Thursday 23 July 2020

what should I do?? gambling problems, help 10 points.?

Malcom Fenoff: It's hard to be the daughter since you feel like you have no control. The truth is, the brunt of this falls to your mother.The best thing you can do is to talk with your father and tell him how proud you are that he has made it for 11 months without gambling. You said he needs money to go to your country. Let him know that you can wait longer, and that you don't have to go right now. Let him know that it's more important that he stays away from gambling. Let him know THAT is what you want more than anything else.Be encouraging, and let your mother do all the more specific things to protect your family against this evil addiction....Show more

Barton Slisz: Most Casinos-Harrah's properties for sure-have a "gambling anonymous" plan of sorts where you can ask them to ban you from their properties. If you ever set foot on their casino floors security will escort you off and if you try it again that day they will have the police come and remove you fro! m the grounds. It isn't a total solution but it is a start.Addictions must be overcome in the mind-though typically are just replaced by other (often more socially acceptable) addictions. That doesn't stop him from going and playing in home cash games-but there is probably some sort of out reach group in your community that can help him....Show more

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