Tuesday 18 August 2020

Did you decorate your own house/room?

Ninfa Aronica: yea ♥

Phil Kuarez: its like a can of Lays Pototoes Chips,once you open them you just can't stop

Raelene Cunnick: yep

Mauro Cowee: I think the first time I used a computer was in first grade. I had missed a couple of days of school and during that time the teacher had been letting kids try out the computer. When I got back it was my turn. Except, I had missed her explaining about the computer and she just told me to sit and follow through the program. I was terrified. I didn't understand what to do and I thought I would break it for sure. The program was some cute little animation thing with talking animals explaining something wholesome - like how important education is or not to bully others. That was in 1998...I also used to play games like monopoly junior on the computer with my family. That actually may have come first, but I don't think so. We used to buy the cereal boxes that had cd games in them. Still have all of them too :D...Sh! ow more

Codi Manchel: Paintings, pictures, posters, prints, and wood trim are commonly attached on the walls, making them a part of your decorating scheme.

Hunter Osterberger: I put up Naruto wallpaper in my room....thats about it.

Carlton Lastrapes: the subliminal messages flashing on the screen

Letitia Bigelow: It is a great way to unwind after a hard days work. Answer other peoles questions and feel connected (in a way) with thousands of others around the world. What else is there to do? Watch TV.

Carlton Lastrapes: Smashed it cause it wouldn't do what I wanted it to do!

Karl Jantzen: Yes unfortunately and as my mom would say "you have taste for crap" (substitute the s- word at the end).

Pearlie Medora: I don't know y but yeah it sure is fun and addictive

Ninfa Aronica: Soo you are going to hire a complete stranger to decorate your house? You are going to actually PAY someone to do that? They don't even know what you like! ! Do it yourself. It is more fun that way

Mickey Isle:

Merna Fauset: I think that is a waste of money. I did my own decorating and get tons of compliments.

Geraldo Mccalla: sure did. love interior design, may want to go into it someday

Wilfredo Muldoon: Not my house, but i decorated my own room. did all the painting myself, bought flat pack wardrobes and desks that i built myself, put up shelves. to be honest, it was fun at first, but then it got boring lol, so maybe you should get someone in.

Gale Hartt: DIY. It's not really that hard to do. If you need advice on wall papering etc. try the likes of www.diyfixit.co.uk or www.achome.co.ukTake your time. When you are finished you will be or should be proud of yourself. If hiring someone check their work out before hand.

Toshiko Reimers: I Developed DR. fiXXXer a linux based O.S.*true story*

Gwenda Micheals: If I could afford it I'd do my house just as good as any interior decorator, (I'd love that to be my job). But I've decorated my entire hou! se as good as I can on a budget, I think it's pretty cool :)

David Boehler: I love to do my own decorating. I would hate to hire someone to come in.

Troy Monsivais: i did my own house

Christopher Calcano: Yes, and I did a good job of it.

Lucille Saetteurn: It's the thrill, the anticipation of waiting to see how long before they violate you or delete your account....

Terrell Voltz: I went to a site called 321kids chat. this was back in 02 or 03. I even remember why I went there and who I met.

Nikita Schroepfer: i drew in paint XD

Janeen Perona: I try so hard to forget about it, but then...I'm answering questions. So why is Y!Answers so addictive?

Kimberlee Bowdish: Only my room and it's nothing to brag about really.I just might think of hiring someone too.

Julienne Poplawski: I haven't

Frank Crummell: i can say yes :)... i have buy a new laptop years before lol

Ayesha Genova: Yes, I did.I have not seen your! house, so I really can't comment on it!

Hye Caulley: my other ha! lf does all our diy and decorating.. he's very good.. and saves us £'s...

Clementina Collelo: I did it myself, simply because I enjoy decorating. I like to paint walls, pick out curtains, and move furniture around. Besides, hiring a pro can be expensive!

Rosio Pasculli: Is that what they call it. I just thought messy was messy

Derick Kinnard: It's a mix. I use to but now our new roomate has a decorating bug like I've never seen. So we collaborate now.

Tyrone Disanti: i picked everything...all the decor etc...but got someone in to paint it....and it looks great even if i do say so myself!!!

Tijuana Tatsak: Do it yourself - it's cheaper and it can be fun. Plus you actaully get what you want.

Chris Rosenkranz: If I remember right I typed a letter on it and printed it out for the snail mail lol :)

Ervin Laeger: why yes i did hun, can you tell by how random it is?btw, i dont think either of us should decorate....

Ewa Homrich: id! k where the lyric section is. and what's right?

Frederic Engellant: Cure for Boredom?

Esmeralda Pigram: o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o

Kenneth Queener: It is just such a great way for me to relax and I think the questions are a hoot on P&S!

Benita Nancy: Yup... my mother decorates the house... I get to decorate my room. Well, I do share it with my sister, but she goes along with what I decide to do. We are gonna paint it soon... a pistachio green. I am very excited about it for some reason.

Lucille Saetteurn: I played computer games. I don't know which one, though..

Hugo Pittari: My g/f does the decorating part. I have to foot the bills.But it's a beautiful set up.

Lou Ravelo: I started using a computer when I was little, so I played a Pajama Sam computer game. :'3

Matt Tiry: It's nice to know that there are people more effed up than I am!It's nice to know that I can make people laugh and feel good with some of my answers.It's nice to ! know that I can help some people by answering their questions.It's nice! to know that I have somewhere, in spite of the YA Police that I can vent when I need to. It's like sitting with a bunch of friends and unwinding at the end of the day....Show more

Particia Thorton: I'm actually using my head. I love the constant change.

Oren Eskelsen: yes.. MS Paint..back in 1999 i think

Heidi Creselious: I find that it's addictive because some of the questions are so off the wall. I don't ask questions on yahoo! answers; I just answer them. I select the most interesting questions that pop out at me; often times the other answers people have left are really entertaining, too!

Lahoma Beadell: wow man dat waz hot...

Keven Drumgole: Ask your friends for some decorating tips. You might have a friend who is naturally good at this. cut pics out of a mag. see if you can put it all together. Get all the free advice before hand. If all else fails, hire the professional

Coleman Deliberato: it goes, "I've got five hundred dollas,! I'm gonna make it rain (make it rain) cuz you da man (you da man)"

Jacques Teri: We never hire anyone we always do it ourselves here

Claudio Drullard: That was SO many years ago that I cannot even remember.

Elvin Weichbrodt: My husband and I have an apartment, and I am responsible for the 'decorating' decisions ... but I have a vast art collection to choose from (my husband is a fine artist) and we did agree on the 'colors' of the bedroom (earth red/orange) and the livingroom (grey/earth orange) ... the colors also go quite well with 95% of his art. Yes, real 'art works' from 6" square to four and a half feet tall by three feet wide ... in frames.

Idell Dufort: got on

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