Sunday 19 July 2020

Are amusement parks allowed to amuse you without any restrictions?

Ardath Templer: I remember when Six Flags New England put in Catapult last year. They had a ton of meetings with the Agawam town board, and almost wasn't allowed to install the ride. Agawam argued that SFNE already HAD two really tall rides (Superman and Scream), and that having another would ruin the landscape.Agawam then realized that Six Flags brings in a crapload of money to thier economy, and relented, but the point is, the town that the park is in, unless the park's name is Disney, gives approval to the park before rides can go in....Show more

Raul Tllo: idk but if there were height limits that would suck

Filiberto Amauty: Well they are family places if that is what you mean there are no adult only amusement parks or nudest amusement parks if that is what you mean.

Kenneth Thuesen: Depending on the area, it's different. I know for Disney World the castle was almost so high they'd have to put airplane warnings on them. So yes, they do have restr! ictions like all businesses, but in certain areas they are not very strict. Disney owns such a huge chunk of land in Orlando that it's not much of a concern, but for Six Flags in Denver (which is directly in the middle of downtown) for an example the restrictions are much different.~disneyinfo...Show more

Mark Hovanes: they can build as high or low as they want as long as they have the money and they can effectivly prove no one will get hurt having fun

Eliseo Luma: any structure has to follow the building code or guidelines set by that city or state.

Bob Nakamoto: yes

Irving Jordahl: Depends on the theme park - restrictions are different in all places. For instance Alton Towers in England are unable to build above tree height, as rides must not be visible from outside the park, though this is the main reason why their Nemesis ride is such an experience, as much of their main coasters ends up underground.Planning permission is needed for all rides, a! nd everything has to be checked with locals and the authoritie! s before anything is built - there are strict guidelines indeed concerning the construction of amusement rides - in the UK anyway....Show more

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