Tuesday 11 August 2020

What is it like being a mental health technician in las vegas?

Keven Woodington: Yes, he thinks about you day and night and he tells all his gay friends that a witch who does not have any access to him put a spell under her pillow and that if she had any sense, but she has not,; because she is a witch,; she would know that the guy will not even obey the law of God, and act like a real man instead of a Sodomite, then the stupid witch would put the spell under 'his' pillow, and the spell would make him become a witch also and then he would not ever get an erection again and he would have to marry him and then he would be a real witch,/ P.S> the spell for finding it out is abracadabrassiere...Show more

Eleni Mccier: I am so confused by that first answer! Weird! So...what is it like to be a mental health technician? The problem is, that is a term specific to a specific agency, most likely. Here's what I know. Direct service positions in the human services field that do not require a degree usually pay close to minimum wage but are ! often flexible with hours and time. Positions that require a bachelor's degree are usually considered "professional" positions usually have less flexibility but also pay much better. It is a good entry level position, either way. You will get to know the people in the community that are working in the field, and you will begin to experience all the lessons you need to learn to be good at your profession. Boundaries will be the first of those, most likely. It sounds like a no-brainer, but it is not a black and white issue. You might want to consider some clinical supervision, if you haven't already. It will help you process all the stress of entering this field. It is hard, but highly rewarding. Not financially, by the way. :)Best of luck to you!Kerrie Wheeler, LCPC...Show more

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