Saturday 4 April 2020

what are the best tips of buying a used car?

Kandi Lough: Buying used cars from unknown parties is a risky issue. Best way to buy through Company's true value system which is worth buying from all aspects.

Darren Heling: Car auctions generally is a well location to begin. Japanese automobiles are extra nontoxic and reasonable. Make definite the auto comes with a well carrier historical past has a up to date DOE cert and there may be a internet website online on which you'll be able to examine if a auto has been worried in any injuries or used to be stolen, written off and so forth. Hope you discover what you wish. Good good fortune!

Patrick Bitsui: The most important aspect of any car purchase is knowing what you can afford. Put some serious thought into organizing your monthly budget and coming up with a figure you can live with comfortably and DO NOT EXCEED your budgeted amount for a car payment. You can also check the used cars for sale maui markets to get good deals.

Raye Tredennick: 1 - The mo! st important aspect of any car purchase is knowing what you can afford. Put some serious thought into organizing your monthly budget and coming up with a figure you can live with comfortably and DO NOT EXCEED your budgeted amount for a car payment. #2 - Know where the money is coming from before you step outside the front door to shop for a car. If you are paying cash, make sure you have the cash on hand. if you are financing secure your financing before you go shopping. Get pre approved for your car loan through a local bank or Credit Union. NEVER let the dealer find the financing for the car. If you know how much money you have to spend and where the money is coming from before you begin shopping you control 95% of the car buying process. If you don't you are at the mercy of the dealer who will look out for HIS best interest not yours. And his best interest is maximum profits for the dealership. If you control the financing the only thing left to discuss with the dea! lership is price. How much is the car going to cost me. Once ! you get the negotiations down to price only you have much more control over the deal. As far as choosing the right car, that is left up to you. Knowledge and information of the product are your two best tools. Know what you need out of the vehicle. If you don't need a full size pick up truck, then don't look at trucks. If you don't need a high performance sports car, then don't look at sports cars. If you need a reliable economical people mover then look at small cars. It's about what you NEED not what you WANT. Final advice. Inspect the car thoroughly. Take it for a long test drive under variable driving situations. A spin around the block is not a test drive. A run up the interstate with a drive through some curvy back roads is a test drive. Pay attention to the mechanics of the car. While a nice stereo a nav system and soft leather seats are enjoyable options you have to pay more attention to the mechanicals than the visual. How are the brakes? Are the tires goo! d, Does the car make any strange noises? Does the electrical system function properly. Are the fluids clean and topped off. Is there a history (documents and receipts) of maintenance and repairs available. Does the car handle like it should. Are you comfortable behind the wheel. Do you like the way the car drives. Once the car pases your visual ispection and the test drive then the final and most important step in purchasing ANY used car.#3 - Take the car to a certified and qualified mechanic for a complete mechanical inspection. Pay to have a professional inspect the mechanicals. It's money well spent. A $150 mechanical inspection could save you thousands of dollars in repairs or prevent you from buying a car that isn't what the buyer is claiming it is. It never ceases to amaze me how many people on this forum write in and say, "I bought a car two days ago and now the transmission is failing" That's impossible! Transmissions don't fail overnight. If it's bad today it ! was bad the day you purchased the car, the buyer just didn't take the t! ime or effort to discover the defect before making the purchase. So in summary do three things.Determine your budgetFind the fundsInspect and investigate the car thoroughly if you do these three things the likelihood of you making a bad decision are greatly reduced....Show more

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