Friday 26 June 2020

Hostile work environment?

Logan Bero: People yelling and swearing isn't a hostile work environment. You just don't like it. Try telling your boos about why you were out there.

Seema Hosfeld: Probably NOT a hostile work environment. A hostile work environment has to be tied back to some protective class (race, creed, national origin, religion, marital status, age, sex, disability) or something that creates a pervasive environment. Since cursing can be considered normal language or shop talk in that line of work, you may not find much success.You certainly should bring up your concerns to management. When on break, you are free to take your breaks anywhere....Show more

Shawnna Kusky: You might tell your boss that you find the swearing objectionable but don't expect him to be able to do anything about it. If he tells your co-workers they will find a way to make your life even more miserable. The reason he objects to you hanging around the parking lot is security. You don't want to b! e the guy who hangs around out there if someone's car gets damaged or broken into.

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