Sunday 7 June 2020

Question about horoscope readers(no offense)?

Ninfa Aronica: No offense! You're so cute about this, yeah she sound obsessed. The problem being is that she is obsessed about the surface stuff which is going off sun signs alone. A lot of times when people get into astrology and get into extremes its usually when they are only looking at sun signs. I see it a lot,when I was in high school I did it too. In fact I don't think I know anyone who didn't do it at one point or another in their life. (those that were interested in astrology that is). But one thing I never did was read those horoscopes from magazines or newspapers and thought that's what's going to happen today, even when I was running around high school stereotyping all my classmates! If you want to tell your friend something tell her this:Tell her that unless the horoscope is drawn up according to your person information then it's not an accurate horoscope and should not be taken so literal. Also tell her that you're more than just a Cancer you have other asp! ects in your chart that makes up your personality. Hope this helped! (I'm a Cancer too!)...Show more

Curt Broadhead: Horiscopes are like fortune cookies, they just give you general information. I think it's impossible for all people born from one date through another will act the same. They're fun to read, but they aren't really that true.

Jon Bergmeier: Horoscopes aren't totally true, i mean sometimes they are, but everybody is different.I read my horoscopes, just for fun but i don't take it too seriously.And she shouldn't judge you because of your sign.

Rayford Latz: horoscopes are a 100% not true i mean come on you could visit a bunch of different websites and they would all of a different prediction and anyways how can this one prediction be true for everyone with that certian sign like one preson can say their horoscope says theyll run across a good fortune- how can this be true for everyone with whatever sign this is for? i mean seriously even i coul! d start a website and make up a bunch of daily horoscopes and ! some people might actually believe it sorry i think i just rambled lol :]...Show more

Eulah Hugill: she obsessed not every thing they say about a certain sign applies to every one who has that sign

Felipa Nosis: Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it.Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held.Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books.Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin.Believe nothing just because someone else believes it.Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be trueNothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.Love & Blessings*^v^*Milly*^v^*...Show more

Carlton Lastrapes: Leo - The Lion - July 23 to August 22

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