Friday 24 July 2020

Dental Insurance for veneers?  

Dental Insurance for veneers?  

answers 0:I want to get 8 upper and 8 lower teeth done. How much would that be and what dental insurance covers cosmetics and how much does it cover (maximum coverage and minimum coverage). Okay thank you!answers 1:Veneers generally are not covered by dental insurance, at least none of the plans in states I know of do. Discount plans will have some coverage for veneers. You could try a dental school; the cost there will be about half of what you local dentist charges. You can find the nearest school here: 2:complex matter check out into google and yahoo just that can assistanswers 3:I don't think any dental insurance covers cosmetic work.answers 4:I don't think you'll find one but google is your friend.. ....

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