Monday 8 June 2020

Horoscope a little too specific?what do you think?`?

Porfirio Gartland: I think the "don't give up" thing is actually a good general message.So don't give up! keep fighting! :)

Chris Wilczewski: For a Newspaper or Magazine Horoscope I think it is too much of a generalization. Interpreting that message to be a specific prediction about your insemination efforts (Congratulations in advance) is not right, the prediction is too precise.If you got the same message from an astrologer or psychic/spiritual reader I would not doubt it.I am reading for you now and here is what I get. You need to be careful where you get the sperm and the method of insemination.Here's me just talking- If you young and the donor is healthy and you sure you ovulating at time of insemination, or within 24 hrs after insemination, I don't see any obstacle to you starting your new family. Insemination usually take a few times and the timing is tricky.Do contact me if you have a follow-up question.Blessings,Miss Zoe....Show more

Andrew Sinatra: S! ee, in general I don't take horoscopes seriously, but I once had an incidence last year where my horoscope was shockingly specific- At least that's how it felt to me. And that's how your horoscope is feeling to you right now. God works in mysterious ways. If you really feel it's a message, then it probably is.

Ester Bryand: we're gonna start trying again in march of next yr, n each subsequent month til it takes.

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