Saturday 22 August 2020

How to propose a school garden?

Lillie Yarde: Despite the nobility in this idea, I doubt you could establish and maintain a garden large enough to feed the entire high school all the time. Vegetables require a lot of attention, and what we're used to eating normally isn't necessarily available all year per the actual plot. For example, not much will be available for winter harvesting, and school is very much open in winter.Best thing for improving food would be to discuss your views with a teacher or administrator you like (or, who at least likes you!) and ask for their input on how well it would go. If they're enthusiastic, follow up with other adults there to get more support...basically, you'd be a lobbyist. Then approach the PTA or whatnot with your proposal.If an actual garden on-site is not possible, you can try getting your school to get on board with local small farms and farmers' markets to get quality food when available....Show more

Marcel Then: Gardens can take on many shapes and s! izes but the other answer is correct that having a garden actually feed the entire school is an enormous undertaking. Most school gardens are used as part of the curriculum to teach better eating habits or in connection with math, science, social studies courses. We have seen schools have salad days from the garden and even fall soup days.My company designs and installs gardens at many schools around the country - take a look at our website which also has information about starting gardens. www.teichgardensystems.comJared FinkelsteinTeich Garden Systems...Show more

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