Thursday 20 August 2020

When you saw "The Wall" for the first time, were you high?

Christopher Calcano: The most recent thing I can think of is when my mom was told she had breast cancer. I had 3 1/2 year old and a 1 1/2 month baby. All I could think about was she was going to die and never see my kids again. But she beat it! She is cancer free for 2 years!****** -- Thank you!

Nancy Mansell: O_O

Jonelle Eligio: Safety isn't an issue.Firstly, how do you plan on getting away with this?Don't you think when you sit at your desk it won't vibrate against the chair.It will. You'll be so embarrassed.Plus, having a vibrator in you all day is not good. I think it would feel extremely weird after a certain point....Show more

Heidy Fujikake: Labor-enough said

Cletus Makler: i didnt say mine (=....i just moved out with my best friend and was loving every second, one night at 4:00am i get a call half asleep i answer and its a man saying to not hang up he is downstairs in my living room and if i hang up he will come up stairs..he then s! aid do i want that? i never thought my heart could beat so fast...i new i had to get to my roomate she was across the hall, i finaly managed to get her room and she hung up on him i freaked and locked us in her bathroom and called 911 cops came and my apartment looked like someone tried to get in. to this day i have no clue who it was. he was saying the scariest things to me....Show more

Marquetta Gimm: It's not technically harmful to your health but if you keep it there all the time like that it can desensitize the area making it harder for you to reach climax later on. Prolonged use n stuff. Imagine though how embarassing it would be if you were walking along the halls and a vibrator slipped out at your feet

Robbie Starchman: I was driving on a highway and was caught in a severe rainstorm that nearly ended me up in a very deep ditch.

Jeremy Donohue: I wasn't the 1st time, but I made a point of being high the 2nd time. The kids falling into the meat grind! er really messed with my head!

Maye Delk: yes i am askin! g about female pillows!

Majorie Chester: This Site Might Help You.RE:Is it safe to wear a vibrator under my clothes while im at school?So i have this vibrator and i had an idea. I figured i could put it in me and then wear my clothes over top of it. Then go to school with it in me.Would that be dangerous to my health? I don't think it would be since you do the same with a tampon only it doesn't vibrate. But i want to be sure....Show more

Maynard Phoubandith: I'll have what you're having!!!

Chanda Wittwer: I was a preteen and I was riding with an adult that was taking me to school. I lived in the northeast. We were in a Chevette (small car). We topped the hill and when we saw the other side of the hill there was this Lincoln/ Cadillac like vehicle in our lane! We were traveling at least 55 miles per hour. We hit this car head on. As if this wasn't scary enough for me at this age. When we came to our senses and I tried to get out of the car, I realized I was! trapped. I couldn't feel my legs and I had this horrid pain in my neck and arms.The car was smoking, I am guessing there was a fire somewhere because the firemen were moving franticly. These firemen put a bag over my head and tried to free me threw the window they broke. After they realized my condition then they used the "jaws" to cut me out of this little car. I do remember seeing the windshield in just inches of my face when we hit, the seatbelt saved me from being ejected from this car! I wear mine now,,,religiously!!!!!I got the feeling back in my legs about 24 hours later. I was a sports nut at that age. I was so scared. I thank God for this wreck because now I am a very respectful and safe driver. But really, besides riding out hurricanes, Ivan and Katrina, this was the scariest for me....Show more

Rosalyn Olivera: great idea, school will be fun! But beware, it makes a noise!

Clemente Schoeck: Came down with the West Niles fever.

Antone Bual: Absol! utely.Details? No. A gentleman never reveals them. But it should suffic! e to say that I have never seriously dated a woman who was less than a size 16.

Justin Casten: My friend, her sister,her friends and me were all in a car on the highway talking about what there boyfriends/friends hate when there driving a car. So one of them says that they hate it when people play with the stereo and the other one says they hate it when they do this so she jerks the steering wheel while the other girl is driving so we fishtail on the highway at 70mph. I thought i was going to die.

Salvatore Walls: i didnt say mine (=....i just moved out with my best friend and was loving every second, one night at 4:00am i get a call half asleep i answer and its a man saying to not hang up he is downstairs in my living room and if i hang up he will come up stairs..he then said do i want that? i never thought my heart could beat so fast...i new i had to get to my roomate she was across the hall, i finaly managed to get her room and she hung up on him i freaked an! d locked us in her bathroom and called 911 cops came and my apartment looked like someone tried to get in. to this day i have no clue who it was. he was saying the scariest things to me. and i couldnt hang up. i still cant be left alone at night...Show more

Ismael Sixon:

Jannie Ariola: Everyone in the room was! LOVE PINK FLOYD!!!!

Theresia Fashaw: Vibrator In All Day

Hans Sachetti: Bad idea.

Arden Strachn: 1. My ex-husband locked me in the basement for 4 hours2. was in a house during a drive-by shooting in college

Todd Stogner: Of course we smoked a big fat joint (or doobie)

Bruno Galasso: So i have this vibrator and i had an idea. I figured i could put it in me and then wear my clothes over top of it. Then go to school with it in me.Would that be dangerous to my health? I don't think it would be since you do the same with a tampon only it doesn't vibrate. But i want to be sure.

Hugo Pittari: No I wasn't.I'd had a few rum! s and dr. pepper's though. Does this count?

Pasty Cobbett: This h! appened when I was like 8 years old. I used to sleep in the same room as my older sister and we were asleep when this happened. We heard a noise so we both wok up and saw the closet door opening out of the blue. When then, a black cat came out of the closet. We started scareaming our eyes out until our parents heard us yelling they came and took the cat away. I got so scared that since then, I hate cats, specially the black ones.

Faviola Dewire: yuppers

Karie Mavle: Hell no! I wouldn't want to see the part where he shaves his eyebrows and get any crazy ideas. Alice in Wonderland or Fear & Loathing

Zora Mazzie: You'd have to be high to like anything Pink Floyd.

Rena Pepe: Well, I was 17 and spent my entire senior year high, so YES....

Marielle Hedeiros: what I guess no would be my answer

Venetta Coulbourne: It'll give you a beginning to a perfect day.......wipe that smile off yer face......

Eva Lichlyter: Why don't you try ! that sound your house for a couple hours.. if you seem to survive that, then do it at school.If you don't think you'll be able to handle it... then I advise you not to do it lol.Make sure that no one heard the vibrating lol....Show more

Bernie Cerra: I am disturbed.Thanks a lot.

Elden Bardach: Nope,I was actually drunk the very first time.

Long Woltjer: and the 2ndand the 3rd and the 4th...

Norma Marsalis: A guy friend says to me: "I'd rather screw something with a bit of fat on it compared to an anorexic chick"

Newton Fedorko: no. cushion is a good turn off.

Dorinda Metzer: Yes I watched it in the penthouse.

Inell Riesgo: lulwut?

Julienne Poplawski: i almost got raped by a stranger last week jumped out of the car ran down the street in the ghetto and was saved by a craqckhead lost my keys got my car towed oh and i got robbed (all in the same day)

Marion Wieboldt: XDD. what?

Terrell Lawman: i think Bree is trying! to tell me something

Clinton Quant: Not such a good idea...when ! you, ahem, get happy in the middle of class, it will be pretty noticeable. Also, the buzz of the vibrator might give it away...

Cristopher Gavalis: It's always *ucking true.I know this for a fact because I was at a party grinding on all sorts of girls. The fat chicks made it like it was sex. The skinny girl was like trying to **** a wall.

Ninfa Asby: It wouldn't be dangerous, but vibrators aren't really that much fun when you put them "in" you. You need to have some clitoral stimulation, and it's kinda hard to do that discreetly. Plus people would hear it. You should get a boyfriend...

Piedad Bassiti: hey ladies!!!! my Mercedes holds 4 in the back 2 if they fat!!!

Ermelinda Stalnaker: I was standing by the barn and this dude comes riding up on a tractor and said "which way to the river?" true story

Lynn Hollars: My husband had chest pains and his blood pressure got really high. He turned this god awful color and I just knew that he was going ! to die before I could get him to the hospital. Thank God it was only heartburn and a hiatel hernia and not a heart attack

Arlen Hamper: very sturdy element. in certainty, maximum followers have an incredibly stressful tendency to nitpick and tear aside wrestlers who win greater desirable than they lose. It occurs in the two the adult adult males's and girls's divisions. regrettably, Michelle McCool takes distinctive undeserved warmth by way of fact of that. you're staggering, I mean, why do not human beings harp on all the giants? certainly, all of them rip off The Undertaker with their circulate-gadgets. and how many human beings use the vast boot now? The Undertaker, area, the vast tutor, the great Khali, Kane, Batista, Vladimir Kozlov, Mike Knox, Shad Gaspard...and that's purely off the suited of my head, which incorporate Michelle McCool. Plus, i don't watch TNA so i don't be attentive to approximately any of their adult adult males, yet nonetheless, however if t! he checklist is purely WWE-unique, it incredibly is a ton of human bein! gs staggering there. in certainty, every person wrestles a definite form, and there are not that many diverse wrestling varieties obtainable. so as meaning that there are purely maximum of strikes which could be utilized. no one looks to bash Batista, yet his finished circulate-set, and that i mean his finished circulate-set, is purely thoroughly ripped off from different adult adult males. that's not even diffused. The spear is utilized by a ton of fellows (between others, now the vast tutor besides. you do not hear human beings complaining approximately that...), the spinebuster is stolen from Triple H and a selection of of alternative others, the working powerslam became right into a Goldberg and Kevin Nash staple. Then there is that suplex Batista does the place he holds the different guy great at once above his head for a mutually as (i don't be attentive to the call of it). Goldberg used to do this each and one and all the time. Oh, and a powerbomb as a finisher? Wow,! now it incredibly is unique. certainly, now that i think of of it, Bobby Lashley had a precise to comparable circulate-set to Batista. maximum adult adult males (and girls) have a circulate-set of between 7-10 common strikes. valuable, on PPV's they're going to swap it up slightly, yet for the main area, they persist with what they be attentive to. There are exceptions, like the Undertaker and Kurt attitude, who've something like 15-20 unique strikes, yet it incredibly is a rarity. human beings would desire to get off Michelle's returned. Plan and straightforward, she's been sporting the Smackdown divas roster for some years now, and that's a certainty. I want human beings would supply her a destroy....Show more

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