Tuesday 21 July 2020

Latter-Day Saints: Do you play card games?

Cyndy Grimes: Yes, I do. All the time. My favorite game is Poker, and I'm crazy good at Blackjack and Hearts. I don't have a problem with face cards. I know some people--of many faiths--consider using face cards a form of idolatry, but that's nonsense. We're not worshiping the cards. We're not praying to them. I do consider gambling a sin, but if I'm just playing a game, where's the harm? God wants us to enjoy ourselves, and as long as we don't let card games become anything more than a game, I don't think there's anything sinful about using them....Show more

Trena Berum: It's what you do with the cards that's the main thing. If you use the cards to get gain, ie. gamble then that can and maybe a problem. However, I've used Face Cards to play Go Fish, Crazy Eights, and Speed with. They are something to pass away dull moments with nothing to do.I suppose a lot of the controversy comes from the fact that Face cards have a bit of a dubious history because face c! ards came out of the whole tarot card thing. My dad before he was a member of the church, read tarot cards and studied palm reading. So he sort of did a bastardized card reading with face cards once right in front of me. Course he doesn't do it that much anymore because it's more or less a priest craft and shouldn't really be done. I think that's the reason why people say it's evil and/or bad. But really it's what you do with the cards. Frankly to me they are harmless cards. To others it can be a tool for gambling and fortune telling....Show more

Jacques Teri: I grew up not playing with them but I do now. A long time ago one of the prophets (J.F. Smith I think) discouraged it. He was talking about how members of the church should avoid saloons and the things that are associated with them, namely card games (gambling), alcohol, women, smoking, etc.In recent years it's been re-emphasized that gambling should be discouraged but there was no mention of face cards. I ! wouldn't feel the need to hide my face cards if my Stake Presi! dent was coming over. I don't feel guilty when I use them and I don't feel the need for repentance when I do use them. There's nothing inherently bad about the cards themselves, although I do avoid games that people typically gamble on because I don't want to tempt myself to gamble on them later, but that's just me. (poker, blackjack, Texas hold em, etc)...Show more

Lynn Melbourne: Yes I do play cards with face cards... I know my old singles ward had "card night" on thursdays... though I know some who don't play with face cards because of "gambling" though there are many card games that have nothing to do with gambling!

Julienne Poplawski: Everyone at the school plays with cards...and they pray to the Latter-Day Saints...but they are the Seven Day Adventist sort...Also Gambling is wrong anyway..so many lives ruined out numbers the winning people's lives

Charissa Bichsel: well, im not a mormon, but my best friend is.... and he and his family have no probl! em with cards or card games. We have even participated at a poker tourney at his church

Stevie Goldey: I ask because I was at my family reunion all last week and the subject of playing with face cards came up. One of my cousins is on a mission and someone told him that it was evil to play cards and he was kind of taken aback because he's always played cards and it's never bothered him to do so.

Hyo Hardell: I play games like Hearts, or pinochle, Gin, Those kinds of games with face cards. I am also an avid Solitare player. Just because you are playing a game with face cards doesn't make it bad. It's when you add the Gambling aspect to the game that can get you into trouble.

Ayesha Genova: I play games with face cards all the time as do all other LDS people of my acquaintance. I have never met anyone who is opposed to them. Even my mother and Mother in law who are as strait as you can get will still play with them.

Donnell Mollo: I play Solitaire and F! ree Cell on the computer all the time when waiting for other programs t! o load, and those are face cards. I do not ever play card games at places where gambling goes on, though.

Melvina Bieri: There are a few select quotes where cards are referred to as "evil". I want to say Joseph F. Smith didn't have a very fond appreciation of them, and maybe McConkie, in his book Mormon Doctrine might have used "evil" to describe them.I agree with the responses in the fact that it is what you make out of it. Cards can be used for evil purposes, but on the same token, can be used for good purposes too. My family plays half a dozen or so games regularly for FHE and Sunday night activities. To me, I know that I feel good when I'm actually interacting with my family, instead of having all of us around the boob tube.I'm not immediately aware of an official doctrine of the church that calls card playing, "evil". Sounds like a fun Google/lds.org search to me.Thanks!...Show more

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