Friday 17 July 2020

Do you need a reason to drink ?

Barrett Zheng: I ask this question because someone asked a similar question in the teenage-dominated Polls & Survey section. I wonder if different responses arise from this section.

Jannette Kotz: to get drunk of course :)

Terrell Voltz: The same age as the legal age for the draft.

Marcellus Exler: no

Donita Desjardin: no and no .i drink to get drunk

Curtis Josef: No. i don't but if you find out can you let me know? lol Love the stuff!

Kirk Coolbeth: I have the ultimate 'reason' today, and have had for the past decade, and as a result, I do not drink. Amen.

Clark Lachowski: made by haffenheffer and pabst.they don`t sell it in my region i live in western p.a. i used to drink it when i was in school.

Devon Kalberer: NO EXCUSE NEEDED, if I am breathing it is a good day to drink

Derrick Kloke: As people in the Beer, Wine and Spirit sections, I assume most people here are mature drinkers. I am of legal age but always p! ondered how one can say you are mature enough to drink now, but not a year ago. When do you think the drinking age should be? And please explain why?

Roxane Leathers: I DON'T drink anymore... I DON'T drink any less either!

Cletus Crotts: Baji Drink

Chastity Doderer: I live in Australia, the drinking age is 18, although most kids start drinking occaisonly at 14. Most parents allow there kids to drink at 16 in their own home.I think the age of 21 in the US is ridiculous. You can drive a car at 15/16, but you cant have a beer? By driving a car your puting alot of peoples lifes at risk, haveing a beer at home youve only got yourself to worry about.Kids are going to do it anyway! You might aswell make it legal!

Raymon Fiene: Well, I personally don't drink but, I know many people who do. And I think that part of the reason why I know so many people who are drinking underage is because of the fact that there is a drinking age limit. Most of the people I ! know drink underage because they feel "bad ***" or "cool" that! they are breaking a law. Also, if somebody really wants to do something, they are going to do it regardless of what the law says or requires. Therefor, I don't really think that there should be a drinking age limit because most people do it underage just to break a rule, and if you really want to do it, you are going to do it no matter what.**PS** if there were no drinking age limit, we might see less teenagers getting completly wasted because the "bad ***" factor that I was talking about has been taken away and it becomes something ordinary. Like drinking apple juice or something....Show more

Dexter Dicostanzo: I'm a libertarian, so I don't truly think there should be one. An age for drinking in bars and stuff, fine but what I do in my own home is none of the government's business. Realistically, I'd be happy with 18 as that's the age of majority in the US.

Mohamed Szollosi:

Nelly Kikuchi: In the United States a person must be at least 35 to be Presiden! t or Vice President, 30 to be a Senator, or 25 to be a Representative, as specified in the U.S. Constitution. I think one of those shoud be applied as our minimum drinking age. I'll compromise and go with the Senate age of 30.

Charline Granes: I dont really drink so when I drink there is usually a reason for it.As for you, im sure you just drink, with or without a reason.

Lue Podewils: Yah My Reason to Drink is to get DRUNK! WOOT!!

Debora Soliani: not really... sometimes its fun to have a reason (like a holiday) but no.. it's all good

Serita Hefferon: I live so far away from there, but I could suggest you to check some sites, looking for Chinese Stores. You find a Chinese person and they will tell you:;7 And this link has a map for 2 chinatowns in Detroit: more

Rick Duchane: 25+, just be! cause one is 21 means they are any more responsible about their drinkin! g than those younger than that. It would also make it harder for college students to obtain it themselves or through older friends. Also one should make the DUI laws more severe. I don't care if one is military, they should follow the same laws as the common folk yes I respect their serving America, but I certainly wouldn't want a drunken soldier mistakingly killing another U.S. soldier. Active military duty is stressful enough as it is when sober.Sharon - there is no draft.PS - The main objective of going to college is to improve on your future eh? Though to some it seems to be to drink it out the window.IZZY - I see your point, but alcohol is much more dangerous than apple juice.

Elvin Weichbrodt: I am 23 and I honestly think the drinking age should be reduced to 18 again. There are several reasons I think this, 1 being the whole if one can die for thier country they should be able to have a drink. The other being most kids are gonna be drinking at college anyway, f! irst time away from home they are gonna experiment so it should be legal there would most likely be last incidents of binge drinking if it was something legal for them to do.

Irma Poiter: Absolutely not. Most people do. I have a dear friend of mine that is a closet drinker (drinks in secret) Anita HAS to have a 6 pack of beer every day of the week, expecially after work she has to stop on the store on her way home guaranteed! How said. Its gets expensive fast! I know another person that drinks hard liquir every day until she gets sloppy drunk, EVERY day! Some people just can't stay away and it is soooo sad!I drink a few at social events where it is appropriate. Not in front of children is very important, you must always show a good example and not confuse your saying its bad but you do it. They get mixed signals.There are lots of guys in the construction that wait until Friday and sit in the parking lot and have a few together. They work hard all week and on! Friday "let their hair down" so to speak. I was a job site secretary ! and it was pretty cool in fact, kinds a little family get together on Friday afternoons.I used to drink a lot when I was younger but I have grown out of it and now realize you really don't have anything to show for it afterwards but a hangover, or some get sick the same night. All that money for.....what...nothing to show for it, nothing material anyhow....Show more

Maryland Gareau: 18 because they drink any ways so they need to lower it

Adam Momaya: Twelve. I don't know everyone is different. You have ten year olds out there who are more mature then forty year old men. drinking changes people so I don't think there is a correct answer.

Hunter Osterberger: My reason is because I want to...not because I deserve one, had a hard night, rough day, bad week, sad about x, happy about y, or depressed about z...It's all because I just wanna drink...end story. Excuses are for the weak.

Dewey Heersink: im a teenager in high school and ive noticed that a lot o! f people that r 18 or 19 are drinking and i think its wrong but there is no stoping it and i think they should make it about 19 because i think most of those who drink r between the ages of 18 and 21


Libby Berkovitch: well it depends on the person. But most ppl do it in a social setting, however I'm sure a lush doesn't need a reason.


Branden Roddick: Just on some days I drink. But never need an excuse.☺

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