Wednesday 15 July 2020

Can a vegetarian eat turkey?

Jackson Esmiol: they sell huge blocks of sliced cheese commercially and some pricing clubslooking around, i see they sell at least 5 pound packages of sliced cheese

Joesph Smithmyer: no. a vegetarian cant eat red or white meat and many don't even eat seafood.

Voncile Slaubaugh: grains, seeds, nuts, cheese, "egg whites", legumes are all good sources of protein. you could try hummus, there's a variety of them.also, have grape juice or pineapple juice after your exercises and work outs, it'll help build your protein reserves. you could try cashew butter, or almond butter on toast, it's some tasty stuff, red bell pepper hummus with tortilla chips, that's also pretty good.personally i've never had problems maintaining protein levels in my diet unless i started eating too much fruit in place of fat/protein foods or starve myself.she could also just be pulling your leg. pretty much all foods will have some level of protein or fat in them. but grains/nuts/eggs/cheese ! will have a higher protein bio-availabilityi wouldn't recommend soy so much, just regular milk is fine, almond milk is also quite delicious....Show more

Pei Heatherly: I'm on a budget, I am going vegan for lent(eastern orthodox) and I need some more ideas. I have an idea for tacos, and a stir fry but I need more quick ideas to make the rest of this time with stuff I may already have. I'd like Breakfast, Lunch and dinner ideas, something simple and quick to make if possible, thanks....Show more

Wally Gower: Breakfast: beans on toastrice and beansburrito with beans, rice, and other goodiesLunch:beans and ricebeans on toast with salsa or guacamole, or bothbean saladDinner:any combination of the aboveThere is a reason beans and rice are a staple in almost every single country. They are cheap, healthy, and satisfying. Obviously, I am suggesting you make beans and rice, but you should take a can of beans and cook them until they are tender and stewy. Then, when you ha! ve the day off you should buy a bag of beans, soak them overni! ght, and then cook them the next day. You will have enough beans for almost the whole week if you plan accordingly. And, because there are hundreds of different legumes, you can try a new type each week (as you will most likely get sick of eating the same bean for a week).You could do a feijoada one week, then the next azuki stew, and the next moong dal.[Edit] Oh yes, definitely stock up on rolled oats if you have them. You can mix half a cup of oats with any dried/fresh fruits you have, a teaspoon of cinnamon and a little sugar, then add enough water to cover the oats, wrap it in plastic wrap to steam. Oh my god, it's delicious and it only takes three or four minutes....Show more

Maynard Reevers: No way! You can only eat vegetables.

Bruce Calise: Kraft cheese isn't vegetarian. =( They use dead animal enzymes in their cheeses. If you put this in the wrong category by mistake, then nevermind!

Mitchel Demry: No. Vegetarians don't eat dead animals. If she ! doesn't know that turkey is A turkey, she's never going to graduate.

Bernadette Roel: I know they have 24 pack but do they make it bigger then that

Olen Penhallurick: Hemp seeds, three tablespoons with breakfast. Try them in a smoothie made of frozen banana chunks and soy milk.Also, see the article I wrote titled, "Shouldn't I Worry About Getting Enough Protein?" on my free site of heath information, (It's the second article from the top.)...Show more

Violette Vanek: True vegetarians dont eat meat of any kind. Not even fish. It doesnt have to be red. Any meat like chicken, beef, pork ect arent eaten x

Hollis Demasters: Other taco idea: black beans, carmelized onions, baked sweet potato chunks with hot sauce. (I also love sour cream, but you said vegan.) Check out the Moosewood Cookbooks for stew ideas. E.g., but skip the chicken stock.

! Delmer Pectol: turkey is in fact a meat. anything from a living animal ! is meat. vegetarians don't eat meat. they should just say they don't eat red meat and not say they're a vegetarian

Lynn Melbourne: a vegetarian can eat turkey, but once they do they can no longer call themself a vegetarian.

Caroyln Ebach: I once had access to a shop that I could get a lot of veggies that were a little past the best by date really cheap, but still edible, and after just cleaning them up a little they were perfect, to cook up as stir-fries and soups etc.

Bettye Arre: no, a vegetarian can't eat any kind of meat = poultry, fish, red meat, white meat, etc. your friend is probably a flexetarian.

Lizzette Wendroth: Lentilschickpeasblack beansyellow dalsplit peasricepotatoespumpkinsonionscarrots- all these above are the cheapest foods on the planet and always have been. They are also extrmely healthy. Use pices like curry, salt pepper, garlic and herbs to tart them up. Potato and chickpea curryLentil shephards pie with carrots turnips, onion! s and a potato mash crust.Onion and broccoli pie- make a crust with WW flour, water and oil, use soysauce for flavour.Black beans and rice tacos- stuff some shells with beans and rice, and shredded soycheese ( it's way cheaper and IMO much tastier than cow cheese).Others- baked potato, baked sweet potato, baked pumpkin slices with soycheese and walnuts ( they may be more pricey but a few go a long way). Wholewheat pita ( can get for $1 at a good ethnic market, stuff with chickpeas, herbs, spinach and tofu.Find a good ethnic market or Asian market- the fruit and veg, dried beans, dried seaweed and nuts are three times less cost than the usual bad american supermarket ( sorry if that sounds biased to Americans, but it's true), and then it's worth doing a bigger shop for less money. Tofu also is cheap- $ for a tub. Asian shops sell fresh and baked tofu for half the price of Krogers/Ralphs/Albertsons.All these are quick too. If you but dried beans, chickpeas and lentils- you ge! t four times as much food. One lb of dried beans/lentils/yellow dal or ! peas costs $1, and when you've soaked them a few days and cook them p you get about 4 lbs of cooked food. The canned beans and chickpeas are $1 for 1/2 a lb of food. Also the dried ones taste much much nicer and give you way more vitamins.I would always go for the dried ones. The only work is soaking them, and frankly if you're too lazy to do that, you've got trouble!! Soaking them a few days at least is amazing- just put them in a bowl of water and keep refreshing the water, when the beans start swelling up, still keep them soaking. They can soak indefinitiely even for weeks if you keep the water fresh. Then take some out to cook. The longer you soak the less time to cook. So it saves $$ by cooking time too.I know most people don't soak beans and peas and lentils all the time, and it's a shame. The taste of freshly cooked beans is incredible. When thy've soaked, they don't give off gas either. FOr a small bit of work I think most people would swithc their minds if they j! ust tried it for a week and realised the way smaller price and much tastier result.Wholewheat pitas are 79 cents for 10 at my local Jons- an Armenian supermarket. Find the ethic places, it's worth it.Good luck.PS oatmeal for breakfast, or rice porridge called Jook, like you get in China, it is also called Congee in Malaysia and other parts of SEA. It's the best breakfast, and made of rice- so cheap and easy. Add peanuts, tofu, soysauce and salted plums to make it taste. more

Lonnie Jehle:

Julee Lanham: More eggs, they have LOADS or protein.Cashews, pumpkin seeds and flax seeds also have a lot of protein. Ground flax seeds can be added to any baked goods.

Cortez Badolato: Does your friend know that turkeys are animals? Does she know that vegetarians don't eat animals? Because it doesn't seem like she does. Vegetarians do not eat ANYTHING that ! is made from flesh and was once alive.

Jill Thomer: in many situa! tions, Turkey isn't on the menu! yet there is not any longer something to end a vegetarian determining directly to alter their concepts approximately what they consume. Turkey is a living, respiratory being. Its lifeless physique could be categorized as meat and not vegetarian. in the event that they actually should be vegetarian they are going to chosen to no longer consume pink or white meats, fish, chicken the place the chicken, fish or animal's existence in ended to gratify their urge for food. Eggs and milk products dont end the creatures existence, yet some people take exception to the living circumstances the creatures are compelled to undergo and choose to bypass to a completely plant based weight loss application. that's as much as you what you opt for to do, and for what reason. I chosen to be vegetarian for well-being motives....Show more

Marcellus Yoshimori: Almost all non-vegetarians (even medical professionals) have this weird notion that it's hard to ge! t enough protein on a vegetarian diet. This is, quite simply, false. Protein deficiencies are rare except in people who are starving and malnourished, or who subsist off of the same protein-deficient staple food day in and day out. Clearly you don't plan on eating white rice with duck sauce for the rest of your life, so you're probably fine.Most of the foods you eat contain protein, except for most fruit and candy. They might not contain a "complete" protein (protein is made up of 20 amino acids; your body can make 12 of them, but you get the remaining 8 from the food you eat), but as long as you eat a varied diet, you'll get all the amino acids you need. The RDA for protein in 40-60 grams, depending on what you weigh; spend a day or two reading the nutrition facts for everything you eat, just so you know how much protein you're really getting. You can look up the nutrition content of eggs and stuff online. Odds are you're getting enough protein, but it's a good idea to mak! e sure you have a protein source in every meal you eat. Some easy prote! in-rich foods are: nuts, seeds, peanut butter or other nut butters, anything soy, tempeh, or seitan-based, most whole grains, eggs, milk, cheese, soy milk, beans, lentils, quinoa, and brown rice. Keep things like almonds and peanut butter pretzels around to snack on.I'd strongly recommend you browse the vegetarian cookbook section at a bookstore, to get your meal ideas flowing. "How It All Vegan" is one of my favorite cookbooks, and contains a good ingredient glossary. But also has a ton of recipes. I like making huge batches of 3-bean chili or lentil stew and freezing some of the leftovers. Also, there are some good protein shake mixes out there (I like Spiru-tein Chai Tea Latte) for days when you didn't eat much protein, had a hard workout, or need a quick meal.And finally, make sure you're getting enough iron, calcium, and B vitamins. It's much easier to become deficient in vitamins and minerals than in protein, so keep an eye on them and/or take a multivitam! in....Show more

Darrel Stele: Some vegetarians eat fish, but none eat turkey.

Stanton Villao: Morning Star, its in food lion, and farm fresh. It's made from all soy and 100% vegan:DYou cud always go to taco bell, and they will change anything into beans and take the cheese off. I love Taco Bell. Ive been Veggie for 3 years now.Morning Star is like 4 dollars and all you do is take it out of the freezer and microwave it. It's a super easy way to get veggie food. Trust me. They have breakfast lunch and dinner. Check it out!...Show more

Shamika Schools: She's not a vegetarian!

Sol Bayn: The best protein sources for vegetarians are nuts, beans, peanut butter, and eggs. If you eat 2 servings of any of those things per day, you should get sufficient protein.

Adrian Paraz: NOT VEGAN!!

Ulrike Hert: Turkey is the flesh of an animal so no...She's not a vegetarian.

Joey Mekeel: also no Morning Star! tried it and it was disgusting!!!

Maj! orie Chester: Sure they can, birds and fish are primitive species and f! eel no pain, they just can't eat red meat.

Derrick Cacioppo: Buy some oriental flavor ramen noodles, and some mixed frozen veggies (usually you can find peas and carrots for a dollar), and voila! You have yourself something cheap and somewhat tasty, yet extremely salty, to eat.

Mark Villifana: Can she? Most certainly, and we'd be happy to share.That said - turkey is an animal, so eating it is not vegetarian. They may be dumb as turnips, but they're still birds.

Morris Cuomo: Well mabye you should try, if not Tofu..TempehVeggie Delight things (vege sausages, fake'n bacon)Good sources of protein for vegetarians include nuts and seeds, pulses, soya products (tofu, soya milk and textured soya protein such as soya mince), cereals (wheat, oats, and rice), free-range eggs and some dairy products (milk, cheese and yoghurt). Eat cereal in the morning with milk....Show more

Ayesha Genova: Well i went vegetarian about a month and a half ago.I had my physical ! today for tennis and the nurse told me that i need to get protein because muscle is very important. So she told me to do some research and ask someone who is educated in vegetarianism. So if anyone out there is vegetarian please help!! what are some good recipes?I usually eat a sandwich with cheese and 2 egg whites. (dont like yolk)and other than that, just take the ham out of my sandwiches. I need some variety here. please no tofu or anything like that, just simple good food. =)i apprecite any help!! and i dont eat fish!!Its still an animal!!...Show more

Lynn Mctier: i think you have to chat with me i am problem solving machine my chat id is mail id is

Russell Mckinzie: it it ever had a heart beat........then NO!!

Len Dalba: In case you're not familar with plant milk, you can easily get Soy, Almond or Rice milk (vanilla flavored plant milks are the best, IMO, but I drink the chocolate ones for treats sometimes! ).That opens up cereal for breakfast, in case you thought that was off ! the menu..I generally eat cereal, oatmeal, mixed fruit or grits for breakfast. On weekends I make pancakes using ground flaxseed + water in place of eggs (rule of thumb to replace eggs in baking is 1/4th cup of water to a tablespoon of ground flaxseed = 1 egg). You can make pancakes just omitting the eggs, but my experience has been that they come out a little more gooey without the flaxseed replacing the eggs (they still taste fine, though).Easiest lunch for me is PB&J! You can also get various canned soups (lentil is my favorite, since it is filling). But be sure to read the labels. For example Healthy Choice vegetable soup is vegan, but Progresso vegetable soup is not. However, Progressor's lentil soup IS vegan. Generally black bean, tomato, vegetable and lentil soups are safe, just double-check the labels to be sure.For lunch I also sometimes mix up rice & beans with canned tomatoes, kale and spinach. To do this, I use a stove - if you're in a dorm, you might be SOL. I ! cut up onions and garlic, and put them in a frying pan with olive oil. Then saute the kale and spinach, and add them to a can of to kidney or black beans and add the tomatoes. I then add it to cooked rice and squeeze lime all over everything. If I make a big pot of this on Sunday, I can pack it for lunch for days. (I had some today in fact)For dinner there's always pasta....Show more

Charissa Bichsel: Stir fry. Its the easiest, healthiest thing I can think of. You can even buy frozen vegetables if money becomes a problem or if you don't want to cut up fresh ones. Quinoa, or brown rice are easy and will go well with mostly anything. Don't fall into the traps of the really easy stuff like ramen noodles, mac and cheese, or soy meats. They may be easy, but they're not exactly good for you. What really inspires me is going to a whole foods store. I always leave there ready to cook. good luck!...Show more

Peggy Sandefer: No. Vegetarians don't eat flesh. If it was a li! ving creature it counts. Some people think that you can be vegetarian an! d eat chicken or fish, but that's completely incorrect. I don't know why some people get that idea. But no, if you're calling yourself vegetarian then you don't eat meat, gelatin, chicken or beef broth, rennet, or lard. Basically any part of an animals body. Vegetarians still eat the byproducts like eggs and dairy though.

Voncile Slaubaugh: It is not vegetarian, but it's probably healthy for her not to deprive herself. She can work towards being 100% vegetarian at her own pace.

Julee Lanham: No, hon. If you eat the flesh of an animal, you are not a vegetarian in any way. This includes fish, although many yuppies like to claim otherwise:-)Maybe your friend is starting off slow. Taking out red meat first? If there is any doubt as to what vegetarian is, just show her a dictionary.

Randal Deyarmond: Vegan Chili is pretty simple.Saute chopped onion & 8oz mushrooms in a little oil. Add can or two of beans, can of any kind of tomatoes or even plain tomato sa! uce. Add chili seasoning or just chili pepper and salt, let simmer while you study! You can get a big pot of chili and freeze some for another time. You have to be sure to eat things with protein. Any kind of eggs, do you eat dairy? Cheeses, beans, nuts and peanut things. Years ago I sometimes did not make regular meals, I just ate here and there, but healthy things, not junk food! 1/4 cup nuts and sunflower seeds, then a bowl of cereal later when I was hungry again. Stuff like that....Show more

Judie Kise: No.

Derrick Cacioppo: Noo! Vegetarians don't eat ANY kind of meat whatsoever.

Irma Poiter: Vegetarian - no meat. That includes fish, poultry, lamb, pork, etc. No animal flesh at all. If you eat animal flesh, you're not a vegetarian.

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