Sunday 17 May 2020

Which id the highest education values in College: East or the West Coast of the U.S?

Raymon Fiene: i mean "is the highest" sorry about my spelling.

Rosie Travino: I'm definitely a fan of the east, especially when you're looking at undergraduate education (which, in my opinion, Princeton wins hands down). While Berkeley is great, the funding level still can't match the unbelievable wealth of schools like Harvard and Princeton, and that can provide you with some incredible opportunities. As an undergraduate, you'll generally have smaller class sizes and more research options. The east also wins in shear number of great schools and overall atmosphere: Boston alone has dozens and dozens of colleges, including MIT and Harvard right next to one another.Overall, though, it's hard to generalize east and west schools: better to look at the individual schools, and/or which general area you'd prefer to live in....Show more

Deangelo Marchak: Schools don't have systematically higher reputations on one coast or the other--you can find a job with a degree fr! om Harvard in San Francisco, and a job in New York with a degree from Berkeley. Of course those are the top schools... For, say, state schools a degree may be more respected in state than out of state.

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