Sunday 12 July 2020

When Paul talks about having the right to "drink" in 1 Cor 9:4 does he mean alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks?

Dick Ovdenk: The meaning is, "Do we not have the right to also feast and enjoy life?" As for alcohol; Jesus and His disciples were called drunkards by the religious establishments, especially the Pharisees. Jesus once made approximately 120 gallons of water into wine at a marriage feast in Cana of Galilee. Drinking real wine was common back then, though there were the baptists of the period too who considered all drinking sin. Paul also wrote that a little wine for pains should be used. The main principle of all Scripture regarding alcohol is drinking is a gift from God, but drunkenness is a sin which is warned against. As for the water becoming wine before presenting it to the Master of the marriage, this represents when the vessels of the elect have Jesus transform the water of the Word within us to the wine of the Spirit before we can be presented to God at the marriage of the Lamb. This happens on the 3rd day, which means after 2000 years have past....Show more

! Garry Ohmen: I believe it was Pepsi. There's a lot of product placement in the bible.

Chris Coggins: He is not referring to either alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks in particular. He is referring generally to anything that is imbibed.In another passage, Paul clearly allows the consumption of wine (and, indeed, recommends "a little wine" for the sake of digestion). However, in *other* passages Paul condemns drunkenness in the harshest terms imaginable for a Christian. Clearly, Paul believed that drinking wine was permissible - but *only* in moderation.Note that some Christian sects believe that alcoholic drinks are so addictive that they must be prohibited (e.g. Methodists). Limitations such as this on food and drink are *not* opposed by Paul (if you want to believe it is wrong to drink alcohol for religious reasons, Paul permits you to do so), but he does oppose those who demand that such prohibitions be forced on all Christians as if it were a Christian law.Concl! usion: the passage you have chosen is not the best for this t! opic; Paul clearly is permissive of moderate drinking but very strongly condemns drunkenness.- Jim, more

Weldon Totaro: No. Just drink. He wouldn't have mentioned food too unless he was talking about marijuana or something.

Luis Mellon: Taking any interpretation of that passage literally in modern times is just ridiculous.

Blaine Connett: alcohol isnt prohibited in the bible. drunkenness is. Jesus himself turns water into wine in John 1. most people in bible times drank watered down wine the water wasnt clean, so wine was added to help kill bacteria.

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