Thursday 23 April 2020

What is an object program?

Herma Ellebrecht: A source program is the program created directly by the programmer, usually typed in at a keyboard or (in the old days) on a keypunch, whether it's written in a low, mid or high-level language. Even assembly language is source code.An object program is the output created by a language processor that takes the source program as input. It's usually in either native machine instructions for the computer it was written for, or in a meta-language that is interpreted by another program.A run-time error is an error detected when the program runs, by either the program itself or the supporting sub programs provided by the language the program was written in (C, C++, Java, Fortran, Cobol, Algol, MAD, ...)Hope that helps....Show more

Son Ahlers: An object program? I assume you mean object-oriented program. That is a type of program which is created in an object oriented language such as Delphi or Java or C++ where everything is an object.Source is the inst! ructions the developer gives to the computer and that becomes the error is a mistake programmers make and the program can't recover from. One of the most widely known runtime errors is "Division by zero" because computers can not calculate any number divided by zero....Show more

Sharee Doak: An object program is one created in low level or mid level languages.(not with compilers)A source program is one created in high level languages.(with compiler)Run time error-An error that occurs during the execution of a program, which means that it occurs when a program is started.(between clicking on it and the window appearing)

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