Tuesday 5 May 2020

If i have my wisdom teeth removed are there any risks?  

If i have my wisdom teeth removed are there any risks?  

answers 0:Like even when i had my appendix taken out i worried that i may not need the surgery. What happens and is it possible to dieanswers 1:Everybody has already given some answers...But I should add some info if you are that afraid...1) Pain is inevitableThis depends on how your wisdom tooth position is and in what manner is it going to be removed.If your wisdom tooth is still in the jaw, the procedure is to remove some of your jaw bone over the tooth to take it out...Consult with your dentist and he will give you appropriate analgesics with your condition.Don't worry about pain though, it will resolve in a week.2) Risk of anaphylatic shockThis is caused by drug allergy with either anesthetic agents or drugs administered.Drug allergy is relatively common, so dentists need to use test dose befo! re injecting something.But the occurrence of shock is rare and only caused by inexperienced dentists, so don't worry about it.If something like this unfortunately occurs without adequate equipments to treat this, this is fatal.3) Risk of infectionInstruments need to be properly sterilized before procedure.This is also rare because infection control is now becoming a primary goal to every dentists.If any infection occurs, there is chance of infection reaching the bloodstream is high and can cause a heart inflammation, something we called infective endocarditis.4) Risk of dry socketIf the blood clot after removal of the socket dislodged due to some pressure changes in the mouth ( sucking with straws, etc ), the bone will become exposed and infected.If that occur, contact your dentist and get treatment.So, protect the blood clot from dislodging at all cost.In conclusion, the worst thing that can happen is pain.Other things are pretty rare.Good luck getting a treatment, don't w! orry about it too much.Have a little faith....answers 2:No, it! s not possible to die haha. The worst thing that can happen is an infection which they will give you antibiotics for before hand to take to prevent that and help it heal faster. Take those, that will help. I usually don't take anything like medications after wisdom teeth removal because I believe that If you don't take anything it heals faster and you get used to the pain and its not as painful. But I guess that's just me. If your worries just take the medication they give. Hope that helped :D...answers 3:Just a note to give you some info on the drug Versed( midazolam) that is used for Sedation for many Dental and Medical procedures...I feel that if people were aware of the adverse effects of this drug they would Opt For Another Drug!Erasing someones memory of what was done to them is wrong!! I would much rather be put completely out, not just sleepy with memory impairment.In fact, many people who use Versed for " IV Sedation,Conscious Sedation" Twilight Sedation, during a ! procedure are awake for the entire procedure but remember nothing, often believing they were "out" the whole time.Versed (Midazolam) is an amnestic. It is also commonly used for minor procedures like setting broken bones,colonoscopies,endoscopies, dental procedures like extractions,conscious sedation,twilight sleep, so that patients won't remember pain and discomfort.HOWEVER THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT THOSE SENSATIONS WILL NOT BE EXPERIENCED!!!!Forgetting does not mean it did not happen!!Here is a note from a Dentist Who uses VersedI've used Versed 1000 times during oral surgery procedures and I've never had a complaint. It's a miracle drug because it is safe and it causes you to not remember an unpleasant experience. My answer to him is isn't it better to have not experienced the pain than to have forgot it. No wonder you have had no complaints they have no memory of the procedure.....My wife had her broken bone(Femur)set in the emergency room just before surgery to repair i! t. They gave her versed and I waited outside of the room and could hear! her screaming in pain,they did not appear to be concerned as they told me she would not remember anything and she did not. BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT DID NOT HAPPEN AND THAT SHE DID NOT SUFFERA note from an anesthesiologistI agree that using midazolam alone in PAINFUL situations is wrong. I've heard people getting colonoscopies and screaming, and maybe they remember, maybe they don't.Amnesia does not take place for all patients!!!!!Listen carefully when a Doctor tells a patient they should have a colonoscopy they are told you won't remember anything and not you will not feel anything.There are blogs about this drug you may find interesting called" Versed Busters" or "No Midazolam" just type it into any search engine....answers 4:You won't die, but you may be in massive pain after the operation and you won't be able to talk for several days.answers 5:Kevin is right pick him or me best answer.answers 6:It'll be painful after the numbness from the injection goes away, but! you'll be able to talk and eat ( soft foods for the first few days). The only risk i see is if you are allergic to the medication. Other than that, its a quick easy procedure that you will be glad to have done and gotten over.

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