, Democratic regulations and minimum wage choke grass root businesses.

Jed Porada: @tb12. also, ford.

Darcie Peraha: There are regulations and excessive regulations. My husband and I own/operate a number of small businesses, and regulations are essential when dealing with other companies and employees. Without, it's a free for all, and you have no protections from harm.

Joey Mekeel: LolTotalitarianism?

Krystal Cordovano:! tb12, ron paul, rand paul, paul ryan. any more or are you satisfied?

Matt Tiry: GOP

Von Houskeeper: you are under "insane"

Mitzie Clough: What's is a liberals.

Roni Kurz: The GOP.... the DEMS want to tax them to death.

James Langmyer: If you don't tax big business for making larger amounts of money they simply take over all the small businesses and that's pretty much the end of it, particularly if you allow billionaires to pay less tax than minimum wage workers, and I swear that actually happens with these crazy loopholes that exist, just for them to scam you all. Who is the party that doesn't tax the mega rich with the ridiculous idea that this will "trickle down" to middle class and poor people? I'm all in favor of helping small business, but you have to raise minimum wage for everyone, and you have to tax the very rich more than the medium rich. A billionaire has a thousand times more than a millionaire, and how many millions do you need to! never have to work for the rest of your life?...Show more

Granvi! lle Stray: .

Bruno Galasso: Yep, liberal more than anything, or crazy..samey same.

Wilbur Marksberry: I disagree with homosexual marriage. I disagree with abortion unless the woman’s life is threatened or she can’t support her child.I disagree with racism.I disagree with sex outside marriage. I want smoking made illegal. I believe that all agriculture, transportation, hospitals should be nationalized. I disagree with inheritance tax I believe that income tax should be raised on the wealthy. I agree with I.D cards. I want surveillance cameras hidden in every street corner. I believe that all goods should have fixed prices. I believe that Britain should patrol its borders although migrants can enter if they pass a strict citizenship test. I believe that the only one religion (Christianity) should be allowed in Britain to relieve racial tension. I believe that every worker should have the same wage....Show more

Virgil Loatman: Not surprising, this is an a! ct of desperation in a swing county where the senate seat had been in (R) hands for decades until Bill Young died last year after resigning his seat.This is a special election with over 12 million in outside money attempting to sway voters, the Polly character wants to scare old people by claiming Obamacare will siphon money from medicare, obviously Obamacare is funded by medicare savings, not shifting money like conservatives want gullible people to believe without reading a single reference, especially when the only people telling people about Obamacare are the ones who want to have the people who need Obamacare the most, to assume incorrectly, that using Obamacare will somehow gut funding for medicare and all the prescription subsidies that medicare part D funds, (if I'm not mistaken).Conservatives are already trying to jump the losing an election shark by claiming their own candidate is flawed because he's a 41YO divorcee with a 14 year his junior girlfriend accompanyi! ng him on the campaign trail.OK, so the GOP wants people to lower their! expectations for today's election, (11MAR14), it will be interesting if they win and they reverse their lowered expectations by saying they read the wrong polling data or a disgruntled staff member wanted to sabotage the campaign after being sacked.....or whatever rogue staff narrative they think people will find "believable" coming from a conservative political campaign.......Show more

Jammie Taddei: Republican and Libertarian

Bruno Galasso: The Libertarian Party is actually the best party for small businesses. They are what Republicans USED to be. Nowadays Republicans don't care about the small business owner, just the huge, rich corporations. And the Democrats have always been for large government.

Antone Bual: It’s Dec. 16, 2008.That’s the date on which President George W. Bush admitted what he did with the bailouts of the major investment firms and banks that were “too big to fail.”Here’s what he said in that infamous admission: “I've ! abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system,” Bush told CNN, saying he had made the decision “to make sure the economy doesn't collapse.”...Show more

Dionna Doyel: I do not like them Sam I am.I do not like fake websites and spam.

Lu Snide: @ carobu(whatever the hell your name is) bush was a liberal running on the conservative ticket, he was just like you guys, not one of us, he got government more involved with the private sector

Rufus Plough: They are just trying to keep up with democrats trying to legalize foreigners here illegally to vote in future elections bribing them with hopes of food stamps, medical care and welfare to gain votes. Politics is a dirty game where they have no problem manipulating the public.

Melina Minneweather: The government is acting as a completely seperate entity from the people of the USA I agree, the government needs its power neutered. They are the slaves to the people not the master

Ele! ni Mccier: This is a decision that the republicans made back in 1964 wh! en Goldwater was defeated so soundly. At that point they made up their mind to LIE about everything all the time until they can claw their way into power.the republicans used to have some honor - but not since Nixon.

Sunshine Holets: they just make things up as they go if it makes them feel good there all for it. Liberals just don't care about America.

Elmo Tervo: Hmm. I clicked on that website and it WORKED!!! So it's not fake unlike the obamacare websites....

Claire Billegas: That's a tough one. You sound like a combination Socialist, Marxist, Nationalist, except for your religious position.

Donny Bankson: auroch????wtf are you saying look it up you little 13itch

Judie Kise: Let's see and who is more likely under Republicans to get massive tax breaks?Large corporate businesses who tend to buy out and monopolize markets. not small business.And who is more likely to abuse regulations for the sake of profit maximization?Large corporate business! es.Republican policies are written for large corporate America, not small businesses.

Anibal Scheid: It’s not the first time, nor will it be their last, but Republicans have set up another fake website. This one, made to look like you were donating to Democrat Alex Sink, but instead the money went to a Republicans.

Gregory Dilg: Neither

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