Thursday 5 March 2020

why do people think lt.skinned iz ?

Ginny Trickett: as a light skinned person myself, i'm here to say that i am no better than anybody darker or lighter than me.(even though honestly i do get a lot of hostililty from some darker skinned women because, no offence, but many do think that just because i have lighter skin that i think that i'm better than them, which i don't think!)in my personal opinion, this epidemic results back into the days of slavery when slave owners raped slaves and biracial children were born. since the biracial children were biologically the sons and daughters of the slave owners, they recieved special treatment and worked in the house instead of in the fields like darker people. and i guess being raised with that mentality to put lighter skinned people on a pedastal has carried over generation to generation to what it is today.also according to the media lighter skin is "in". look at your television and you will see that over the years the media has portrayed the ideal beauty as a bl! onde haired blue eyed woman, and lighter skinned people are closer to that criteria of "beauty" so they are shown more on television that darker skinned people, thus programming people's minds that lighter skin is better because lighter skin is what's being shown. (kind of like the size zero models that are shown that make viewers feel the need to starve themselves to fit that idea of "beauty.)it is truly sad. i honestly find beauty in darker skin. my mother is dark skinned and she is one of the most beautiful people, inside and out, that i have ever met.another sadder fact is this self hatred between black people. it makes my blood boil to hear a black person call another black person "burnt", as if having lighter skin because one of your ancestors was raped by their slave owner makes you any better than anyone else. it also ticks me off when i hear a darker person call a lighter person "yellow". people don't get to chose what color they wanna be, you're born with whatever! color god decides to give you, and having other people of you! r same race mock you over something you have no control over is just ridiculous. i hear black people all the time talking about so called racist white people when a great deal of the racism is coming from our community towards each other!sorry about this whole rant thing! haha, i got started and just couldn't stop! (:...Show more

Elissa Curlin: Light skinned caramel/olive skin is the best because it's inbetween black and white. It's perfect.A lot of dark skinned girls are rude and nasty about my skin but i know they are just jealous.

Alma Twomey: First girl I've never been jealous or rude someone because they're skin is lighter. Nothing is wrong with dark skin, maybe those girls acted that way to you because you think "in between" skin is better and you're stuck up.

Oda Mauson: i dont thenk lt.skinned is beta than dk.skinned cuz im dk.skinned myself i just wana know why ppl thenk is beta

Rebeca Mckin: I don't think that, I mean some people have a pr! eference but I'm dark skin and I'm every bit as good as anyone else.

Toney Flaten: i ask this because im dark skinned to. trust just because u light dont mean u cuter than a dark skinned person

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