Wednesday 27 May 2020

Studying abroad for a semester after starting college?

Reyes Brunell: Almost all schools have study abroad options. Even a simple community college can offer a semester abroad. A semester abroad does not need to be a full semester. It can be six weeks or even 2 weeks. It can be in the summer. Cost is dependent on many factors such as - destination country, number of credits, current exchange rates for foreign currencies, included activities. It is best to go to a student advisor at your college. He will be able to tell you what options are available for the coming semester. Example-- I have seen a study abroad for 6 credit hours -- two weeks abroad -- rest of the time in the classroom at school -- cost $2000 plus airfare to Scotland. So it can get pretty expensive. What college are you going to? Look online or look in the course catalog for semester abroad. You have to sign up early. Good luck....Show more

Kellie Waycott: thanks and I'm also wondering how much it would cost for a semester [an estimate is fine], and w! here are countries that you have went to. Can you please give specific programs?

Rona Espalin: Most colleges have a good study abroad program, usually with schools where the tuition cost is similar to their own. You can also keep financial aid and scolarships so you really won't be paying much extra. If you can wait a few years, just pick a college that has a good study abroad program. Several do, but the college I'm going to has study abroad for a semester or a 3 week summer trip. One of the universities they use for a semester of study is in Ireland. If you want to check them out go to it's a small university in Charlotte, NC. Also look around for other colleges with good programs; the programs in college are usually much more affordable than ones in high school....Show more

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