Tuesday 19 May 2020

Science ks3 homework help?

Raul Lushbaugh: energy is always transferred from a hotter place to a cooler place. So the air around the ice cube contains more energy - the air is of a higher temperature. The energy is therefore transferred to the ice cube which breaks the intermolecular bonds, melting the ice-cube. With the particles, they break away and begin to move around. A change of state like melting is an example of a physical change taking place because it is possible to return to the material started with. Particles within a solid are tightly packed together and each particle exerts a large pull force on every other particle around it. Particles within a liquid are packed closely together and exert a smaller pull force. The particles move around in any direction within the liquid. The particles in the gas are far apart and there is no pull force between the particles. The particles move around quickly in any direction. In evaporation, particles contain a lot of energy and they move around and! break away from each otherevaporatingng. i really hope this helps, im in ks4 now and i remember these homework tasks. Some of them just go on about things i judidn'tdnt know, they could be quiete hard sometimes. If you got a revision guide it would practically give you all the answers....Show more

Shaun Rapkowicz: For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/ax7T8It's about phases Solid -> liquid ...ice cube melting Liquid -> vapour ...water in beaker evaporating. I'd include a bit about latent heat required for the processes.

Roni Kurz: This Site Might Help You.RE:Science ks3 homework help?Science KS3 homework help?Draw a poster that explains why an ice cube melts when left out of the freezer and what happens to the water when it is left in a beaker for a while. Use a particle model to help explain your ideas.Im supoosed to explain why the ice evaporates and why it melts using......Show more

Sibyl Siwik: I really don;t know, maybe go ask! your teacher or some classmates to see what they are doing Go! od Luck xx

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