Thursday 11 June 2020

Magazines (Forum for Media Studies)?

Tomeka Hameen: 1. Identifying and empathizing with targeted reader. Relating to real people. Finding the right angle to suit the reader.2. Colour, glossy finish, eye catching headlines3. What relates to me. Also, unless it is of specific interest, I do not want to read an 'essay' spanning over 5 pages, magazines are something you pick up for a while and then put back down for later. I don't want to sit reading something really long when I wasn't planning to. It's annoying.4. Usually not but if it's a worthwhile celeb then maybe. Not some sap from Big Brother 225 or whatever.5. Contracting colours. Ones that both compliment each other and again, colours that work well in opposition sharp against pastel...I think it draws the eye in.6 A57. Glamour, Company etc. I also like local magazines such as the Dubliner (being from Dublin n'all!)...Show more

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