Monday 20 July 2020

Which Board games can play 8 people?

Betsey Muehlbach: monopolygame of life sorryuno spade is a gud card gameb.s. or bull **** is 1 of d best card game u can play ...Show more

Noah Deni: wits and wagersapples to applesa list of 8 player games: my opinion, anything rated more than six would probably be pretty good....Show more

Heidi Creselious: scrabble

Filiberto Amauty: You can always try MONOPOLY...don't know how long it will last though.

Toby Caswell: While not exactly a board game, Taboo is loads of fun, and great for a group of 8 people.

Nicolasa Henke: Werewolf, aka Mafia better than lying to your friends in the daylight, and hunting them down at night :-)Time's Up! on crack, as my friend likes to call it. Great fun, guaranteed to add some inside jokes to the next group get together.Also second G-E D's recommendations of Apples to Ap! ples and Wits & Wagers, both great group games....Show more

Nikita Schroepfer: very confusing stuff. browse onto yahoo. just that could actually help!

Rheba Cockman: Monopoly or Scrabble.

Lady Laflin: *Monopoly is a favorite that everyone enjoys...and it takes long*Scrabble has endless players and enhances memory and vocabulary*Trivial Pursuit is good with general knowledge*30 seconds - don't know if you've heard of it but it's a quick think game a bit like sharades*Cluedo has up to 8 players*PictionaryVisit this link for thousands of board games! more

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