Thursday 6 August 2020

were there any major diseases during World War II? or even any diseases at all?

Darnell Cutliff: Sweeney flew the Nagasaki mission, no longer the Hiroshima run. yet neither Tibbitts nor Sweeney ever expressed sense sorry about for what they did. As militia adult men, they believed they'd finished what mandatory to be finished. provided that bombing missions utilising commonplace bombs had and were able to doing as a lot damage because the nuclear drops(though such bombings required dozens, if no longer 1000's of planes), it truly doesn't make sense for them to sense guilt about utilising atomic guns at the same time as no longer regretting utilising accepted bombs....Show more

Porfirio Gartland: Typhus ran through the concentration camps and killed a lot of people.

Jeannetta Gaffigan: Dysentry, malaria and venereal diseases all increased.

Clemente Schoeck: Typhus, like somebody said was in the concentration camps and maybe other places. In the SOuth Pacific there was Malaria, I don't know about Yellow Fever of Dengue fever. I know s! omebody who was a kid in Germany in 44-45 and said there was a bad flu outbreak, but you never hear about it, only WWI flu, which was worse.In places there was probably dysentery, typhoid and even cholera from bad drinking water. I don't know how much it affected US servicemen. There were probably other mosquito carried diseases and intestinal parasites and things like that. Possibly Hepatitis, I know that was a problem in Korea and Vietnam, again often from the water supply. There was no one disease associated with WWII, like the flu was WWI, Yellow Fever was with the Spanish American War, exposure to agent orange (not really a disease) in Viet Nam or Gulf War syndrome in the First Gulf War, but many guys got sick during the war....Show more

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