Sunday 24 May 2020

Rules on quotation marks?

Nona Lentini: A quotation in apposition: She sang the national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner," at the game. That's also the direct object (I've never heard of a direction object; I'm assuming that's an error).Quotations introduced by "that" are indirect: Direct speech: "I am going to do my homework." Indirect: She said that she was going to do her homework. The indirect takes no quotation marks since it is not exactly what the person said. Oh, the attributive: one or more adjectives that precede and modify a noun: The cute little (noun)...Show more

Sammy Kar: I think that's a bad assignment . . . a better one would have been to give you incorrect examples and ask you to correct them.I'm pretty sure an example of the second one is the following:Your teacher said that your class had no talent with quotation marks.I think I know what the first one means, but I'm having trouble thinking of an example.Good luck!...Show more

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