Sunday 3 May 2020

Do cell phones cause cancer?

Julienne Poplawski: -We should find out in about 10 to 15 years- when ALL the People who are over-using Their Cell Phones today- start coming down with it... :(

Madie Strople: No, I have had a cell phone for 10 years + and do not have brain cancer.

Derick Kinnard: based on your questions I'd have to say they cause retardation.

Stevie Kizziar: In A World Of Doesn't... Droid Does

Luther Plagmann: More regulation? about we implant 6 Droids inside your empty skull.

Torri Tippey: They have indeed been shown to increase your risk for cancer. Your brain is receiving the same waves that your phone is.

Tommy Durrenberger: They have been put in the same category as car emissions, stop driving cars, stop smoking, stop using household cleaners...You are probably breathing Radon as we speak and damaging your lungs. Living causes cancer, it is what it is.

Lynn Mctier: No, but idiot college students texting cause fatal accidents.

! Raul Tllo: Only in Californian rats.

Dalia Causby: I hope they do so we could raise taxes on cell phone users or just ban cell phones all together.

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