Sunday 5 July 2020

do you think weddings are vain?

Rubi Romo: I personally think weddings are pointless and incredibly expensive. Why spend god knows how much on a dress you'll only wear once?The only difference it makes to you (in my opinion) is the fact that in the eyes of the government you are officially a couple and you get a ring on your finger.Plus, if it doesn't work out you need to sort out the divorce and the crap that comes with that....Show more

Scot Rotruck: I think they're an impractical waste of a lot of money!!!!!

Kelly Bistodeau: Personally, I think weddings are overrated. I would prefer to take a couple of my close friends and family and go to a drive thru in Vegas!!!That would be fun!! Then w/ all the money I will have saved on not having an outrageous wedding I'd take a memorable vacation/honeymoon to Italy, Egypt, France one of those:)

Lou Ravelo: i also feel people should not look down upon if they dont give a huge gift.

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