Saturday 11 July 2020

Do all countries often eat foreign cuisines?

Devon Kalberer: Well i like:chocolate ice cream strawberry snowballscakecupcakesFrozen yogurtswell thats about it !...Show more

Dominic Sciancalepore: fly on an airplane to Japan, or just move to Japan that way everytime you crave sushi its so convenient to get at any grocery, convenience store or sushi restaurant

Bob Nakamoto: Lemon Bars with powdered sugar :p

Wally Perrien: it's more common in today's world.

Janean Guz: I love Greek food, wish there were more restaurants in my area. spanokopita ... mmmmm.

Jade Ohno: I love chocolate

Bob Nakamoto: I gave our Italian cousins a gentle ribbing on Facebook because they posted pics of an excursion to a sushi bar. Sushi in Italy?!?!? But yes, and Macdonald's does bang up business there too.

Sheldon Lally: I just came back from France. It has really gotten that way. I visited a famous market. I noticed 10 small places for lunch or dinner. One that has been there for many years se! rves fine French cuisine, but it was closed for reparations The other nine serve what must be considered non French products. It does look like falafel and cous-cous and pizza are becoming the national food.

Luis Mellon: All the country's have foreign cuisine eating places enjoyed by the locals, it is a common trend.

Bernie Cerra: omg i love greek food lol. i like gyros, falafel, grape leaves, feta cheese, hummus....yum!

Marcelina Schossow: Chewy oozy chocolate brownies fresh from the oven.....then hot caramel apple pie with cold vanilla ice cream on top for second desserts!

Kenneth Blacker: YUM! We had corn mousakka last night. I love it.

Rosella Figliola: It depends on each individual country. The two biggest factors are: how many different ethnicities are living in that country; and, how much disposable income do people have? It's always more expensive to be able to cook more than one type of cuisine (not that much more, but if you're o! n a really really tight budget, such as in Africa, you're goin! g to be able to cook the cheapest if you stick to cuisine that you know, and you won't be eating out much if at all).

Rosio Pasculli: so its 3;12 am and Im wide awake... I am CRAVING sushi... like.. I would pay extra.. I live in nj... crap.. its the night after christmas... why am I asking this question? idk either.

Dallas Bartolini: Custard, Coconut cream pie, mousse, fruit pie, pumpkin pie

Verena Koop: Chocolate cake

Ismael Sixon: We're so incredibly RICH in America that we can eat about anything. But if you're poor like most of the people in the world, you eat what there is - which is mostly cabbage and beans and some peppers and rice - often very little meat. Sometimes some fruit.

Penelope Armond: OMG yes my papou made ma pastichio um.kai i mama ene to puo orea dolmathakia kai souzoukakia YummyI LUV GREEK FOOD.

Kassie Kay: Oh, god, yes! Roasted honey chicken and all that spectacular variety. Good, clean, delicious cuisine.

Vi! ckie Sterbenz: What is your fav type of greek food?

Dorinda Metzer: It is a fairly recent phenomena, but yes, most "modern" countries have different types of food. Feels very strange to eat Chinese food in Greece or Italian food in Japan. It does depend on the country though, the more cosmopolitan the country or at least the major cities, more likely you'll find different cuisine. But in country side or a country still very strongly ethnic, it is harder to find different foods. Remember the US is made up mostly of immigrants so the national cuisine has been mixed since early times....Show more


Norris Rosener: Yummo! I love going to Greektown. There are many great restaurants you could try. Another great place on Monroes is Fishbones, if you didn't like greek food. You must check out Astories , awesome desserts!!! My favorite on any Greek restaurant menu is the stuffed grapes leaves, try it~ you'll love it.

Fanni! e Collingwood: I've never tried Greek food before & am very curious of ! the flavours & how they taste like. What are the typical Greek food available?

Joan Stavropoulos: in uk, we say similar - indian food and chinese food have long been very popular with restaurants and takeaways in every village as well as incredible numbers competing in the cities. however, in recent years it's become popular to have specific malls and districts in urban places that offer a variety of food. so join the 'staples' with hamburger joints of course to italian (very popular at the moment), japanese, mexican, spanish, african, vietnamese, and other us foods....Show more

Sammy Kar: Yes and no. As you noted, the US is a nation of immigrants from all over the world so there is a reason why there such a wide variety of cuisines from all over the world available in the US. In countries that have a multi ethnic population, then there will be cuisines representative of those various groups.The only exception to this is Japan which has a very low non-Japanese! population and, yet, have an incredible diverse food culture. A major reason for this is that the Japanese have always been fascinated by foods from other countries. The best Italian food outside of Italy I ever had was in Tokyo. They also have French, German, Chinese, Korean, American, Spanish, Indian, and Thai foods available although it costs more than the average Japanese eatery....Show more

Daria Verfaillie: yes i love shish kebabs and falafel sandwiches.

Jackelyn Archut: The country I can speak for a little is the Philippines. There, I know that there are Chinese-cuisine-style restaurants (but often they also have Chinese-influenced Filipino dishes in addition to actual Chinese dishes), and also Japanese and Korean are popular there. American, too.

Julienne Poplawski: Whenever I go to Germany I find Döner cafes/eateries all over the place (Döner being Turkish). There's also a lot of Italian places, just a few Asian places, and very few Mexican/S! panish places.

Carter Dewater: America is a mix of people from al! l over the world and many things you think are American are actually have their roots from somewhere else. I suspect any country that has lots of folks from elsewhere will also have lots of foods from other countries. I always hear of UK folks talking of wanting or loving a good curry..Thats Indian food. I am sure its the same everywhere in any larger city.

Miguel Koczela: Falafels aren't originally Greek!

Everette Rovinsky: Lemon Bars with Powdered SugarChocolate Covered StrawberriesKey Lime Pie andBetter Than Sex Cake

Verena Koop: Hi there, Question should be (who doesn't like real Greek food?) Authentic real Greek food caters for carnivores, and gourmet vegans alike, it is mild , brings out the best in the ingredient used, and last but not least it is recognized all over the world as being the best diet for along and healthy life, who can top that? and it is delish! my favorites are taramosalata, ! charcoal grilled octopus , greek salad, pastichio, mousaka, and a huge slice of galaktoboureko for desert, the aultimate authentic Greek feast, and by the way the modern version of mousaka with the bechamele sauce on it, is pure Greek. Yia mas!...Show more

Bernie Cerra: Run to 7-11 and grab some? Though, I would probably regret getting convinience store sushi...

Ruby Martis: Make some yourself. I always have everything ready in case I want some.

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