Thursday 21 May 2020

What do you do about potty training and preschool?

Son Ahlers: First of all, good for you for backing off! Pushing him would just create more resistance and make it a negative experience.Talk to the preschool and find out if there is a policy in regards to this and then take it from there.In my opinion, if they don't allow them to come w/Pull Ups on and you're not comfy with him being in underwear at that point, then don't send him there. Accidents that could happen, etc, would only create a really uncomfortable situation for him (especially if the preschool isn't used to dealing with potty accidents, etc).He'll go in the potty when he's ready and not a minute sooner. In the meantime, if he does go, make it a big deal and give lots of praise. Once again, hats off to you for not pushing him!...Show more

Ardath Templer: What helped my son to finish his training is me going with him. He didn't like sitting in the bathroom. So when it was time (he should have a schedule by now on when he pottys) I would acted like I had! to go to so he will go with me. I would give him like one M&Ms for #1 and two M&Ms for the end of the day if there was no accidents he would get a big treat after dinner. That helped him a lot. He was harder then my girls were. The girls wanted to go and hated being dirty so they were pretty easy....Show more

Majorie Chester: Preschools are different in what they allow potty-training wise. I would ask them what their policy is. My nephew had an accident at his preschool and they called him mom and made an unnecessarily big deal about it. But she sent him before he was ready, and he was quite embarrassed. I wouldn't send him if he wasn't ready, but at the same time I wouldn't pull back on the training either. I would stay consistent and encouraging and he will learn soon enough. Good Luck....Show more

Monty Sieloff: you should spank him if he doesn't potty train.

Frederic Engellant: i am in the same situation. My child will turn 3 in May. She c! an do pee (has had the occasional accident) but won't poo in t! he potty. Preschool will NOT ALLOW her to come in pull-ups. They will not change diapers. We have a lot of time before then, it's best we get cracking and get our kids trained!!! otherwise, I got to put her in daycare "preschool"! I like for potty training advice....Show more

Caleb Chapman: I would discuss it with the provider at the school. They may make an exception in his case since he is one of the youngest children. if not, wait till he is treqady to try again...It's really trial and error with boys at that age...good luck!

Robin Marchione: Most preschools won't let them in unless they are potty trained. If yours is OK with changing pullups, then do that.

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