Sunday 5 July 2020

Is it legal to tell someone you supervise they they have poor hygeine?  

Is it legal to tell someone you supervise they they have poor hygeine?  

answers 0:I am a fairly new supervisor and supervise a senior citizen who has very poor hygeine. Other co-workers come to me almost everyday to tell me that she smells. It's a combination of body order and bad breath because she also has poor dental hygeine. My company is a small non-profit and I don't think we have ever encountered this problem before. How can this be handled without breaking any labor laws?answers 1:i would say go to your boss about what every ones saying, ask he/she if you should say something to that person, let them know that you didn't want to break any rules by approaching her first!answers 2:you ought to continually be very careful while tackling matters on the subject of very own hygeine. asserting the incorrect component could have an destructive ! effect on somebody for something of their lives. attempt a very subtle techniques-set in the commencing up via exclaiming some thing like: " What the f**ok is that stink? Has a rat crawled up your a**e and died? If this would not artwork replace jobs!answers 3:When I was in high school a teacher made an enlarged picture of my butt to be funny. It was not funny and turned into major issues because it humiliated me. I emailed my former principal today expressing outrage about what occurred. He said he couldn't talk to me about specifics. Of course he defended her saying if Mrs. Olsen knew then what she knew now she certainly would not have played the prank. He also said to be clear that was not a valid reason for her to do what she did. He also told me I cant blame her for not telling it classmates because she had been told not to talk about it in class. He also reminded me that usually there is 2 stories but she took the high road and admired to everything. Mrs Olsen has b! een a great teacher for years she deserved a second chance. It! makes me sick. Ik a get out of jail free card not a human being....answers 4:I don't know if this "confession" would be admissible in court, but it certainly would get the police to do a little investigation on the matter.answers 5:I don't know about illegal, but I do know it's dangerous!answers 6:In regards to this individual, you should talk to him in private and let him know how others feel insulted with his hygiene. Offer your help at her request. Are you sure you do not have a homeless working for you? It is in your approach and on one on one conversation that you will not violate this person's rights. Botton line: Your word against the other person word....answers 7:Taking an employee off to the side and advising them of this problem is not illegal. Use tact and don't run around telling everyone that you told them.answers 8:Doesn't matter what you are doing. If there are curfew laws where you live and you are a minor, you can be cited.answers 9:If you're bein! g interviewed in a documentary, and you say you have done something like grand larceny, or murder, can you be arrested strictly for you saying that? I know that you can't be for songs(I.E. Dance with the devil by Immortal Technique). But I thought it might be different for a documentary since those are heavily based in reality.answers 10:Yes, you should for the benefit of everybody. As long as you use tact, you shouldn't have a problem.answers 11:You're going to have to tell her about this, as it is disturbing other workers. Try to be as gentle as you can be, but it has to be done. You would probably have problems if you threatened to fire her, but letting her know that she needs to be neater and cleaner should even be written down in some kind of company policy.answers 12:I've seen that picture.It wasn't enlarged, your butt is that big.answers 13:Buy them some soap

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