Wednesday 1 July 2020

mormon views on divorce?

Brittney Inabnit: Ask Marie Osmond, she has 8 kids and has been divorced twice.

Queenie Ruthers: It's a terrible tragedy for us just as it is for everyone else. Nobody wants this kind of thing to come about.It is most sad for the children who will suffer a lot of pain because of it.You can go to and enter divorce in the search tool. That will probably bring up many different talks by our leaders about divorce....Show more

Mitzie Clough: Yes we believe marriage carries into the afterlife, but getting a divorce will sever that link.

Tommy Durrenberger: The LDS church strenuously discourages but permits divorce. Here's the church's own statement on the matter:

Pasty Cobbett: No divorce. Marriage is FOREVER literally for Mormons. Even in the after life.

Lino Cawthorne: I don't know the exact thoughts of mormon's but they say they are christians and no christian believes in divorce or a! t least there taught no to believe. Some times we make decisions that we regret and that decision is divorce in most cases. Just my opinion

Emerita Sciandra: To obtain the highest kingdom in the Celestial world you must have a husband. If the woman is faithful, she will have another husband in the here after.

Nilda Bafia: Undoubtedly most people take marriage seriously and I'd make the assumption that Christian people may even take it more seriously and MORMONS are at the peak of that "taking it seriously" list! We are said to be a "covenant" making people and the covenants we make with God and with our spouse when we marry are the most important promises we make in life. because we believe that "Families can be together forever, through Heavenly Father's Plan" then the sacredness of the marriage covenant, relationship and bond becomes even more essential and important.Quite a few years ago the divorce rate within the LDS population was much much lower then t! he general population. Unfortunately today that is no longer ! the case. Divorce is at an ever increasing rate sadly. But from the mouth of our General Authorities, who we believe speak to us from the Lord - they tell us in short.... that divorce is a result of selfishness on the part of one or both parties and that unless there is abuse, addiction or an unwillingness to repent in the event of infidelity that divorce should NOT be the answer for LDS couples.I completely agree with that timely and wise advise....Show more

German Thal: There are a lot fewer divorces among Mormons, but it does happen.Divorced Mormons (I'm one of them) often say they feel awkward and out of place because Mormon beliefs are so strongly centered around families.

Mayola Sylva: I am Mormon and sealed in the temple making my marriage for all eternity. I am now divorced mother of two children. My ex was abusive and then abandoned us. Through much prayer and discussion with my bishop I decided that it would be best for me to get the divorce. We are l! egally divorced but the temple sealing is still in place. The sealing and temple marriage won't be broken until one of us decides to be remarried to someone else in the temple.

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