Sunday 5 July 2020

Whats an open relationship?

Ronald Moehr: Catie,Jeff here from the crew. Thanks for your question. It could really depend on a lot of different things (e.g. you changed your password or user name, you reached the daily limit of posts that Facebook allows, etc.). For starters, try going to and make sure that that your Facebook account is "enabled" in green in the status column next to your Facebook user name. Sometimes if you disable and then re-enable your account by re-entering your login and password that can solve the problem. If that doesn't work, please email us at and we'll do our best to get back to you promptly....Show more

Chauncey Williama: Go to their sign up page.

Hye Caulley: Meaning you could be in a relationship now but both partner agreed they are free to hook up with anyone else

Arnulfo Seegars: its when your "together" with someone, but you can hookup with o! ther people at the same time.

Queenie Ruthers: it means that u have a guy u f... with but is not ur bf... and that u are still available and can be with fact... for me.... that status is almost like "yeah im a whore" ...

Norine Lomonte: Just go to and fill the sign up form and follow the instructions and you done that.

Darcie Peraha: For the best answers, search on this site's where you and your partner are free to screw whomever ya wish and not allowed to get upset about it....

Morris Olexy: I know that if you are married and have an open relationship it means you can have sex with other people, but idk if that's what they are talking about.

Violette Vanek: you can date other people while in a relationship

Hilma Pestano:

Randall Twehous: ?

Elli Esaw: A relationship in which two people agree that they want to be together, but can't exactly promise that they won't see othe! r people, too. Basically, to have it all: a significant other ! and the freedom to hook up with other people.

Kaley Lappas: It's the relationship which does not require you to be committed to your partner or your loved one when you feel that being with others can also brings you happiness physically and mentally. That means you can have a relationship with someone but if you want to screw around with other people, it's ok as well. Both you and your partner will have to agree to this very important term before it's being called an open relationship or things can go really really bad for you and your GF or BF. Peace....Show more

Renato Abatiell: I believe it means that the person is in a relationship but can date other people and do things with other people. Kinda stupid is what I think...

Sammy Kar: why don't you just search different schools under different networks?

Micah Schwarcz: At school, we have to make a survey and write a paper about what we think about facebook/myspaceI am trying to do a survey where i a! m trying to prove by facebook, most high school public school students go to a state school closest to home....and most private high school students go to the private school closest to home.....dont take how many people are in youor network for high schools or regions into concideration for this survey....I said outside of your own school, the biggest network is probably the state school closest to youi dont want your namejust put the state you are fromyour schooland the next biggest schoolfor examplemy name is Wally....but i dont need yours...I am from PennsylvaniaScranton (166 people (my college))Penn State (104 people) next biggest collegeI would guess people from NJ would have Rutgers, people from North Carolina would have NCST, UNC, Duke, Wake Forest.....etc....probably the one closest to them...Show more

Alisa Kaleiwahea: Open Relationship Status

Davina David: Simply put...immoral and it has nothing at all to do with love or fostering a relationship

Lawana Neemann: I clicked the little facebook button for it to bl! ip on there too but it doesnt show up on my wall. I have done it before and it went on my wall just fine.

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