Monday 13 July 2020

What is the best Pina Conlada drink?

May Stands: Maybe you should look for pina conladas elsewhere like in the dictionary! it spells it right!

Marcia Cheathan: Try some of these recipes: are thicker, more along the lines of a smoothie. The ones listed below are probably more like the actual drink you would get a bar, minus the alcohol of course. The last one listed has lots of great non-alcoholic drink recipes. hope this helps you!!(if you don't want to make and just buy, SOBE makes a great coconut flavored drink and you could just add in your own pineapple! juice and crushed ice)...Show more

Oswaldo Rayburn: ignore I love..., there are some stupid people on here...everybody makes speeling mistakes on here!I know what you mean ,I love it too!I also love strawberry's frozen strawberries with lime, it's really nice, if u haven't tried it,you'd love it..Sainsbury's (if u r in UK) sell a really nice one in the carton section (non-chilled) fruit juice section, it;s called pineapple & coconut tastes great..of u want to make ur own please see my next to before answer, I out in a recipe with coconut & pineapple you might be interetsed in.also try this smoothie:1 cup orange juice1 cup chilled & quartered strawberrries(frozen frst)2 fresh banans (frozen&sliced)>put the orange juice in a blender, add the strawberries & bananas until smooth.I hope you like it!xxChoo...Show more

Merlin Fleischhacker: Humans make mistakes. There is no reason to be mean about it.

Giovanni Malool: The best PC is one ! made from 151 and real, clean snow.

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