Thursday 13 August 2020

Birth control (please help me)?

Cuc Gire: I would personally discard the pack and start fresh with a new pack. You will get your period early this month since you made it through the first 2 weeks but forgot about the third week. After you have completely finished your 3rd week of menstruation, start on your next pack (assuming this past week was your third week and you forgot and you got your period this week, begin your new pack on Sunday). You may have increased spotting through your next pack so just be ready for may or may not happen - it depends on how your body reacts to changes....Show more

Autumn Vacio: First seek the advice from your doctor. Then getting proper information on Women's Health is also very important.I personally have addressed such women's issues by regularly visiting a comprehensive website dedicated to help women. Such website contains valuable resource information on all topics related to WOMEN HEALTH, OB GYN & MEDICAL EXAM. All the information is updated dail! y on a continuous basis.I invite you to have a look at it. Like myself, I am convinced that you will find all the appropriate solutions/answers as well as all the precautionary means and tools to keep in good health for many years to come. ...Show more

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