Tuesday 30 June 2020

Affection towards mom after marriage?

Robt Betker: love and treat her the same way before u got married.

Lissette Semon: No why should it?Noone can ever replace lyour mother,your memories, your bond is for years of your life, your mother (not that you need to be reminded) Gave you the gift of life, your wife, is your new future, she can never take your mothers place, or even want to and visa versa,a mothers role and wifes role are completely different, other than the wife takes over cooking and certain household responsibilities that "mom" did,just think of it like this, your wife is in addition to having a mother , not instead of.Love your mother with all your heart, and if your wife really loves you, she will never come between you and mom, and she has no need to, as her role is totally different.okee dokey.. ps you should not have to ask that question..and only you could really answer it....Show more

Jodie Capella: That big fellow in the A Team said:Mother, there is not other, treat her right.S! eriously what kind of question is this?You love your mother not feel affection towards her!You feel affection for your pet hamster.

Donovan Stallons: Nope. I still treat my mother the same way I treated her when I was single. I've never had a problem with that. If anything, our relationship has improved somewhat.

Francis Stickle: Sounds to me like you have an insecurity issue, or your mother does and has instilled it in you too.Your relationship, affection, with your mother has no link to your wife, intended wife, or any other relationship.Affection is not a commodity, it's a two way gift.

Christopher Calcano: I don't think marriage should change the way you love your mother. But you should also not let the love towards your mother affect your marriage.

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