Saturday 18 July 2020

Christians and Drinking?

Maritza Ebanks: God hopes you'll change your mind and believe in him. You have the rest of your life up until your last breath to make that decision. He gave you free will so the choice is yours.

Lucille Saetteurn: You don't. Nobody KNOWS. I am just on the fence about any religion at this point. It seems pointless to me at this point. Too many versions of the Bible, too many people translating it in different ways, religions using the same Bible yet teaching it in completely different ways, ppl arguing on a simple question of whether Jesus is God's son or God himself, arguing over what God's name is. Then there's the fact that the Bible states that being gay is a sin, when i think ppl are born that way and can't simply choose their sexuality, i know i can't choose to be gay so how could they choose to be straight? Just annoyed with religious people at this point. Lol...Show more

Chanda Wittwer: Drinking is not that big of a deal. But getting drunk howeve! r, is a big deal. When you get either drunk or high, your mind is not in the same state, which can be dangerous. Honestly, this link will probably explain it all.

Chadwick Schmelz:

Maria Bengston: Not all religions are Bible based, and I'm not talking about the Koran either (no point in exchanging one oppressive religion for a more oppressive one. If you do stick with the Bible, you should realize that these are stories told from the point of view of the author (no not God) For the moment let's assume Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They each wrote about something that they saw and it was copied by hand until the 16th century (invention of the printing press) with no oversight until around 400 ad. That's when Rome took over the church. They inserted their own agenda into it, truth was secondary at best. So you're right to take what you read with a grain of salt. People will always interpret what they see or re! ad through their own shortcomings and prejudice. See if you ca! n get just a hint of what may have actually occurred. A hint is all you can get. No different from an archeologist who finds the foundation of a building and some pottery and comes up with how these people lived. He could be dead on or so far off that it's laughable. You only have to decide for you. One rule I've gone by is that people that insist that you believe what they tell you to, always have an agenda that goes past the actual teaching and into their plans for your life. It might help to read the "Bhagavad Gita" or "Three Zen Masters" Just to get an idea of how different cultures treat their sacred writings....Show more

Theresia Fashaw: Reading the article, from what I can gather the boy never actually claimed to be a 'Buddha'.Although who are we to judge, is not all religion a belief based on faith, and as such both deniable/undeniable as any individual deems at the time. The important aspect about this is that his presence is bolstering the faith of those t! hat are coming into proximity of him. What other people think does not matter.Only time will tell....Show more

Ignacio Imbier: I believe what the Bible says, and if something seems controversial, I pray about it, and God always leads me to the answer in some way. I know that when He saved me, everything about me changed in a split second-I went from being bisexual, doing drugs, alcohol, being filled with the Holy Spirit and hated all the things I used to one or nothing but God can do that! Billions of others have had similar experiences when they submit to Him completely. Not only that, but He taught me about Jesus, gave me visions of Him, and I fell completely in love with Him and believe everything He says in the Bible. I know, without a doubt that He is alive, and that each one of us is going to have to face Him for judgement one day, and that He has provided a way for us to escape the wrath of God and be with Him forever. He is with me daily! . No other "religion" can claim that they actually have a relationship! with their god. Only through Jesus Christ can this happen, because He is the "Mediator" between God and man....Show more

Jerrod Guilfoil: Its not wrong to drink alcohol, as you are correct that there are passages in the Bible where Jesus is drinking. Most notable one was in the start of his ministry, he changed a few jugs of water into wine when the wedding he was at ran out. You may drink, but it needs to be done in moderation.

Bud Espenshade: Ok it is best to not imbibe at all- that way you have no chance of overindulging or becoming addicted. That said, God did not get mad at Noah for drinking the wine but for getting drunk on the wine. All things are permissible but not all things are beneficial. All things in moderation. I have seen the damage that alcoholism does to people and their families. What you do does not only effect you but at least 17 others in a negative way. ( stats from AA and ALON) So I suggest :BEFORE YOU DRINK-THINK!!!!...Show more!

Tom Romer: Thats about as simple as I can put it. Anything else always brings people trying to offer advice and prayer and bible studying. I cannot make myself believe in this (or any) religion. Does he uderstand, or will I go to hell (if its there).

Janean Guz: I had the same dilemma but i solved it. I went to the church apologized god i will not believe in him but i will try to be good person. I think if there is god he or she wants people to be good at each other. Every religion says the same thing be good and you will go to heaven. So try to do the best of yourself and don't worry bout hell.

Annabell Bevier: I know its hard... even for those who believe in Him. It is a choice however, we have chosen to believe. You have to make up in your mind that you will choose to believe. If you speak negative thoughts about God and do not open your mind to receive understanding, then you will not. Pray for truth and be open to receive it... when u seek, u ! will find... when u seek with your whole heart!

Clement Viscarro:! Drinking is perfectly alright in moderation.

Armanda Hertel: Buddha cannot be reincarnated.A Buddha is one that has gained enlightenment and has broken free from the cycle of rebirth and samsara.The boy can claimed wherever he wants;enlighten,arahant,etc,but to claim to be Buddha is an insult to all Buddhists because we are at present living in the era of Gotama Buddha.

Toby Caswell: Drink as much as you want!

Norma Marsalis: Hell=Grave

Jacinta Moitoso: God knows you better than you know yourself. He says in his word that even nature testifies that there is a God. It might seem like a dilemma to you, but God might find it to really be pride and rebellion. What is the condition of your heart? Do you feel you know what love is?

Randal Deyarmond: I've come cross a few, and unfortuanetly alot of my girlfriends family, who basically classify drinking just one fashion. Meaning there isn't 1) responsible drinking and 2) irresponible drinking.....! Once they hear I drink, all I hear and mostly behind my back, is all negative things. As with me personally, I drink 1 or 2 a month and 3-5 drinks and no driving/etc. Yet to them, it's like I killed someone.

Nestor Klan: I saw the story on Yahoo; but I don't believe it.

Bethany Blocker: Well, at least its not another Virgin Mary on a shopping mall window.

Robin Tommie: Read their actions in context with what they were doing. I get the impression that drinking is acceptable, but getting drunk is not.

Willis Liburd: That is a question only God can answer but because you are concerned about Him understanding you displays your belief that God exists. God has created us to have the ability to recognize and know Him. Sometimes people try too hard to understand God instead of just believing in Him and enjoying Him. We will never understand God...we know what we need to know and the rest is in His hands.


Hilma Pestano: Drunkards go to hell, sorry. From your loving homosexual, in the same scripture quote.

Lauri Ohl: Some Christians think it is wrong to drink because alcohol is a drug and they want to treat their body as the temple of God. Plus in Jesus' day there weren't all the alternatives to drinking alcohol that we have today. But in my opinion as long as you only drink responsibly (so no getting drunk and only drinking after age 21) there's nothing against it in the Bible.

Eleni Mccier! : Just playing the devil's advocate here. What is it about your belief system that makes a difference one way or the other? If you didn't believe in cancer would you be able to avoid it by proclaiming your skepticism in the face of a three pack a day Lucky Strikes habit? Since your belief (or absence thereof) is pretty much irrelevant, I haven't got anything to base God's level of understanding with your choices. My guess is, She's going to send your doubtful @ss to hell. But take heart my brother. You'll probably be in good company....Show more

Dorris Homola: Here are some of our scriptural guidelines:Phl 4:5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand. Eph 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit

Iris Shawcroft: Two things...One, the Bible warns against being drunk or looking on "strong" drink. It does not say drinking a beer once in a while is bad.Two, there is no biblical evidence that Jesus! ever drank alcoholic drinks. None.However, the Bible does warn us not! to make provisions for the flesh. Drinking, or going places alcohol is served could be tempting the flesh for some people....Show more

Sharri Scalley: Listen to your heart

Ulrike Hert: your right its called being "agnostic"

Edmund Rappley: Can't be Buddha. He obviously desires attention.

Ron Keliipio: There is a difference between a glass of wine now and then and "drinking". Jesus did not hang out with his buddies doing shots. He did not need to have an alcoholic drink to relate well to other people or to have a good time. Hard liquor was not a part of his culture. There was no refrigeration, so making wine was a good way to have a drink that provided important calories and nutrients and yet didn't go stale.It's easy to say "no cheating, no fighting, nothing else bad" but if you put yourself in a situation where a lot of other people are drinking and there is great temptation you can't really say that isn't going to happen. Also, we now know ! that even one glass of an alcoholic beverage while a woman is pregnant can cause severe birth defects for her unborn child. And, some people are so easily disposed to alcoholism that they can't really just take a drink "now and then". They have to totally abstain. Refraining from drinking means that you are helping them as well, because you are setting up a social situation where it is really ok not to drink. I do drink, but never more than one glass, never when I'm driving, never when I am alone, and never when I am upset. This translates into about one glass a month or less....Show more

Curt Broadhead: There is no command against drinking, there is against drunkenness.

Galen Gowers: The bible does not condemn alcohol. But there are other reasons why some people stay away from it completely. I do not know why some people claim that the bible condemsn it, other than the fact that many people do not have a clue about what the bible says.

Dedra Furguson:! I am a Buddhist. It's common for many people to think that there is Bu! ddha, and everyone worships him or learns from him or whatever. But no, even in the Buddha's time there are said to have been thousands of Buddhas. The word "buddha" is only another word for one who has reached Nirvana by extinguishing desire. So he may be a Buddha, who has chosen to come back after Nirvana to help people find the Path. But personally I think that it doesn't matter. If the end result is that more people are made content by hearing of this, then I have only this opinion: You go, Buddha boy....Show more

Shemeka Laker: he has a mental disorder of course and needs professional help .

Lynn Mctier: Many early saints spent their lives in the desert doing penance for what they did earlier in their lives. As you come to greater understanding of your faults you come to greater understanding of His mercy. Amen.Baby steps for babies.Great running strides for athletes.Slow steady pace for the elderly.The same as taking vitamins to keep your body strong, s! o is prayer and worship a remedy for your soul....Show more

Robt Heemstra: Christianity is not a religion.It is a relationship with God. You will find God when you seek Him with pure heart. That is His promise, and He keeps His promises. Only God knows where you are going. You have the say so,because you have your free will. God put the hunger in my heart for His Word. I know it works, so I encourage you to give it your best try. But if you choose not to believe in Him, that is OK by me. : )...Show more

Patricia Bolduc: Im afraid you will go to Hell if you do not place belief in Him. Dont give up yet. Keep praying and reading the Bible. Talk to some Christians you know. God loves you. Take some time off of here. It might help. I find that if I spend too much time on here my faith weakens so I take a break. DO NOT GIVE UP. Im going to pray for you.

Raul Lushbaugh: I thought this was an interesting artical. This boy is said, by some, to be the reincarnation! of Buddah. Have you heard of this and what do you think?http://news.ya!

Jasper Mangel: we'll see after six years. it's too early to say something about this now. he could be just another joker. so lets wait and see.

Bruce Calise: It all comes down to sinning..If you drink to get drunk, you are more likely to sin...Another thing is this:...Your body is a temple where the holy spirit is in dwelling and you should not do anything to defile your temple and if drinking impairs one thinking, how much more is it doing to seperate you from the holy spirit if you are not pure in mind, heart, soul and spirit?....

Seema Hosfeld: go to and find some answers.

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