Friday 31 July 2020

Firstly, Is alternative/natural medicine bullsh*t or good in Your opinion?

German Thal: Scientific medicine has been rigorously tested before it is allowed on the market. Alternative medicine has not been tested. It is primarily promoted online through articles, videos, etc. There are a lot of people out there trying to make money selling whatever is the latest "cure" -- magnets, emu oil, vitamin supplements, etc. Everyone's body chemistry is different, so not every medicine is going to make a person feel better -- that's why there are so many different drugs to deal with pain, blood pressure, cancer, etc. But at least prescription meds have been tested for side effects before they are released to the public....Show more

Betsey Copp: Anyone who claims that mainstream medicine is "scientific" is seriously begging the question. So many pharma companies have been caught and fined for producing fake studies, promoting drugs for purposes they were not tested for, and paying doctors to sign their names to fake peer reviews.Most patients gra! vitate to non-conventional therapies because mainstream medicine has failed to help them. I have had better results with no toxic effects choosing Chiropractic treatment over pain killers, Homeopathic medicine and acupuncture over drugs that just inhibit symptoms, etc. Over 80% of people in North America use at least one form of non-mainstream therapy these days, so it's hardly B.S....Show more

Son Ahlers: It can be quite legitimate, but also leads to many con-men trying to make a quick profit as well.I've been reading sites like, and in regards to natural cures and natural healthy food and general living they seem to be the real deal in my opinion. I've dramatically improved my health from reading the many articles they have published. Another good source for natural health information I find extremely accurate and informative would be from Dr. Gerhauser - he makes videos on YT. "Naturalfoodsdiet"! .Show more

Dewey Heersink: Alternative medicine or natur! al medicine often works much slower than conventional medicine but often there are no side effects at all or very few side effects. Sometimes or often it doesnt help much at all. Conventional medicine often works much faster but often there are bad side effects.A combination of both is probably the best package as they both have pluses and minuses.but very few conventional doctors are conversant with natural medicine or alternative medicine and regard it as quackery....Show more

Thursday 30 July 2020

how we can improve the qquality of student life by creating a student union building only for recreation?

Mack Ukich: It gives the students somewhere to go to congregate when they are not studying. This should make the dorms a better place to study. It also gives the residents a place to go on campus instead of traveling off campus just for a little recreation. Lastly it is a place for your commuting students to get connected with other student and to hang out in between classes.If you need more ideas please feel free to contact me!

Comment construire une garde-robe de base (hommes)

Comment construire une garde-robe de base (hommes)

Commencez par construire une garde-robe basique et décontractée. Vous en aurez besoin : (au moins)

Une fois que vous avez établi une garde-robe décontractée, vous pouvez passer à la garde-robe semi-formelle et formelle. Vous en aurez besoin :

Wednesday 29 July 2020

What's the best free online game?

Cecil Derenzi: PS Maple Story and Runescape = steaming pile of brown stuffso sue me.

Avis Brantner: go to yahoo games

Serita Hefferon: yeah maplestory is a major waste of time, i wasted months on it and you then you realize its boring and stupid.i dont really play online games anymore because i need to do other things my life but id recommend you go to and check out what they have there, as they have a huge listing of games....Show more

Alexandria Popik: http://www.pogo.com

Jeannine Vassie: yahoo pool ! when it works and lets you get in the pool room.Also online checkers is cool too.

Lindsey Zanardi:, check out, don't know if this one is free but it looks pretty damn cool.

Donte Hamme: Kal online is alright. you can download a free ragnarok online server.

Comment supprimer la barre d’outils MySearchDial

Comment supprimer la barre d’outils MySearchDial

p>La barre d’outils MySearchDial est un type d’extension de navigateur. Si vous préférez utiliser des paramètres de navigateur précédents ou originaux, lisez cet article et suivez les étapes manuelles suivantes pour supprimer la barre d’outils MySearchDial de vos outils Web.

Supprimez l’extension et les options MySearchDial de votre navigateur par défaut. Pour des directions spécifiques, voir les options ci-dessous.

Sélectionnez l’option « Utiliser vierge » ou « Utiliser par défaut » pour restaurer la page d’accueil d’Internet Explorer.

Connectez-vous à votre machine à l’aide d’un compte disposant de droits d’utilisateur administrateur.

Retirez-le des éléments de démarrage. Sur la page des paramètres, sous « Au démarrage », vous verrez un élément coché « Ouvrir une page ou un ensemble de ! pages spécifique ». Cliquez sur « Définir les pages » à droite. Une nouvelle fenêtre s’ouvrira avec la mention « Pages de démarrage ». Vous verrez une ligne avec MySearchDial dessus. Déplacez le curseur dessus et un x apparaîtra à la fin. Cliquez sur le x et cela le supprimera des éléments de démarrage. Cliquez sur « ok », puis fermez le navigateur et ouvrez à nouveau Google chrome, et votre page d’accueil préférée devrait apparaître.

Ouvrez le menu Paramètres. Naviguez jusqu’à Paramètres et cliquez sur.

Supprimez entièrement le programme, si vous le souhaitez. Ouvrez l’onglet Extensions à gauche du menu Paramètres. Trouvez le MySearchDial. Cliquez sur l’icône de la corbeille dans la rangée pour MySearchDial. Suivez les instructions. Vous devrez probablement redémarrer votre navigateur.

Cliquez à nouveau sur le titre Firefox. Choisissez Options et restaurez les paramètres de la page d’accueil de cette se! ction sur la page d’accueil de votre choix.

Redémarre! z Firefox pour que les modifications ci-dessus prennent effet.

Ouvrez la liste des moteurs de recherche de Firefox. Trouvez l’entrée MySearchDial et lancez l’option « Supprimer ». Réinitialisez votre moteur de recherche par défaut/préféré à Google ou à l’un des autres moteurs de la liste. Cliquez sur OK.

Cliquez sur le titre Firefox pour les options du menu. Sélectionnez le Gestionnaire des modules complémentaires, puis Extensions. Trouvez l’option MySearchDial 7.0 et cliquez sur « Supprimer ».

Enregistrez, fermez et rouvrez Internet Explorer pour vérifier que vous avez bien supprimé la barre MySearchDial.

Cliquez sur l’onglet Programmes. Sélectionnez « Gérer les add-ons » et supprimez la liste restante de MySearchDial dans Search Providers.

Ouvrez le menu Chrome. Cliquez sur le menu en haut à droite de la fenêtre Chrome. Il ressemblera à trois lignes horizontales juste en dessous du « fermer le programm! e » x.

Appuyez sur la touche Démarrer/Fenêtres. Allez dans Paramètres et sélectionnez le Panneau de configuration.

Cliquez sur l’icône Équipement et choisissez Options Internet.

Localisez l’élément MySearchDial. Sélectionnez-le et cliquez sur l’option Désinstaller/Modifier (bouton).

Sauvegardez et fermez tous les navigateurs et autres applications en cours d’exécution.

Tuesday 28 July 2020

Being a compulsive video game player?

Donnell Nocella: There's nothing wrong with playing video games. If its a hobby that you enjoy then you should carry on playing them. However it is important to strike a balance between playing video games and the other things in your life. You can have too much of a good thing and if you think you are currently spending too much time playing games, then try and cut down and invest some more time in other pursuits.

Marita Stadick: This is really sad. Normal people are way better than videogames. Even if a game is a lot of fun, the whole time you're playing you're really just sitting staring at a screen. Kinda sad right?

Galen Gowers: i dont think so. im 30 now and im a compulsive player, too. dont worry, buddy. it's OK. every dog has its own bark. anyway, check out I got ps3 and Xbox360 consoles and my favorite games on it, Metal Gear Solid, God of War III, 2010 FIFA world cup, Alpha, Little big planet. And, it's offering upto 15% discount on! latest games. Nice games, consoles, games news, etc. with good customer services and fast shipping. Hope can help you out.

Darrin Hixenbaugh: particular i'm. I stay homestead and play video games yet i'm getting out each and every so often. the only difference is im 15 and that i've got had a girl chum... sorta -ish, kinda yah. there is not any longer something incorrect with being a gamer, only dangle out with friends each and every so often. Youll probable discover a woman that likes video clips video games too. i'm hoping i discover a woman who likes video games! Xbox360 can get very addicting and relaxing lol!...Show more

What dose it mean if my beagle constantly yawns and licks his lips all day?  

What dose it mean if my beagle constantly yawns and licks his lips all day?  

answers 0:What dose it mean if my beagle constantly yawns and licks his lips all day?answers 1:hes hungranswers 2:A dental problem comes to mind. You should have your dog checked by a vet. That isn't normal.answers 3:It could be w submissive behavior or the dog can be trying to calm himself, some of the dogs I take in will face away and hide in the corner, lick, their lips almost constantly and not seem to relax or settle until they are locked inside emir kennels. If I bring them back out and assign one on one attention with them, brushing them, walking them or keeping them on a leash they seem to slow down or stop this behavior.If your dog has suddenly started doing this and has not been doing it all along it could be a dental or pain issue or something else.It can't hurt to have a vet do a dental exam pause a once over to make sure every! thing is fine. Next would be spending some more time with the org to see if it's because he isnt feeling secure or is nurvous sbout something going on inside or directly outside the house. When we have construction in the area, several our dogs will pace or you can hear them licking working their mouths a lot. I just leave the door to ear kennels open so they can choose to go inside if they wish. When they do they will settle down and go to sleep, being inside a darkened crate makes them feel more secure....answers 4:That the Beagle needs a check-up.answers 5:Ask your vet if you're concerned, phone calls are free.

Monday 27 July 2020

how do i sign up for toys for tots in Detroit mi?

Francisco Schonhardt: Go to the website and follow their instructions.Here is a link:

Comment trouver un imprimeur légal pour les documents de la Cour suprême des États-Unis

Comment trouver un imprimeur légal pour les documents de la Cour suprême des États-Unis

Obtenez plusieurs devis. Bien que vous puissiez vous attendre à ce que les services d’impression coûtent plusieurs milliers de dollars, certains peuvent être moins chers que d’autres. Les imprimeurs légaux ne fournissent généralement pas d’estimations générales sur leurs sites Web, mais le fait d’appeler ou d’envoyer un courriel à plusieurs imprimeurs pour obtenir une estimation vous permet de comparer les prix.

Déterminez si vous êtes admissible à la procédure in forma pauperis. Les documents de la Cour suprême doivent être déposés sous forme de livrets, en utilisant des formats de page et une qualité de papier qui ne sont pas librement accessibles au grand public. Cependant, si vous déposez « in forma pauperis », vous n’avez pas à remplir ces conditions et vous pouvez déposer vos do! cuments sur du papier format lettre 8,5 x 11 normal.

Demandez des références. Si vous connaissez des avocats qui ont récemment déposé des requêtes à la Cour suprême, vous pouvez les appeler et leur demander quel service d’impression ils utilisent. La plupart des avocats ou des cabinets d’avocats qui traitent régulièrement des dossiers de la Cour suprême ont une imprimante particulière qu’ils utilisent toujours.

Inclure le paiement des frais de mise au rôle. Lorsque vous déposez une requête en bref ou en certiorari, vous devez payer des frais de mise au rôle de 300 $, comme vous le feriez pour d’autres appels. Si vous n’avez pas les moyens de payer ces frais, vous devez également inclure une requête et un affidavit pour procéder in forma pauperis.

Effectuez une recherche sur Internet. À moins que vous ne viviez dans la région de D.C. ou dans une autre grande ville, vous pourriez avoir de la difficulté à trouver un imprimeur ! juridique qui connaît bien la mise en page et l’impression ! des documents de la Cour suprême des États-Unis.

Décidez quels services vous voulez. Les imprimeurs légaux font plus que simplement imprimer vos documents pour vous. Beaucoup d’entre eux ont également des services de mise en page et de correction d’épreuves que vous pouvez utiliser, et certains s’occuperont également de votre classement et du service des exigences du processus.

Faites servir les autres parties. Après avoir déposé votre requête, vous devez en remettre une copie à toutes les autres parties impliquées dans la poursuite en utilisant une méthode de signification ou de traitement juridique approuvée. La Règle 29 de la Cour suprême traite de la signification.

Postez vos documents à la Cour suprême. Pour déposer votre requête, vous devez poster tous les documents et copies au greffe de la Cour suprême dans les 90 jours suivant la date du prononcé du jugement définitif de la dernière cour d’appel supérieure.

! Faites attention à la longueur. Les règles de la Cour suprême limitent le nombre de pages de votre requête ou de votre mémoire, ainsi que le nombre de mots. Lorsque vous déposez votre document, vous devez inclure une page d’attestation attestant que votre document ne dépasse pas ces limites.

Rassemblez tous les documents et copies nécessaires. Consultez les règles ou le manuel de procédure pour déterminer exactement les documents que vous devez soumettre à la Cour et le nombre d’exemplaires de chaque document dont vous avez besoin.

Lisez attentivement les règles de la Cour suprême. Si vous prévoyez formater vos documents vous-même, assurez-vous de bien comprendre les règles de formatage, en particulier celles des règles 33.2 et 34 qui s’appliquent à la préparation de documents sur papier format lettre 8,5 x 11.

Définissez la taille et les marges de votre page. Avant de commencer à taper vos documents dans votre application de tr! aitement de texte, assurez-vous que la taille des pages et les marges s! ont conformes aux règles de la Cour suprême. Bien que le papier 8,5 x 11 soit généralement le format par défaut, il se peut que vous deviez ajuster les marges.

Utilisez la bonne police de caractères. Les règles de la Cour suprême exigent que vos documents soient composés dans une police Century Family. Le plus courant dans cette famille de polices est le New Century Schoolbook, qui est la police utilisée par la Cour elle-même. Cette police peut être incluse dans votre application de traitement de texte.

Remplissez votre certificat. Vous devez joindre à votre demande d’assignation en certiorari ou de mémoire à la Cour suprême un certificat attestant que le document est conforme aux règles de la Cour en matière de formatage et de longueur.

Téléchargez le manuel pro se de la Cour suprême. La Cour suprême publie un guide à l’intention des personnes qui se représentent elles-mêmes, connu sous le nom de  » pro se « , qui explique! les exigences en matière de présentation des documents de la Cour suprême.

Sunday 26 July 2020

The number of toys in the closet varies inversely with the number of children in the room?

Kassie Kay: Toys proprtional to 1/ChildrenToys = constant / childrenConstant = toys x children = 15 x 3 = 45Again: Toys = Constant /children = 45/5 =9Ans [A] 9...Show more

Saturday 25 July 2020

Crafts HELP?

Cuc Gire: michaels

Augustus Sarria: No offense to your ego or intelligence but have you tried using like google maps or anything?

Robt Heemstra: dont they all?

Otto Lingafelt: lots of them. try walmart firs, it will be a little cheaper

Hugo Pittari: any Hobby Lobby or Micheal's should have it

Giovanna Cramblit: i dont know about like toronto, but a couple stores aobve toronto might have, a arts and crafts store called Micahels, the dollar store might have, home depot might have?good luck

Comment battre le niveau 77 dans la saga Candy Crush

Comment battre le niveau 77 dans la saga Candy Crush

p>Le niveau 77 de la saga Candy Crush peut être un réveil pour les débutants. Les joueurs doivent éliminer toute la gelée et atteindre 50 000 points en seulement 25 coups pour battre le niveau. Cependant, toute la gelée est contenue dans une mince section centrale qui n’est pas reliée au reste de la planche i>et qui contient aussi du chocolat /i> qui va s’étaler à chaque tour qu’il n’est pas dégagé. Cela oblige les joueurs à faire preuve de créativité afin d’éliminer indirectement la gelée avec des bonbons spéciaux dans les délais impartis.

Réinitialisez la scène jusqu’à ce que vous obteniez une bonne mise en page. Cette astuce fonctionne pour la version mobile du jeu, pas pour la version du navigateur. Si vous commencez le niveau et que vous ne voyez pas de bon! s mouvements, arrêtez. Avant de faire quoi que ce soit, appuyez sur le bouton « Précédent » de votre téléphone et, si on vous demande si vous voulez vraiment sortir, appuyez sur « Oui ». Vous devriez être de retour sur l’écran de carte. Entrez à nouveau le niveau et vous aurez un assortiment différent de blocs aléatoires, mais vous aurez toujours le même nombre de vies ! Utilisez ceci à votre avantage en réinitialisant jusqu’à ce que vous obteniez une sélection favorable de blocs au début du niveau (comme, par exemple, une installation facile pour un bonbon rayé vertical sur le côté droit du plateau).

Utilisez des combos enveloppés/rayés pour frapper la partie centrale. Les combinaisons de bonbons emballés et de bonbons rayés sont vos atouts les plus utiles à ce stade. Ces combos dégagent trois rangées et trois colonnes dans un grand motif de « croix », ce qui signifie qu’ils peuvent frapper trois espaces de gelée au milieu! à la fois. Malheureusement, il peut falloir plusieurs coups ! pour configurer un combo enveloppé/rayé, alors ne perdez pas de temps à les exécuter si vous êtes à court de temps.

Utilisez des bombes de couleur si plusieurs carrés de gelée sont de la même couleur. Les bombes de couleur â€" formées en obtenant cinq bonbons de la même couleur dans une rangée â€" peuvent être utiles dans certaines situations, mais ne sont pas essentielles, alors réfléchissez avant de les faire. Si vous voyez que vous pouvez former une bombe de couleur dans un tour et l’utiliser pour effacer une couleur qui apparaît souvent dans la rangée du milieu au tour suivant, c’est probablement la peine.

Ne laissez pas le chocolat devenir incontrôlable. Une fois que le chocolat s’est répandu dans toute la section du milieu, il peut être très difficile de terminer le niveau, car cela ajoute essentiellement une autre couche que vous devez « percer » avant de pouvoir commencer à éliminer la gelée. Le mieux est d’empêcher l! e chocolat de s’étaler jusqu’à ce que vous ayez une ou deux bandes verticales prêtes à l’utiliser.

N’utilisez pas de bonbons emballés, sauf pour les combos rayés et emballés. À eux seuls, les bonbons emballés sont inutiles à ce niveau â€" leur zone d’explosion n’est pas assez grande pour affecter la partie centrale où se trouvent la gelée et le chocolat. Ainsi, vous ne voudrez pas gaspiller des coups en les faisant à moins que vous projetiez de les utiliser dans une combinaison enveloppée/rayée ou de les utiliser pour déclencher un bonbon rayé vertical.

Envisagez de commencer avec un booster que vous avez déjà gagné. Si vous avez utilisé la roue d’appoint quotidienne, vous aurez probablement au moins quelques boosters en réserve. Au niveau 77, vous pouvez en utiliser trois : des bonbons rayés et emballés, des méduses et une bombe de couleur. Chacun vous donnera un avantage â€" voir ci-dessous pour plus d’informations.


Privilégiez les bonbons rayés verticaux. La difficulté majeure de! ce niveau est que les espaces sur lesquels vous avez le plus de contrôle â€" ceux du haut et du bas â€" ne sont pas ceux que vous avez en gelée. Puisque la section centrale n’est pas reliée au reste de la planche, utilisez le haut et le bas de la planche à votre avantage en faisant des bonbons rayés verticaux chaque fois que vous en avez l’occasion.

N’oubliez pas de chercher les combinaisons dans la section du milieu. Bien qu’il soit bon de chercher des bonbons rayés verticaux et des combos emballés/rayés sur le haut et le bas de la planche, n’oubliez pas que vous aurez parfois des combos dans la section centrale de la planche aussi bien. En fait, en termes de déplacement vers votre objectif, obtenir une seule ligne horizontale de trois dans le milieu est tout aussi utile qu’une combinaison enveloppée/rayée (et utilise moins de mouvements pour exécuter !) Ainsi, vous voudrez toujours jeter un coup d’oeil rapide au milieu au début de votre t! our pour voir s’il y a de bons mouvements avant de passer aux sections externes.

Si vous n’avez pas d’autres mouvements, nettoyez les bonbons près du bas du tableau. Si vous n’avez aucun mouvement productif à faire à votre tour, il est presque toujours préférable pour vous d’enlever les bonbons au bas du tableau plutôt qu’au haut. C’est parce que lorsque vous enlevez les bonbons au fond, il y a plus de bonbons au-dessus, ce qui augmente les chances qu’une cascade se produise. Cela augmente les chances d’obtenir un bonbon spécial (et, même si ce n’est pas le cas, vous obtiendrez encore plus de points grâce à l’effet cascade).

Si vous le pouvez, concentrez-vous d’abord sur le chocolat. Le chocolat qui commence sur le côté droit de la section du milieu est votre ennemi numéro un dans ce niveau. Si vous ne vous en occupez pas dès qu’il commence à s’étendre, il peut rapidement dévorer toute la partie centrale, ce qui rend ! très difficile de battre le niveau. Pour cette raison, il est préfér! able d’éclaircir le chocolat avec quelques bonbons rayés verticaux ou un combo enveloppé/rayé dès que vous le pouvez.

Ne perdez pas de temps à essayer d’obtenir de nouveaux blocs dans la section centrale. Il est important de noter qu’il n’y a aucun panneau de téléportation en haut ou en bas des carrés de la section centrale. Cela signifie que l’élimination des bonbons n’importe où à l’extérieur de la section centrale n’aura pas d’effet sur les bonbons du milieu. La seule façon d’obtenir de nouveaux bonbons au milieu est d’enlever les bonbons soit directement, soit avec un bonbon rayé, un combo enveloppé/rayé ou un combo rayé/rayé.

Regardez les vidéos de gameplay du niveau 77. C’est une chose à lire sur les façons de battre le niveau 77 â€" voir ces trucs et astuces en action peut les rendre beaucoup plus faciles à comprendre. Heureusement, il existe des douzaines de vidéos utiles là-bas plein de conseils pour batt! re le niveau 77 (et pratiquement tous les autres niveaux difficiles Candy Crush Saga Saga.)

N’oubliez pas la limite de points. Rien n’est plus écrasant que d’enlever toute la gelée de ce niveau pour ensuite échouer parce que vous n’avez pas obtenu assez de points. Bien que le marqueur d’une étoile soit positionné assez bas sur le compteur de points, il est toujours possible de terminer le niveau sans les 50.000 points nécessaires pour l’atteindre, alors faites attention aux points que vous accumulez tout au long du niveau.

Friday 24 July 2020

I need some hobbies......any ideas?

Byron Fortmann: Science (amateur)AstronomyMicroscopyKitchen chemistryLasersPhysics demonstrationsExperiments at homeRoboticsHobbies relating to animalsAnimal breedingAnimal rescuingBird watchingFish keepingArtsCalligraphyDrawingEnamelsFigure paintingWatercolorSplatter paintingStain glassCreaftsBeadingBlacksmithingMaking collagesCrochetDollhousesEmbroideryEnamelsEngravingJewelry makingKnittingOrigamiPotteryQuiltingScrap-bookingSculptureSoap-makingWeavingWoodcarvingCollectingAntiquesArtworkAutographsBanknotesBooksBottlesBusiness cardsButterfliesCalendarsCamerasCandlesticksClocksCoastersCoinsComic booksCrystalsMusicNewspapersPatchesPhotographsPostcardsPostersQuotesTeddy bearsToysComputersComputer gamesAnimationImagingInternet surfingCookingDo it YourselfVarious home repairsInterior designGames and sportsGardeningLiteratureOutdoor activitiesPerforming artsPhotography...Show more

Hugo Pittari: partys or drinking

Geraldo Mccalla: Try an instrument or magic

Dic! k Baumgarten: Try knitting! I love to knit. It's so much fun. It don't cost the much either. All you need is knitting needles and yarn. You can go on youtube and type in learn how to knit. or wikihow and type in the same thing. I hope i helped!

Darrel Stele: Here is a site I found the other day that might help you.

Lorine Helwick: How about:feltingorigamibeadingdecoupagecross-stitchingquilting...Show more

Dental Insurance for veneers?  

Dental Insurance for veneers?  

answers 0:I want to get 8 upper and 8 lower teeth done. How much would that be and what dental insurance covers cosmetics and how much does it cover (maximum coverage and minimum coverage). Okay thank you!answers 1:Veneers generally are not covered by dental insurance, at least none of the plans in states I know of do. Discount plans will have some coverage for veneers. You could try a dental school; the cost there will be about half of what you local dentist charges. You can find the nearest school here: 2:complex matter check out into google and yahoo just that can assistanswers 3:I don't think any dental insurance covers cosmetic work.answers 4:I don't think you'll find one but google is your friend.. ....

Thursday 23 July 2020

what should I do?? gambling problems, help 10 points.?

Malcom Fenoff: It's hard to be the daughter since you feel like you have no control. The truth is, the brunt of this falls to your mother.The best thing you can do is to talk with your father and tell him how proud you are that he has made it for 11 months without gambling. You said he needs money to go to your country. Let him know that you can wait longer, and that you don't have to go right now. Let him know that it's more important that he stays away from gambling. Let him know THAT is what you want more than anything else.Be encouraging, and let your mother do all the more specific things to protect your family against this evil addiction....Show more

Barton Slisz: Most Casinos-Harrah's properties for sure-have a "gambling anonymous" plan of sorts where you can ask them to ban you from their properties. If you ever set foot on their casino floors security will escort you off and if you try it again that day they will have the police come and remove you fro! m the grounds. It isn't a total solution but it is a start.Addictions must be overcome in the mind-though typically are just replaced by other (often more socially acceptable) addictions. That doesn't stop him from going and playing in home cash games-but there is probably some sort of out reach group in your community that can help him....Show more

Comment provoquer le travail

Comment provoquer le travail

Bien que les médecins soient d’accord dans la plupart des cas qu’il vaut mieux laisser le travail à la nature, la nature a parfois besoin d’un coup de pouce. Vous pouvez tenter d’induire le travail à la maison en toute sécurité, mais vous devez savoir à quoi vous attendre lors d’une induction médicale.

Sachez que la plupart des médecins n’induisent pas une grossesse précoce sans raison médicale. Les inductions électives sont rares, et la plupart ne surviennent qu’après 39 semaines. Votre médecin pourrait l’envisager si vous vivez si loin d’un hôpital que vous pourriez ne pas être en mesure d’obtenir de l’aide à temps pour un travail naturel.

Va faire un tour. La gravité de votre position verticale et le balancement latéral de vos hanches lorsque vous marchez aident votre b! ébé à se mettre en position d’accouchement. La marche peut aussi aider à accélérer le travail si vous avez déjà des contractions.

Faites briser votre eau manuellement. Une amniotomie, au cours de laquelle le médecin brise doucement le sac amniotique à l’aide d’un crochet en plastique stérile, est habituellement pratiquée lorsque le col de l’utérus est ouvert et que le bébé est en place, mais que l’eau ne s’est pas rompue toute seule.

Demandez une sonde de Foley pour ouvrir le col de l’utérus. Si vous préférez ne pas prendre de médicaments, votre médecin peut persuader physiquement le col de l’utérus de s’ouvrir à l’aide d’un cathéter à ballonnet. Un petit tube avec un ballon dégonflé à son extrémité est inséré dans le col de l’utérus et le ballon est gonflé.

Sachez ce qui ne marche pas. Il y a beaucoup de mythes urbains autour de ce qui va et ne va pas provoquer le travail. Voici un bref aperçu de c! e que vous ne devriez pas essayer :

Sachez que les raiso! ns médicales valables de l’induction varient. Les plus courantes sont :

Essayez un massage des seins. La stimulation des mamelons peut libérer l’ocytocine, qui fait partie du cocktail hormonal qui déclenche les contractions. Faites des massages par périodes de 5 minutes tout au long de la journée.

Essayez l’acupuncture. Les essais cliniques suggèrent que l’acupuncture peut aider à déclencher le travail naturellement chez certaines femmes. Les risques sont minimes â€" si l’acupuncture ne fonctionne pas, vous êtes toujours libre d’essayer une autre méthode d’induction.

Faire l’amour. Il s’agit d’une recommandation populaire des sages-femmes, bien qu’il n’y ait pas de recherches fermes sur son efficacité. La théorie est que l’orgasme de la femme peut déclencher le travail, ainsi que les prostaglandines dans le sperme entrant en contact avec le vagin (alors planifiez vos activités en conséquence !).

Soyez conscien! t des complications potentielles. L’induction du travail ne signifie pas que vous rencontrerez automatiquement ces complications, mais vos chances augmentent. Cependant, si vous accouchez dans un hôpital ou un centre d’accouchement, votre équipe médicale est au courant de ces risques et sera prête à les gérer.

Prenez des médicaments pour adoucir et effacer le col de l’utérus. Si vous n’avez pas encore ressenti les changements physiques du col de l’utérus qui rendent le travail imminent, votre médecin peut vous administrer quelques médicaments différents qui pourraient faire l’affaire. Ces composés imitent les hormones qui déclenchent le travail :

Faites enlever ou balayer vos membranes. Le médecin insère un doigt ganté dans votre utérus et le balaie autour de la paroi de l’utérus, le séparant du sac amniotique. Il s’agit d’une intervention ambulatoire qui peut être effectuée dans le cabinet de votre médecin, après quoi v! ous rentrerez chez vous et attendrez que le travail progresse.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

What are the laws against online gambling?

Jon Bergmeier: Online gambling is illegal in some countries. However, in others, it's regulated. You may or may not have to apply for special permits and so on. I don't exactly know what you mean by you selling items "in the style of gambling". It's too ambiguous. For one thing, some people view auctioning alike to gambling, and there are auction websites like functioning.Since I don;t really know what you mean, just consider that having a website on online gambling wouldn't be illegal, since it technically the trade is not illegal in most countries. However, make sure you restrict the access by having some kind of system, like a membership scheme. You must also make sure that if it's really similar to gambling, you have checks and balances to keep minors out....Show more

Rebbecca Sorkin: You have to be 18+ (or 21+)

Fermin Tara: Varies state to state, country to country. But it's illegal to have the server anywhere in the USA - thats why they are a! ll offshore.

Comment conserver les palourdes

Comment conserver les palourdes

Les palourdes sont un ajout délicieux à tout plat de fruits de mer, mais vous devez les conserver correctement pour votre sécurité. Si vous les faites cuire dans les 2 ou 3 jours, vous pouvez les conserver dans votre réfrigérateur, mais si la durée de cuisson est plus longue, vous devriez conserver les palourdes dans votre congélateur.

Placer les palourdes vivantes dans des sacs hermétiques pour congélation et retirer l’excédent d’air. Les sacs de plastique refermables sont parfaits pour conserver les palourdes entières dans le congélateur. En général, vous pouvez mettre plus de palourdes dans un sac que dans un contenant rigide, ce qui les rend idéales pour un entreposage au congélateur efficace.

Garder les palourdes immergées dans leur propre liqueur. Lorsque vous décortiquez les palourdes, elles libèrent un jus sucré-salé, habituellement appelé ! liqueur. Ce jus est le meilleur moyen de préserver la saveur des palourdes.

Placer les palourdes et la liqueur dans un contenant hermétiquement fermé. Vous pouvez utiliser un contenant de plastique hermétique ou placer les palourdes dans un sac de plastique refermable. Cependant, comme les palourdes contiennent du jus, vous pouvez réduire le risque de déversement en utilisant un contenant à parois dures.

Utiliser les palourdes dans les 2 à 3 jours. Lorsqu’il s’agit de manger des mollusques et crustacés, le plus tôt sera le mieux. Dans le cas des palourdes, assurez-vous de les consommer dans les 3 jours au plus tard. Si vous prévoyez une période plus longue, congelez les palourdes plutôt que de les conserver au réfrigérateur.

Mettez les palourdes à l’arrière du congélateur. L’arrière du congélateur est la partie la plus froide, car l’air a tendance à s’échapper lorsque vous ouvrez la porte du congélateur. La qualité des p! alourdes sera mieux préservée si elles gèlent plus rapideme! nt.

Couvrir le contenant contenant contenant les palourdes avec une serviette humide. Une serviette humide empêchera les myes de se dessécher, mais elle leur permettra aussi de prendre l’air. Ne les couvre pas de plastique ou ils vont s’étouffer.

Placer les palourdes en une seule couche dans un plat peu profond. Il est important que les palourdes puissent prendre l’air, alors ne les empilez pas simplement dans un bol. Les palourdes qui se trouvent au fond du tas suffoqueront et mourront. Les étaler plutôt en une seule couche dans un plat allant au four, ce qui permettra aux palourdes de respirer.

Décongeler les palourdes en les plaçant sous l’eau froide courante. Lorsque vous êtes prêt à préparer vos palourdes congelées, sortez-les du sac et placez-les dans une passoire sous l’eau froide courante. Avec cette méthode, les palourdes devraient se décongeler en quelques minutes seulement.

Conserver les palourdes à l’arrière du! réfrigérateur. Comme l’air froid s’échappe chaque fois que vous ouvrez la porte, l’arrière de votre réfrigérateur est habituellement la partie la plus froide du réfrigérateur. Les palourdes devraient être conservées à une température comprise entre 0 et 2 °C (32 et 35 °F).

Rincer les palourdes à l’eau froide courante. Si vous comptez congeler les palourdes, vous devriez les rincer avant de les mettre en entreposage. Frotter légèrement avec les doigts ou avec un chiffon propre ou une brosse pour enlever la boue et le sable à l’intérieur des coquilles.

Placer le contenant au réfrigérateur si vous utiliserez les palourdes dans les 3 jours. Les palourdes décortiquées resteront fraîches dans le réfrigérateur pendant 2 à 3 jours, donc si vous savez que vous les utiliserez rapidement, vous pouvez les conserver au réfrigérateur. Assurez-vous simplement de pousser le contenant jusqu’à l’arrière du réfrigérateur, qui est hab! ituellement la partie la plus froide.

Inspectez immédiatement le! s palourdes et jetez celles qui sont mortes ou cassées. Les palourdes saines doivent être fermées hermétiquement ou légèrement ouvertes. S’ils sont ouverts, ils devraient se refermer rapidement quand vous les tapez. Si des palourdes sont ouvertes et ne se ferment pas lorsque vous tapez dessus, ou si elles flottent dans l’eau, elles sont mortes et doivent être jetées immédiatement. De plus, si vous voyez des coquilles brisées ou endommagées, jetez les palourdes immédiatement.

Étiqueter le contenant avec la date. Inscrivez la date sur le sac de congélation dans un marqueur permanent ou apposez une étiquette imperméable sur le sac qui contient la date. Cela vous aidera à vous rappeler combien de temps les palourdes sont restées au congélateur, et il sera utile si vous finissez par congeler plusieurs lots de palourdes pendant la même saison.

Utiliser les palourdes dans les 3 mois. Lorsqu’elles sont bien congelées, les palourdes resteront f! raîches pendant environ 3 mois. Par la suite, leur goût et leur texture peuvent changer, ce qui les rend désagréables à manger.

Décongeler les palourdes congelées et décortiquées au réfrigérateur pendant la nuit. La meilleure façon de décongeler doucement vos palourdes tout en préservant leur texture est de placer le contenant au réfrigérateur la veille de leur utilisation. De cette façon, ils dégèleront tout en demeurant à une température sécuritaire.

Mettez le contenant au congélateur s’il doit être conservé plus de 3 jours. À part laisser de la place dans le contenant, il n’y a rien de spécial à faire pour congeler les palourdes décortiquées. Cependant, tout comme lorsque vous réfrigérez les palourdes, assurez-vous de placer le contenant à l’arrière du congélateur, là où la température est la plus froide.

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Latter-Day Saints: Do you play card games?

Cyndy Grimes: Yes, I do. All the time. My favorite game is Poker, and I'm crazy good at Blackjack and Hearts. I don't have a problem with face cards. I know some people--of many faiths--consider using face cards a form of idolatry, but that's nonsense. We're not worshiping the cards. We're not praying to them. I do consider gambling a sin, but if I'm just playing a game, where's the harm? God wants us to enjoy ourselves, and as long as we don't let card games become anything more than a game, I don't think there's anything sinful about using them....Show more

Trena Berum: It's what you do with the cards that's the main thing. If you use the cards to get gain, ie. gamble then that can and maybe a problem. However, I've used Face Cards to play Go Fish, Crazy Eights, and Speed with. They are something to pass away dull moments with nothing to do.I suppose a lot of the controversy comes from the fact that Face cards have a bit of a dubious history because face c! ards came out of the whole tarot card thing. My dad before he was a member of the church, read tarot cards and studied palm reading. So he sort of did a bastardized card reading with face cards once right in front of me. Course he doesn't do it that much anymore because it's more or less a priest craft and shouldn't really be done. I think that's the reason why people say it's evil and/or bad. But really it's what you do with the cards. Frankly to me they are harmless cards. To others it can be a tool for gambling and fortune telling....Show more

Jacques Teri: I grew up not playing with them but I do now. A long time ago one of the prophets (J.F. Smith I think) discouraged it. He was talking about how members of the church should avoid saloons and the things that are associated with them, namely card games (gambling), alcohol, women, smoking, etc.In recent years it's been re-emphasized that gambling should be discouraged but there was no mention of face cards. I ! wouldn't feel the need to hide my face cards if my Stake Presi! dent was coming over. I don't feel guilty when I use them and I don't feel the need for repentance when I do use them. There's nothing inherently bad about the cards themselves, although I do avoid games that people typically gamble on because I don't want to tempt myself to gamble on them later, but that's just me. (poker, blackjack, Texas hold em, etc)...Show more

Lynn Melbourne: Yes I do play cards with face cards... I know my old singles ward had "card night" on thursdays... though I know some who don't play with face cards because of "gambling" though there are many card games that have nothing to do with gambling!

Julienne Poplawski: Everyone at the school plays with cards...and they pray to the Latter-Day Saints...but they are the Seven Day Adventist sort...Also Gambling is wrong many lives ruined out numbers the winning people's lives

Charissa Bichsel: well, im not a mormon, but my best friend is.... and he and his family have no probl! em with cards or card games. We have even participated at a poker tourney at his church

Stevie Goldey: I ask because I was at my family reunion all last week and the subject of playing with face cards came up. One of my cousins is on a mission and someone told him that it was evil to play cards and he was kind of taken aback because he's always played cards and it's never bothered him to do so.

Hyo Hardell: I play games like Hearts, or pinochle, Gin, Those kinds of games with face cards. I am also an avid Solitare player. Just because you are playing a game with face cards doesn't make it bad. It's when you add the Gambling aspect to the game that can get you into trouble.

Ayesha Genova: I play games with face cards all the time as do all other LDS people of my acquaintance. I have never met anyone who is opposed to them. Even my mother and Mother in law who are as strait as you can get will still play with them.

Donnell Mollo: I play Solitaire and F! ree Cell on the computer all the time when waiting for other programs t! o load, and those are face cards. I do not ever play card games at places where gambling goes on, though.

Melvina Bieri: There are a few select quotes where cards are referred to as "evil". I want to say Joseph F. Smith didn't have a very fond appreciation of them, and maybe McConkie, in his book Mormon Doctrine might have used "evil" to describe them.I agree with the responses in the fact that it is what you make out of it. Cards can be used for evil purposes, but on the same token, can be used for good purposes too. My family plays half a dozen or so games regularly for FHE and Sunday night activities. To me, I know that I feel good when I'm actually interacting with my family, instead of having all of us around the boob tube.I'm not immediately aware of an official doctrine of the church that calls card playing, "evil". Sounds like a fun Google/ search to me.Thanks!...Show more

Monday 20 July 2020

Which Board games can play 8 people?

Betsey Muehlbach: monopolygame of life sorryuno spade is a gud card gameb.s. or bull **** is 1 of d best card game u can play ...Show more

Noah Deni: wits and wagersapples to applesa list of 8 player games: my opinion, anything rated more than six would probably be pretty good....Show more

Heidi Creselious: scrabble

Filiberto Amauty: You can always try MONOPOLY...don't know how long it will last though.

Toby Caswell: While not exactly a board game, Taboo is loads of fun, and great for a group of 8 people.

Nicolasa Henke: Werewolf, aka Mafia better than lying to your friends in the daylight, and hunting them down at night :-)Time's Up! on crack, as my friend likes to call it. Great fun, guaranteed to add some inside jokes to the next group get together.Also second G-E D's recommendations of Apples to Ap! ples and Wits & Wagers, both great group games....Show more

Nikita Schroepfer: very confusing stuff. browse onto yahoo. just that could actually help!

Rheba Cockman: Monopoly or Scrabble.

Lady Laflin: *Monopoly is a favorite that everyone enjoys...and it takes long*Scrabble has endless players and enhances memory and vocabulary*Trivial Pursuit is good with general knowledge*30 seconds - don't know if you've heard of it but it's a quick think game a bit like sharades*Cluedo has up to 8 players*PictionaryVisit this link for thousands of board games! more

Comment obtenir une armure de dragon complète dans RuneScape

Comment obtenir une armure de dragon complète dans RuneScape

Trouvez le Plateau du Dragon. Ceci peut être obtenu en tuant les démons tourmentés et en obtenant les trois parties du plateau. Alors vous devez avoir accès à la forge du dragon. Il va ensuite le forger sur un plateau. Notez encore une fois que c’est très rare et que le dragon de feu fera des dégâts à moins que vous ne portiez des gants de glace.

Ramassez les bottes de dragon. Ils peuvent être obtenus en tuant n’importe lequel de ces éléments.

Voler des pattes de dragon. Ils peuvent être obtenus en tuant plusieurs animaux, y compris des dragons en métal. Ce n’est pas aussi rare que les autres.

Achetez les gantelets de dragon. Ceux-ci peuvent être obtenus en jouant à Fist of Guthix et en économisant 150 points. Notez que le poing de Guthix se vide lentement, vous pouvez donc l’acheter au lieu d’attendre que plus! de 15 personnes viennent.

Procurez-vous un casque Dragon complet. Vous pouvez l’obtenir en tuant des dragons mithril (niveau 302) ou en brûlant des os mâchés dans un bûcher. Ceux-ci sont également obtenus par les dragons mithril aussi bien. Notez qu’il est très rare d’obtenir un casque de dragon complet.

Sunday 19 July 2020

Are amusement parks allowed to amuse you without any restrictions?

Ardath Templer: I remember when Six Flags New England put in Catapult last year. They had a ton of meetings with the Agawam town board, and almost wasn't allowed to install the ride. Agawam argued that SFNE already HAD two really tall rides (Superman and Scream), and that having another would ruin the landscape.Agawam then realized that Six Flags brings in a crapload of money to thier economy, and relented, but the point is, the town that the park is in, unless the park's name is Disney, gives approval to the park before rides can go in....Show more

Raul Tllo: idk but if there were height limits that would suck

Filiberto Amauty: Well they are family places if that is what you mean there are no adult only amusement parks or nudest amusement parks if that is what you mean.

Kenneth Thuesen: Depending on the area, it's different. I know for Disney World the castle was almost so high they'd have to put airplane warnings on them. So yes, they do have restr! ictions like all businesses, but in certain areas they are not very strict. Disney owns such a huge chunk of land in Orlando that it's not much of a concern, but for Six Flags in Denver (which is directly in the middle of downtown) for an example the restrictions are much different.~disneyinfo...Show more

Mark Hovanes: they can build as high or low as they want as long as they have the money and they can effectivly prove no one will get hurt having fun

Eliseo Luma: any structure has to follow the building code or guidelines set by that city or state.

Bob Nakamoto: yes

Irving Jordahl: Depends on the theme park - restrictions are different in all places. For instance Alton Towers in England are unable to build above tree height, as rides must not be visible from outside the park, though this is the main reason why their Nemesis ride is such an experience, as much of their main coasters ends up underground.Planning permission is needed for all rides, a! nd everything has to be checked with locals and the authoritie! s before anything is built - there are strict guidelines indeed concerning the construction of amusement rides - in the UK anyway....Show more

Comment annuler une demande Uber

Comment annuler une demande Uber

p>Ce wiki enseigne comment annuler un tour que vous avez commandé via l’application Uber sans payer de frais, y compris tous les tours Uber que vous avez programmés à l’avance.

Tapez sur Annuler trajet sous le trajet que vous annulez. Si plusieurs trajets sont programmés, faites défiler jusqu’à ce que vous trouviez celui que vous souhaitez annuler.

Appuyez sur Annuler. Vous le trouverez sous le nom et la photo du pilote, à côté du bouton « Contact ».

Appuyez sur Vos déplacements.

Tapez sur l’onglet A venir.

Ouvrez l’application Uber. Si vous avez programmé une future utilisation de l’application Uber, vous pouvez l’annuler sans aucun frais.

Appuyez sur votre carte de conducteur. Vous le verrez au bas de l’écran sur la carte Uber lorsqu’un chauffeur aura accepté votre demande de dÃ! ©placement.

Appuyez sur Annuler le trajet pour confirmer. Tant que vous annulez avant qu’un conducteur n’ait accepté votre véhicule, vous n’aurez pas à payer de frais d’annulation.

Ouvrez l’application Uber. Si votre chauffeur est en route vers votre position, vous pouvez annuler votre demande. Plus tôt vous envoyez l’annulation, moins vous aurez de chances d’obtenir des frais d’annulation…

Tapez sur le bouton de commande ☰. Vous verrez ceci dans le coin supérieur gauche de l’écran de l’application Uber.

Appuyez sur Annuler le trajet. Votre trajet sera annulé immédiatement. Aucun frais d’annulation ne vous sera facturé si vous annulez dans les 2 à 5 minutes suivant votre commande (l’heure exacte varie en fonction de votre emplacement). Vous pouvez également annuler sans frais si votre chauffeur a plus de 5 minutes de retard.

Saturday 18 July 2020

Christians and Drinking?

Maritza Ebanks: God hopes you'll change your mind and believe in him. You have the rest of your life up until your last breath to make that decision. He gave you free will so the choice is yours.

Lucille Saetteurn: You don't. Nobody KNOWS. I am just on the fence about any religion at this point. It seems pointless to me at this point. Too many versions of the Bible, too many people translating it in different ways, religions using the same Bible yet teaching it in completely different ways, ppl arguing on a simple question of whether Jesus is God's son or God himself, arguing over what God's name is. Then there's the fact that the Bible states that being gay is a sin, when i think ppl are born that way and can't simply choose their sexuality, i know i can't choose to be gay so how could they choose to be straight? Just annoyed with religious people at this point. Lol...Show more

Chanda Wittwer: Drinking is not that big of a deal. But getting drunk howeve! r, is a big deal. When you get either drunk or high, your mind is not in the same state, which can be dangerous. Honestly, this link will probably explain it all.

Chadwick Schmelz:

Maria Bengston: Not all religions are Bible based, and I'm not talking about the Koran either (no point in exchanging one oppressive religion for a more oppressive one. If you do stick with the Bible, you should realize that these are stories told from the point of view of the author (no not God) For the moment let's assume Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They each wrote about something that they saw and it was copied by hand until the 16th century (invention of the printing press) with no oversight until around 400 ad. That's when Rome took over the church. They inserted their own agenda into it, truth was secondary at best. So you're right to take what you read with a grain of salt. People will always interpret what they see or re! ad through their own shortcomings and prejudice. See if you ca! n get just a hint of what may have actually occurred. A hint is all you can get. No different from an archeologist who finds the foundation of a building and some pottery and comes up with how these people lived. He could be dead on or so far off that it's laughable. You only have to decide for you. One rule I've gone by is that people that insist that you believe what they tell you to, always have an agenda that goes past the actual teaching and into their plans for your life. It might help to read the "Bhagavad Gita" or "Three Zen Masters" Just to get an idea of how different cultures treat their sacred writings....Show more

Theresia Fashaw: Reading the article, from what I can gather the boy never actually claimed to be a 'Buddha'.Although who are we to judge, is not all religion a belief based on faith, and as such both deniable/undeniable as any individual deems at the time. The important aspect about this is that his presence is bolstering the faith of those t! hat are coming into proximity of him. What other people think does not matter.Only time will tell....Show more

Ignacio Imbier: I believe what the Bible says, and if something seems controversial, I pray about it, and God always leads me to the answer in some way. I know that when He saved me, everything about me changed in a split second-I went from being bisexual, doing drugs, alcohol, being filled with the Holy Spirit and hated all the things I used to one or nothing but God can do that! Billions of others have had similar experiences when they submit to Him completely. Not only that, but He taught me about Jesus, gave me visions of Him, and I fell completely in love with Him and believe everything He says in the Bible. I know, without a doubt that He is alive, and that each one of us is going to have to face Him for judgement one day, and that He has provided a way for us to escape the wrath of God and be with Him forever. He is with me daily! . No other "religion" can claim that they actually have a relationship! with their god. Only through Jesus Christ can this happen, because He is the "Mediator" between God and man....Show more

Jerrod Guilfoil: Its not wrong to drink alcohol, as you are correct that there are passages in the Bible where Jesus is drinking. Most notable one was in the start of his ministry, he changed a few jugs of water into wine when the wedding he was at ran out. You may drink, but it needs to be done in moderation.

Bud Espenshade: Ok it is best to not imbibe at all- that way you have no chance of overindulging or becoming addicted. That said, God did not get mad at Noah for drinking the wine but for getting drunk on the wine. All things are permissible but not all things are beneficial. All things in moderation. I have seen the damage that alcoholism does to people and their families. What you do does not only effect you but at least 17 others in a negative way. ( stats from AA and ALON) So I suggest :BEFORE YOU DRINK-THINK!!!!...Show more!

Tom Romer: Thats about as simple as I can put it. Anything else always brings people trying to offer advice and prayer and bible studying. I cannot make myself believe in this (or any) religion. Does he uderstand, or will I go to hell (if its there).

Janean Guz: I had the same dilemma but i solved it. I went to the church apologized god i will not believe in him but i will try to be good person. I think if there is god he or she wants people to be good at each other. Every religion says the same thing be good and you will go to heaven. So try to do the best of yourself and don't worry bout hell.

Annabell Bevier: I know its hard... even for those who believe in Him. It is a choice however, we have chosen to believe. You have to make up in your mind that you will choose to believe. If you speak negative thoughts about God and do not open your mind to receive understanding, then you will not. Pray for truth and be open to receive it... when u seek, u ! will find... when u seek with your whole heart!

Clement Viscarro:! Drinking is perfectly alright in moderation.

Armanda Hertel: Buddha cannot be reincarnated.A Buddha is one that has gained enlightenment and has broken free from the cycle of rebirth and samsara.The boy can claimed wherever he wants;enlighten,arahant,etc,but to claim to be Buddha is an insult to all Buddhists because we are at present living in the era of Gotama Buddha.

Toby Caswell: Drink as much as you want!

Norma Marsalis: Hell=Grave

Jacinta Moitoso: God knows you better than you know yourself. He says in his word that even nature testifies that there is a God. It might seem like a dilemma to you, but God might find it to really be pride and rebellion. What is the condition of your heart? Do you feel you know what love is?

Randal Deyarmond: I've come cross a few, and unfortuanetly alot of my girlfriends family, who basically classify drinking just one fashion. Meaning there isn't 1) responsible drinking and 2) irresponible drinking.....! Once they hear I drink, all I hear and mostly behind my back, is all negative things. As with me personally, I drink 1 or 2 a month and 3-5 drinks and no driving/etc. Yet to them, it's like I killed someone.

Nestor Klan: I saw the story on Yahoo; but I don't believe it.

Bethany Blocker: Well, at least its not another Virgin Mary on a shopping mall window.

Robin Tommie: Read their actions in context with what they were doing. I get the impression that drinking is acceptable, but getting drunk is not.

Willis Liburd: That is a question only God can answer but because you are concerned about Him understanding you displays your belief that God exists. God has created us to have the ability to recognize and know Him. Sometimes people try too hard to understand God instead of just believing in Him and enjoying Him. We will never understand God...we know what we need to know and the rest is in His hands.


Hilma Pestano: Drunkards go to hell, sorry. From your loving homosexual, in the same scripture quote.

Lauri Ohl: Some Christians think it is wrong to drink because alcohol is a drug and they want to treat their body as the temple of God. Plus in Jesus' day there weren't all the alternatives to drinking alcohol that we have today. But in my opinion as long as you only drink responsibly (so no getting drunk and only drinking after age 21) there's nothing against it in the Bible.

Eleni Mccier! : Just playing the devil's advocate here. What is it about your belief system that makes a difference one way or the other? If you didn't believe in cancer would you be able to avoid it by proclaiming your skepticism in the face of a three pack a day Lucky Strikes habit? Since your belief (or absence thereof) is pretty much irrelevant, I haven't got anything to base God's level of understanding with your choices. My guess is, She's going to send your doubtful @ss to hell. But take heart my brother. You'll probably be in good company....Show more

Dorris Homola: Here are some of our scriptural guidelines:Phl 4:5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand. Eph 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit

Iris Shawcroft: Two things...One, the Bible warns against being drunk or looking on "strong" drink. It does not say drinking a beer once in a while is bad.Two, there is no biblical evidence that Jesus! ever drank alcoholic drinks. None.However, the Bible does warn us not! to make provisions for the flesh. Drinking, or going places alcohol is served could be tempting the flesh for some people....Show more

Sharri Scalley: Listen to your heart

Ulrike Hert: your right its called being "agnostic"

Edmund Rappley: Can't be Buddha. He obviously desires attention.

Ron Keliipio: There is a difference between a glass of wine now and then and "drinking". Jesus did not hang out with his buddies doing shots. He did not need to have an alcoholic drink to relate well to other people or to have a good time. Hard liquor was not a part of his culture. There was no refrigeration, so making wine was a good way to have a drink that provided important calories and nutrients and yet didn't go stale.It's easy to say "no cheating, no fighting, nothing else bad" but if you put yourself in a situation where a lot of other people are drinking and there is great temptation you can't really say that isn't going to happen. Also, we now know ! that even one glass of an alcoholic beverage while a woman is pregnant can cause severe birth defects for her unborn child. And, some people are so easily disposed to alcoholism that they can't really just take a drink "now and then". They have to totally abstain. Refraining from drinking means that you are helping them as well, because you are setting up a social situation where it is really ok not to drink. I do drink, but never more than one glass, never when I'm driving, never when I am alone, and never when I am upset. This translates into about one glass a month or less....Show more

Curt Broadhead: There is no command against drinking, there is against drunkenness.

Galen Gowers: The bible does not condemn alcohol. But there are other reasons why some people stay away from it completely. I do not know why some people claim that the bible condemsn it, other than the fact that many people do not have a clue about what the bible says.

Dedra Furguson:! I am a Buddhist. It's common for many people to think that there is Bu! ddha, and everyone worships him or learns from him or whatever. But no, even in the Buddha's time there are said to have been thousands of Buddhas. The word "buddha" is only another word for one who has reached Nirvana by extinguishing desire. So he may be a Buddha, who has chosen to come back after Nirvana to help people find the Path. But personally I think that it doesn't matter. If the end result is that more people are made content by hearing of this, then I have only this opinion: You go, Buddha boy....Show more

Shemeka Laker: he has a mental disorder of course and needs professional help .

Lynn Mctier: Many early saints spent their lives in the desert doing penance for what they did earlier in their lives. As you come to greater understanding of your faults you come to greater understanding of His mercy. Amen.Baby steps for babies.Great running strides for athletes.Slow steady pace for the elderly.The same as taking vitamins to keep your body strong, s! o is prayer and worship a remedy for your soul....Show more

Robt Heemstra: Christianity is not a religion.It is a relationship with God. You will find God when you seek Him with pure heart. That is His promise, and He keeps His promises. Only God knows where you are going. You have the say so,because you have your free will. God put the hunger in my heart for His Word. I know it works, so I encourage you to give it your best try. But if you choose not to believe in Him, that is OK by me. : )...Show more

Patricia Bolduc: Im afraid you will go to Hell if you do not place belief in Him. Dont give up yet. Keep praying and reading the Bible. Talk to some Christians you know. God loves you. Take some time off of here. It might help. I find that if I spend too much time on here my faith weakens so I take a break. DO NOT GIVE UP. Im going to pray for you.

Raul Lushbaugh: I thought this was an interesting artical. This boy is said, by some, to be the reincarnation! of Buddah. Have you heard of this and what do you think?http://news.ya!

Jasper Mangel: we'll see after six years. it's too early to say something about this now. he could be just another joker. so lets wait and see.

Bruce Calise: It all comes down to sinning..If you drink to get drunk, you are more likely to sin...Another thing is this:...Your body is a temple where the holy spirit is in dwelling and you should not do anything to defile your temple and if drinking impairs one thinking, how much more is it doing to seperate you from the holy spirit if you are not pure in mind, heart, soul and spirit?....

Seema Hosfeld: go to and find some answers.

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Friday 17 July 2020

Do you need a reason to drink ?

Barrett Zheng: I ask this question because someone asked a similar question in the teenage-dominated Polls & Survey section. I wonder if different responses arise from this section.

Jannette Kotz: to get drunk of course :)

Terrell Voltz: The same age as the legal age for the draft.

Marcellus Exler: no

Donita Desjardin: no and no .i drink to get drunk

Curtis Josef: No. i don't but if you find out can you let me know? lol Love the stuff!

Kirk Coolbeth: I have the ultimate 'reason' today, and have had for the past decade, and as a result, I do not drink. Amen.

Clark Lachowski: made by haffenheffer and pabst.they don`t sell it in my region i live in western p.a. i used to drink it when i was in school.

Devon Kalberer: NO EXCUSE NEEDED, if I am breathing it is a good day to drink

Derrick Kloke: As people in the Beer, Wine and Spirit sections, I assume most people here are mature drinkers. I am of legal age but always p! ondered how one can say you are mature enough to drink now, but not a year ago. When do you think the drinking age should be? And please explain why?

Roxane Leathers: I DON'T drink anymore... I DON'T drink any less either!

Cletus Crotts: Baji Drink

Chastity Doderer: I live in Australia, the drinking age is 18, although most kids start drinking occaisonly at 14. Most parents allow there kids to drink at 16 in their own home.I think the age of 21 in the US is ridiculous. You can drive a car at 15/16, but you cant have a beer? By driving a car your puting alot of peoples lifes at risk, haveing a beer at home youve only got yourself to worry about.Kids are going to do it anyway! You might aswell make it legal!

Raymon Fiene: Well, I personally don't drink but, I know many people who do. And I think that part of the reason why I know so many people who are drinking underage is because of the fact that there is a drinking age limit. Most of the people I ! know drink underage because they feel "bad ***" or "cool" that! they are breaking a law. Also, if somebody really wants to do something, they are going to do it regardless of what the law says or requires. Therefor, I don't really think that there should be a drinking age limit because most people do it underage just to break a rule, and if you really want to do it, you are going to do it no matter what.**PS** if there were no drinking age limit, we might see less teenagers getting completly wasted because the "bad ***" factor that I was talking about has been taken away and it becomes something ordinary. Like drinking apple juice or something....Show more

Dexter Dicostanzo: I'm a libertarian, so I don't truly think there should be one. An age for drinking in bars and stuff, fine but what I do in my own home is none of the government's business. Realistically, I'd be happy with 18 as that's the age of majority in the US.

Mohamed Szollosi:

Nelly Kikuchi: In the United States a person must be at least 35 to be Presiden! t or Vice President, 30 to be a Senator, or 25 to be a Representative, as specified in the U.S. Constitution. I think one of those shoud be applied as our minimum drinking age. I'll compromise and go with the Senate age of 30.

Charline Granes: I dont really drink so when I drink there is usually a reason for it.As for you, im sure you just drink, with or without a reason.

Lue Podewils: Yah My Reason to Drink is to get DRUNK! WOOT!!

Debora Soliani: not really... sometimes its fun to have a reason (like a holiday) but no.. it's all good

Serita Hefferon: I live so far away from there, but I could suggest you to check some sites, looking for Chinese Stores. You find a Chinese person and they will tell you:;7 And this link has a map for 2 chinatowns in Detroit: more

Rick Duchane: 25+, just be! cause one is 21 means they are any more responsible about their drinkin! g than those younger than that. It would also make it harder for college students to obtain it themselves or through older friends. Also one should make the DUI laws more severe. I don't care if one is military, they should follow the same laws as the common folk yes I respect their serving America, but I certainly wouldn't want a drunken soldier mistakingly killing another U.S. soldier. Active military duty is stressful enough as it is when sober.Sharon - there is no draft.PS - The main objective of going to college is to improve on your future eh? Though to some it seems to be to drink it out the window.IZZY - I see your point, but alcohol is much more dangerous than apple juice.

Elvin Weichbrodt: I am 23 and I honestly think the drinking age should be reduced to 18 again. There are several reasons I think this, 1 being the whole if one can die for thier country they should be able to have a drink. The other being most kids are gonna be drinking at college anyway, f! irst time away from home they are gonna experiment so it should be legal there would most likely be last incidents of binge drinking if it was something legal for them to do.

Irma Poiter: Absolutely not. Most people do. I have a dear friend of mine that is a closet drinker (drinks in secret) Anita HAS to have a 6 pack of beer every day of the week, expecially after work she has to stop on the store on her way home guaranteed! How said. Its gets expensive fast! I know another person that drinks hard liquir every day until she gets sloppy drunk, EVERY day! Some people just can't stay away and it is soooo sad!I drink a few at social events where it is appropriate. Not in front of children is very important, you must always show a good example and not confuse your saying its bad but you do it. They get mixed signals.There are lots of guys in the construction that wait until Friday and sit in the parking lot and have a few together. They work hard all week and on! Friday "let their hair down" so to speak. I was a job site secretary ! and it was pretty cool in fact, kinds a little family get together on Friday afternoons.I used to drink a lot when I was younger but I have grown out of it and now realize you really don't have anything to show for it afterwards but a hangover, or some get sick the same night. All that money for.....what...nothing to show for it, nothing material anyhow....Show more

Maryland Gareau: 18 because they drink any ways so they need to lower it

Adam Momaya: Twelve. I don't know everyone is different. You have ten year olds out there who are more mature then forty year old men. drinking changes people so I don't think there is a correct answer.

Hunter Osterberger: My reason is because I want to...not because I deserve one, had a hard night, rough day, bad week, sad about x, happy about y, or depressed about z...It's all because I just wanna drink...end story. Excuses are for the weak.

Dewey Heersink: im a teenager in high school and ive noticed that a lot o! f people that r 18 or 19 are drinking and i think its wrong but there is no stoping it and i think they should make it about 19 because i think most of those who drink r between the ages of 18 and 21


Libby Berkovitch: well it depends on the person. But most ppl do it in a social setting, however I'm sure a lush doesn't need a reason.


Branden Roddick: Just on some days I drink. But never need an excuse.☺

How are you supposed to take care of your natural teeth if they are under veneers or caps?  

How are you supposed to take care of your natural teeth if they are under veneers or caps?  

answers 0:How are you supposed to take care of your natural teeth if they are under veneers or caps?answers 1:ya unless u want a root canal !! duh!answers 2:They make this special dental floss that is fatter and has a soft 'sponge like' texture. I wish I could remember what they are called. I used them to clean other patients teeth when I worked in an office, so you might want to ask your dentist or the assistant. That is a very good question and it's important that you do clean them. I've seen patients that are older who never took care of them and they had to be pulled out. But, flossing is the way to go! If a patient has a bridge kinda cap, they also make this plastic threading 'needle' that helps clean underneath, too. Those are very helpful. Maybe check your local drug store, they might sell it, too!...

Thursday 16 July 2020

natural food.. processed food?

Rodrigo Pezley: The term "natural" on a food label is meaningless. Organic means it was grown without the use of pesticides.Processed can mean many things -- anything that alters a food after it is harvested. When you cook something you are processing it. Juice is processed fruit. Cheese is processed milk. But many people would consider juice and cheese to be natural.You will have to decide what you mean by avoiding processed food. Many would consider food processed in a food factory to be processed. That would include canned foods, frozen entrees, smoked foods, grains that have had their bran removed. So organic cereal which is grain that has been flaked, milled, etc would be processed. Muesli or whole grain oats would not be processed whether organic or not....Show more

Is Perrier sparkling water VEGAN?

Chanda Wittwer: Yup. Perrier sparkling water is vegan. :)

Conrad Puleio: It's vegan. It's just water. With salts. Salts are vegan.

Malcom Bourek: Oh! I know in your story, have the kid come to self realisation of his vegan hypocrisy. Like, have him witness all the poor innocent corn stalks and plant life and vegetation he's killing due to his vegan diet.

Leif Andreason: Ummm...yeah, it's just water.

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Question about bad breath. Dentists please?  

Question about bad breath. Dentists please?  

answers 0:1.) People say use mouthwash to help bad breath, but I also heard that mouth wash with alcohol can make it worse because it dries out your mouth. So is mouth wash good or bad?2.) What foods should people avoid eating? I heard bad breath comes from your stomach. I know onions and garlic obviously, but is there anything else?3.) Any brushing tips other than brushing for 2 minutes, tongue, roof of the mouth, flossing?Thanks! :]...Show moreanswers 1:mouthwash with alcohol can worsen your bad breath problem for definitely it can cause dry mouth which can speed up the production of bad bacteria inside the mouth. choose a mouthwash that has natural ingredients like essential oils.try to avoid foods that are garlicky. sometimes bad breath can come from stomach related illness. it can also have a lot o! f causes like poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, sinusitis, medications, bacteria, gum disease and gum infections. to determine the cause of your bad breath, you may need the help of a dental expert or dentist.have a good oral hygiene habits after meal, be sure to floss, brush, and scrape your tongue carefully and properly. keep your mouth hydrated by drinking lots of water. for more tips to get rid of bad breath visit 2:A dry mouth is more prone to bad breath than a moist mouth. As such, drinking plenty of water can be important in treating unpleasant mouth odors. Chewing sugarless gum is helpful as well, as it stimulates saliva production, keeping the mouth moist. Sugary gums should not be used for this purpose; the sugar can lead to tooth decay, adding to bad breath issues.Onions, garlic, and deli meats are well known for causing bad breath. Avoid them whenever you want fresh smelling breath. Some types of cheese also cause halitosis.In some ca! ses, bad breath is caused by health conditions and treating it! requires addressing the specific medical conditions causing it. Bowel obstruction and pharyngitis can lead to bad breath as well....answers 3:according to the hygienists, there is new evidence to support rotary toothbrushes or "spin brushes" over a regular toothbrush. Before it was taken off the market, I liked Listerine Agent Cool Blue a plaque disclosing agent for kids (and adults). Flossing EVERY DAY.There are mouthwashes that do not contain alcohol such as Breath Rx and Crest Prohealth. Personally i want flouride on the teeth and feel that using a mouthwash may wash away the flouride from brushing.There are a number of possible causes of halitosis. Below we have listed some possible causes of a bad breath condition and have separated them into medical and dental causes.MedicalSinus infections

Can a vegetarian eat turkey?

Jackson Esmiol: they sell huge blocks of sliced cheese commercially and some pricing clubslooking around, i see they sell at least 5 pound packages of sliced cheese

Joesph Smithmyer: no. a vegetarian cant eat red or white meat and many don't even eat seafood.

Voncile Slaubaugh: grains, seeds, nuts, cheese, "egg whites", legumes are all good sources of protein. you could try hummus, there's a variety of them.also, have grape juice or pineapple juice after your exercises and work outs, it'll help build your protein reserves. you could try cashew butter, or almond butter on toast, it's some tasty stuff, red bell pepper hummus with tortilla chips, that's also pretty good.personally i've never had problems maintaining protein levels in my diet unless i started eating too much fruit in place of fat/protein foods or starve myself.she could also just be pulling your leg. pretty much all foods will have some level of protein or fat in them. but grains/nuts/eggs/cheese ! will have a higher protein bio-availabilityi wouldn't recommend soy so much, just regular milk is fine, almond milk is also quite delicious....Show more

Pei Heatherly: I'm on a budget, I am going vegan for lent(eastern orthodox) and I need some more ideas. I have an idea for tacos, and a stir fry but I need more quick ideas to make the rest of this time with stuff I may already have. I'd like Breakfast, Lunch and dinner ideas, something simple and quick to make if possible, thanks....Show more

Wally Gower: Breakfast: beans on toastrice and beansburrito with beans, rice, and other goodiesLunch:beans and ricebeans on toast with salsa or guacamole, or bothbean saladDinner:any combination of the aboveThere is a reason beans and rice are a staple in almost every single country. They are cheap, healthy, and satisfying. Obviously, I am suggesting you make beans and rice, but you should take a can of beans and cook them until they are tender and stewy. Then, when you ha! ve the day off you should buy a bag of beans, soak them overni! ght, and then cook them the next day. You will have enough beans for almost the whole week if you plan accordingly. And, because there are hundreds of different legumes, you can try a new type each week (as you will most likely get sick of eating the same bean for a week).You could do a feijoada one week, then the next azuki stew, and the next moong dal.[Edit] Oh yes, definitely stock up on rolled oats if you have them. You can mix half a cup of oats with any dried/fresh fruits you have, a teaspoon of cinnamon and a little sugar, then add enough water to cover the oats, wrap it in plastic wrap to steam. Oh my god, it's delicious and it only takes three or four minutes....Show more

Maynard Reevers: No way! You can only eat vegetables.

Bruce Calise: Kraft cheese isn't vegetarian. =( They use dead animal enzymes in their cheeses. If you put this in the wrong category by mistake, then nevermind!

Mitchel Demry: No. Vegetarians don't eat dead animals. If she ! doesn't know that turkey is A turkey, she's never going to graduate.

Bernadette Roel: I know they have 24 pack but do they make it bigger then that

Olen Penhallurick: Hemp seeds, three tablespoons with breakfast. Try them in a smoothie made of frozen banana chunks and soy milk.Also, see the article I wrote titled, "Shouldn't I Worry About Getting Enough Protein?" on my free site of heath information, (It's the second article from the top.)...Show more

Violette Vanek: True vegetarians dont eat meat of any kind. Not even fish. It doesnt have to be red. Any meat like chicken, beef, pork ect arent eaten x

Hollis Demasters: Other taco idea: black beans, carmelized onions, baked sweet potato chunks with hot sauce. (I also love sour cream, but you said vegan.) Check out the Moosewood Cookbooks for stew ideas. E.g., but skip the chicken stock.

! Delmer Pectol: turkey is in fact a meat. anything from a living animal ! is meat. vegetarians don't eat meat. they should just say they don't eat red meat and not say they're a vegetarian

Lynn Melbourne: a vegetarian can eat turkey, but once they do they can no longer call themself a vegetarian.

Caroyln Ebach: I once had access to a shop that I could get a lot of veggies that were a little past the best by date really cheap, but still edible, and after just cleaning them up a little they were perfect, to cook up as stir-fries and soups etc.

Bettye Arre: no, a vegetarian can't eat any kind of meat = poultry, fish, red meat, white meat, etc. your friend is probably a flexetarian.

Lizzette Wendroth: Lentilschickpeasblack beansyellow dalsplit peasricepotatoespumpkinsonionscarrots- all these above are the cheapest foods on the planet and always have been. They are also extrmely healthy. Use pices like curry, salt pepper, garlic and herbs to tart them up. Potato and chickpea curryLentil shephards pie with carrots turnips, onion! s and a potato mash crust.Onion and broccoli pie- make a crust with WW flour, water and oil, use soysauce for flavour.Black beans and rice tacos- stuff some shells with beans and rice, and shredded soycheese ( it's way cheaper and IMO much tastier than cow cheese).Others- baked potato, baked sweet potato, baked pumpkin slices with soycheese and walnuts ( they may be more pricey but a few go a long way). Wholewheat pita ( can get for $1 at a good ethnic market, stuff with chickpeas, herbs, spinach and tofu.Find a good ethnic market or Asian market- the fruit and veg, dried beans, dried seaweed and nuts are three times less cost than the usual bad american supermarket ( sorry if that sounds biased to Americans, but it's true), and then it's worth doing a bigger shop for less money. Tofu also is cheap- $ for a tub. Asian shops sell fresh and baked tofu for half the price of Krogers/Ralphs/Albertsons.All these are quick too. If you but dried beans, chickpeas and lentils- you ge! t four times as much food. One lb of dried beans/lentils/yellow dal or ! peas costs $1, and when you've soaked them a few days and cook them p you get about 4 lbs of cooked food. The canned beans and chickpeas are $1 for 1/2 a lb of food. Also the dried ones taste much much nicer and give you way more vitamins.I would always go for the dried ones. The only work is soaking them, and frankly if you're too lazy to do that, you've got trouble!! Soaking them a few days at least is amazing- just put them in a bowl of water and keep refreshing the water, when the beans start swelling up, still keep them soaking. They can soak indefinitiely even for weeks if you keep the water fresh. Then take some out to cook. The longer you soak the less time to cook. So it saves $$ by cooking time too.I know most people don't soak beans and peas and lentils all the time, and it's a shame. The taste of freshly cooked beans is incredible. When thy've soaked, they don't give off gas either. FOr a small bit of work I think most people would swithc their minds if they j! ust tried it for a week and realised the way smaller price and much tastier result.Wholewheat pitas are 79 cents for 10 at my local Jons- an Armenian supermarket. Find the ethic places, it's worth it.Good luck.PS oatmeal for breakfast, or rice porridge called Jook, like you get in China, it is also called Congee in Malaysia and other parts of SEA. It's the best breakfast, and made of rice- so cheap and easy. Add peanuts, tofu, soysauce and salted plums to make it taste. more

Lonnie Jehle:

Julee Lanham: More eggs, they have LOADS or protein.Cashews, pumpkin seeds and flax seeds also have a lot of protein. Ground flax seeds can be added to any baked goods.

Cortez Badolato: Does your friend know that turkeys are animals? Does she know that vegetarians don't eat animals? Because it doesn't seem like she does. Vegetarians do not eat ANYTHING that ! is made from flesh and was once alive.

Jill Thomer: in many situa! tions, Turkey isn't on the menu! yet there is not any longer something to end a vegetarian determining directly to alter their concepts approximately what they consume. Turkey is a living, respiratory being. Its lifeless physique could be categorized as meat and not vegetarian. in the event that they actually should be vegetarian they are going to chosen to no longer consume pink or white meats, fish, chicken the place the chicken, fish or animal's existence in ended to gratify their urge for food. Eggs and milk products dont end the creatures existence, yet some people take exception to the living circumstances the creatures are compelled to undergo and choose to bypass to a completely plant based weight loss application. that's as much as you what you opt for to do, and for what reason. I chosen to be vegetarian for well-being motives....Show more

Marcellus Yoshimori: Almost all non-vegetarians (even medical professionals) have this weird notion that it's hard to ge! t enough protein on a vegetarian diet. This is, quite simply, false. Protein deficiencies are rare except in people who are starving and malnourished, or who subsist off of the same protein-deficient staple food day in and day out. Clearly you don't plan on eating white rice with duck sauce for the rest of your life, so you're probably fine.Most of the foods you eat contain protein, except for most fruit and candy. They might not contain a "complete" protein (protein is made up of 20 amino acids; your body can make 12 of them, but you get the remaining 8 from the food you eat), but as long as you eat a varied diet, you'll get all the amino acids you need. The RDA for protein in 40-60 grams, depending on what you weigh; spend a day or two reading the nutrition facts for everything you eat, just so you know how much protein you're really getting. You can look up the nutrition content of eggs and stuff online. Odds are you're getting enough protein, but it's a good idea to mak! e sure you have a protein source in every meal you eat. Some easy prote! in-rich foods are: nuts, seeds, peanut butter or other nut butters, anything soy, tempeh, or seitan-based, most whole grains, eggs, milk, cheese, soy milk, beans, lentils, quinoa, and brown rice. Keep things like almonds and peanut butter pretzels around to snack on.I'd strongly recommend you browse the vegetarian cookbook section at a bookstore, to get your meal ideas flowing. "How It All Vegan" is one of my favorite cookbooks, and contains a good ingredient glossary. But also has a ton of recipes. I like making huge batches of 3-bean chili or lentil stew and freezing some of the leftovers. Also, there are some good protein shake mixes out there (I like Spiru-tein Chai Tea Latte) for days when you didn't eat much protein, had a hard workout, or need a quick meal.And finally, make sure you're getting enough iron, calcium, and B vitamins. It's much easier to become deficient in vitamins and minerals than in protein, so keep an eye on them and/or take a multivitam! in....Show more

Darrel Stele: Some vegetarians eat fish, but none eat turkey.

Stanton Villao: Morning Star, its in food lion, and farm fresh. It's made from all soy and 100% vegan:DYou cud always go to taco bell, and they will change anything into beans and take the cheese off. I love Taco Bell. Ive been Veggie for 3 years now.Morning Star is like 4 dollars and all you do is take it out of the freezer and microwave it. It's a super easy way to get veggie food. Trust me. They have breakfast lunch and dinner. Check it out!...Show more

Shamika Schools: She's not a vegetarian!

Sol Bayn: The best protein sources for vegetarians are nuts, beans, peanut butter, and eggs. If you eat 2 servings of any of those things per day, you should get sufficient protein.

Adrian Paraz: NOT VEGAN!!

Ulrike Hert: Turkey is the flesh of an animal so no...She's not a vegetarian.

Joey Mekeel: also no Morning Star! tried it and it was disgusting!!!

Maj! orie Chester: Sure they can, birds and fish are primitive species and f! eel no pain, they just can't eat red meat.

Derrick Cacioppo: Buy some oriental flavor ramen noodles, and some mixed frozen veggies (usually you can find peas and carrots for a dollar), and voila! You have yourself something cheap and somewhat tasty, yet extremely salty, to eat.

Mark Villifana: Can she? Most certainly, and we'd be happy to share.That said - turkey is an animal, so eating it is not vegetarian. They may be dumb as turnips, but they're still birds.

Morris Cuomo: Well mabye you should try, if not Tofu..TempehVeggie Delight things (vege sausages, fake'n bacon)Good sources of protein for vegetarians include nuts and seeds, pulses, soya products (tofu, soya milk and textured soya protein such as soya mince), cereals (wheat, oats, and rice), free-range eggs and some dairy products (milk, cheese and yoghurt). Eat cereal in the morning with milk....Show more

Ayesha Genova: Well i went vegetarian about a month and a half ago.I had my physical ! today for tennis and the nurse told me that i need to get protein because muscle is very important. So she told me to do some research and ask someone who is educated in vegetarianism. So if anyone out there is vegetarian please help!! what are some good recipes?I usually eat a sandwich with cheese and 2 egg whites. (dont like yolk)and other than that, just take the ham out of my sandwiches. I need some variety here. please no tofu or anything like that, just simple good food. =)i apprecite any help!! and i dont eat fish!!Its still an animal!!...Show more

Lynn Mctier: i think you have to chat with me i am problem solving machine my chat id is mail id is

Russell Mckinzie: it it ever had a heart beat........then NO!!

Len Dalba: In case you're not familar with plant milk, you can easily get Soy, Almond or Rice milk (vanilla flavored plant milks are the best, IMO, but I drink the chocolate ones for treats sometimes! ).That opens up cereal for breakfast, in case you thought that was off ! the menu..I generally eat cereal, oatmeal, mixed fruit or grits for breakfast. On weekends I make pancakes using ground flaxseed + water in place of eggs (rule of thumb to replace eggs in baking is 1/4th cup of water to a tablespoon of ground flaxseed = 1 egg). You can make pancakes just omitting the eggs, but my experience has been that they come out a little more gooey without the flaxseed replacing the eggs (they still taste fine, though).Easiest lunch for me is PB&J! You can also get various canned soups (lentil is my favorite, since it is filling). But be sure to read the labels. For example Healthy Choice vegetable soup is vegan, but Progresso vegetable soup is not. However, Progressor's lentil soup IS vegan. Generally black bean, tomato, vegetable and lentil soups are safe, just double-check the labels to be sure.For lunch I also sometimes mix up rice & beans with canned tomatoes, kale and spinach. To do this, I use a stove - if you're in a dorm, you might be SOL. I ! cut up onions and garlic, and put them in a frying pan with olive oil. Then saute the kale and spinach, and add them to a can of to kidney or black beans and add the tomatoes. I then add it to cooked rice and squeeze lime all over everything. If I make a big pot of this on Sunday, I can pack it for lunch for days. (I had some today in fact)For dinner there's always pasta....Show more

Charissa Bichsel: Stir fry. Its the easiest, healthiest thing I can think of. You can even buy frozen vegetables if money becomes a problem or if you don't want to cut up fresh ones. Quinoa, or brown rice are easy and will go well with mostly anything. Don't fall into the traps of the really easy stuff like ramen noodles, mac and cheese, or soy meats. They may be easy, but they're not exactly good for you. What really inspires me is going to a whole foods store. I always leave there ready to cook. good luck!...Show more

Peggy Sandefer: No. Vegetarians don't eat flesh. If it was a li! ving creature it counts. Some people think that you can be vegetarian an! d eat chicken or fish, but that's completely incorrect. I don't know why some people get that idea. But no, if you're calling yourself vegetarian then you don't eat meat, gelatin, chicken or beef broth, rennet, or lard. Basically any part of an animals body. Vegetarians still eat the byproducts like eggs and dairy though.

Voncile Slaubaugh: It is not vegetarian, but it's probably healthy for her not to deprive herself. She can work towards being 100% vegetarian at her own pace.

Julee Lanham: No, hon. If you eat the flesh of an animal, you are not a vegetarian in any way. This includes fish, although many yuppies like to claim otherwise:-)Maybe your friend is starting off slow. Taking out red meat first? If there is any doubt as to what vegetarian is, just show her a dictionary.

Randal Deyarmond: Vegan Chili is pretty simple.Saute chopped onion & 8oz mushrooms in a little oil. Add can or two of beans, can of any kind of tomatoes or even plain tomato sa! uce. Add chili seasoning or just chili pepper and salt, let simmer while you study! You can get a big pot of chili and freeze some for another time. You have to be sure to eat things with protein. Any kind of eggs, do you eat dairy? Cheeses, beans, nuts and peanut things. Years ago I sometimes did not make regular meals, I just ate here and there, but healthy things, not junk food! 1/4 cup nuts and sunflower seeds, then a bowl of cereal later when I was hungry again. Stuff like that....Show more

Judie Kise: No.

Derrick Cacioppo: Noo! Vegetarians don't eat ANY kind of meat whatsoever.

Irma Poiter: Vegetarian - no meat. That includes fish, poultry, lamb, pork, etc. No animal flesh at all. If you eat animal flesh, you're not a vegetarian.

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Comment enregistrer l’écran de votre ordinateur

Comment enregistrer l’écran de votre ordinateur

p>Ce wiki vous enseigne comment capturer une vidéo du contenu de l’écran de votre ordinateur, du bureau aux jeux et programmes. Vous pouvez le faire sur les ordinateurs Windows en utilisant OBS Studio, ou sur un Mac en utilisant le lecteur QuickTime intégré. Si vous avez la version Creator’s Update de Windows 10, vous pouvez également utiliser la barre de jeu pour enregistrer votre activité dans les jeux et applications.

Cliquez sur Oui dans la fenêtre « Assistant d’auto-configuration ». Une fenêtre s’ouvrira. Pour terminer l’assistant d’installation :

Cliquez sur QuickTime. Il devrait être le premier résultat de recherche dans la recherche Spotlight. Cela ouvrira QuickTime.

Ouvrez une partie que vous voulez enregistrer. Vous pouvez également ouvrir une application ou un programme que vous voulez enregistrer, mais vous ne p! ouvez pas enregistrer le bureau avec la barre de jeu et vous ne pouvez pas changer d’application pendant l’enregistrement.

Ouvrir les paramètres

Correction de l’erreur OBS Studio « Failed to start recording » si nécessaire. Dans certains cas, vous verrez une erreur qui dit « Démarrer la sortie a échoué. Veuillez consulter le journal pour plus de détails » dans une fenêtre pop-up. Pour corriger cette erreur :

Cliquez sur le bouton « Enregistrer ». C’est le bouton circulaire rouge et argent en bas de la barre d’enregistrement d’écran. Une boîte de sélection d’écran s’affiche.

Ajoutez le bureau de votre ordinateur comme source. Cliquez sur l’icône sous le titre « Sources », cliquez sur Display Capture ou Game Capture, cliquez sur OK au bas de la fenêtre « New Capture », puis sur OK au bas de la fenêtre suivante.

Cliquez n’importe où sur l’écran. QuickTime commencera alors à enregistrer tou! t le contenu de votre écran.

Tapez quicktime dans Spotl! ight. Ceci recherchera l’application QuickTime sur votre Mac.

Cliquez sur Démarrer l’enregistrement. Il se trouve dans le coin inférieur droit de la fenêtre d’OBS Studio. De cette façon, OBS Studio sera invité à commencer à enregistrer le contenu de votre écran.

Commencez à enregistrer votre jeu. Cliquez sur l’icône en forme de cercle rouge dans la barre de jeu ou appuyez sur ⊞ Win Alt R. Windows commencera à enregistrer votre jeu.

Cliquez sur Fichier. Cet élément de menu se trouve dans le coin supérieur gauche de l’écran de votre Mac. Un menu déroulant apparaît.

Cliquez sur OK lorsque vous y êtes invité. Ceci accepte les conditions d’utilisation d’OBS Studio et ouvre la fenêtre OBS Studio.

Appuyez simultanément sur ⊞ Win et G. Cette combinaison de touches lance la barre de jeu.

Installez OBS Studio. Double-cliquez sur le fichier d’installation d’OBS Studio (vous le trouverez à l’emplacement d! e téléchargement par défaut de votre navigateur), cliquez sur Oui lorsque vous y êtes invité, cliquez sur Suivant, cliquez sur J’accepte, cliquez sur Suivant, décochez la case du plugin si vous ne voulez pas d’OBS dans votre navigateur, et cliquez sur Installer.

Cliquez sur Jeux. C’est le logo Xbox sur la page Paramètres.

Cliquez sur Barre de jeu. Vous trouverez cet onglet dans le coin supérieur gauche de la page.

Démarrage à l’air libre

Cochez la case « Oui, c’est un jeu ». C’est dans la notification de la barre de jeu en bas de l’écran. Ceci ouvrira la barre de jeu elle-même au bas de l’écran.

Activer l’enregistrement du jeu. Cliquez sur le bouton

Cliquez sur Terminer lorsque vous y êtes invité. C’est dans le coin en bas à droite de la fenêtre. Ceci terminera l’installation et ouvrira OBS Studio.

Pleins feux

Cliquez sur Nouvel enregistrement d’écran. C’est près du haut du menu! déroulant Fichier. En cliquant sur ce bouton, une barre « Enregistr! ement d’écran » s’ouvre.

Télécharger le logiciel d’enregistrement d’écran. Open Broadcast Software (OBS) Studio et Bandicam sont des options populaires. Puisqu’il n’y a pas d’utilitaire d’enregistrement d’écran intégré dans Windows, vous devrez installer un logiciel d’enregistrement d’écran si vous voulez enregistrer votre bureau ou plusieurs programmes en cours d’exécution à la fois.