Tuesday 7 April 2020

Five hours commute to college worth it?

Jorge Gerrero: That's a long commute! You could pay for a dorm with how much you spend. Plan out college costs for next year, talk to your parents, and tell them you're moving out. Your parents won't like it, but you need to get out.

Valentine Willinger: Your still under the supervision of your parents so you can't really control your situation. One day you'll understand that your parents just love you that much that they can't afford to not see you everyday.In my country, students walk from 3am to 7am just to go to school. and walk back home from 5pm-9pm.. They walk because t they have to means of transportation. You're very lucky to have your own money, and parents that love you so much. Try to look at things at the positive side....Show more

Sylvie Snetting: I would either transfer to a college farther away where it is impossible to commute to, or insist that you are an adult who can live on your own and your time would be better spent living closer to the ! school so you can have more time to study- and then move out. You are right, you could find a room in a house or apartment for the amount of money you spend on transportation. I used to commute 2 hours each way for college, but that was my choice because I wanted to live in the big city rather than the small suburb where my school was located. Your parents are not obligated to buy you a car, but it is a little strange that they won't let you move out. It makes more sense in almost every respect, and you should have a little more freedom now that you are in college and no longer a high schooler that they need to monitor and make do chores. What are they going to do once you graduate? I thought most parents WANTED their kids to move out and move on with their lives... Is there any reason you need to live with them- caregiving or economic support or babysitting younger siblings? Or are they just being overprotective and overbearing? I would probably try to talk reasonably with! them, and then move out either way. Or threaten to drop out o! f college and just be a mooch living in their basement for the next decade... that's basically what they are setting you up for....Show more

Myriam Hetjonk: You want a car, get a job and buy it yourself. Lazyazz!I sure hope you have a obnoxious child as ungrateful as you when you grow up, that can't be appreciative enough of what their parents provide for them they can't do a few simple chores. You so typical of today's pathetic youth.

Annabell Bevier: I wouldn't do it. That's a lot of money to spend on transportation and a lot of time wasted. If you are over 18 your parents can't control what you do living wise, so why not move on campus or get an apartment closer to the college? You wouldn't have to commute to work or college or to your volunteer work that way. If that just isn't an option then consider transferring to a college closer to home.

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