Monday 10 August 2020

IS THIS TRuE????????????????????????????????//

Sena Highman: i think your thinking of steroids?

Luke Kosch: Weight lifting does not stunt your growth.This is a myth which stems from the possibility that weight lifting can damage the epiphyseal growth plates on the long bones of the body...this is the region on bone where growth occurs.If you lift in good form, allow for adequate rest, and avoid heavy lifting, you should be fine....Show more

Lawana Neemann: I cant tell you if its really true or not but my brother use too do weight lift and he stayed short , you should wait till your at lest 16 to start doing it. your still in puberty stages and this is where you should be doing alot of tretches/ running/jogging/push ups only use your own body weight to do your work outs!

William Vickerman: No it won't stunt your growth. Altho at your age doing a lot of weight lifting is a bad idea anyways.-Connor

Mark Hovanes: Yes at your age you can stunt your growth because you are in the process of growing an! d building muscle first can restrict some of the joints and bones from expanding and forming correctly. Wait a few years before you actually start building muscles mechanically. Let your body do it's thing first, then you can help it along from there..

Christiane Cattano: In our school gym we're not allowed to enter unless we're 16 or above. we asked a teacher why and he said building bulky muscles stunts your growth.

Ileen Oshell: No, weight lifting doesn't stunt growth. I might make you stronger, but not shorter. Steroid use can stop elongation of bone, by stopping the maturation process at a slightly younger age. They also can cause gentials to be smaller, and cause cancer, so dont' do steroids.For reassurance, please see a doctor, or google a lot of questions. There's lots of info at Men's Health....Show more

Whitney Saborido: It's not a myth, stop listenign to people saying it's not a myth.It won't STUNT the growth, meaning working out won't compl! etely end your growth, but it will slow it down. Or even put ! it on hold.and that is for work outs meant to thicken your muscles. If the muscles are too busy reparing and growing thicker, they won't get longer, and your bones cant grow....Show more

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