Tuesday 28 July 2020

What dose it mean if my beagle constantly yawns and licks his lips all day?  

What dose it mean if my beagle constantly yawns and licks his lips all day?  

answers 0:What dose it mean if my beagle constantly yawns and licks his lips all day?answers 1:hes hungranswers 2:A dental problem comes to mind. You should have your dog checked by a vet. That isn't normal.answers 3:It could be w submissive behavior or the dog can be trying to calm himself, some of the dogs I take in will face away and hide in the corner, lick, their lips almost constantly and not seem to relax or settle until they are locked inside emir kennels. If I bring them back out and assign one on one attention with them, brushing them, walking them or keeping them on a leash they seem to slow down or stop this behavior.If your dog has suddenly started doing this and has not been doing it all along it could be a dental or pain issue or something else.It can't hurt to have a vet do a dental exam pause a once over to make sure every! thing is fine. Next would be spending some more time with the org to see if it's because he isnt feeling secure or is nurvous sbout something going on inside or directly outside the house. When we have construction in the area, several our dogs will pace or you can hear them licking working their mouths a lot. I just leave the door to ear kennels open so they can choose to go inside if they wish. When they do they will settle down and go to sleep, being inside a darkened crate makes them feel more secure....answers 4:That the Beagle needs a check-up.answers 5:Ask your vet if you're concerned, phone calls are free.

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